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What resources does the Social and Economic Committee (ESC) have?
Verified 31 March 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
In order to carry out its tasks, the Social and Economic Committee (ESC) has material and financial resources which vary according to the number of staff in the company. CSE members also receive training.
What applies to you ?
Less than 11 employees
There are no ESCs in companies with fewer than 11 employees.
Companies of 11 to 49 employees
The EESC has no budget.
The employer shall provide the members of the ESC staff delegation with the necessary premises to enable them to carry out their duties and, in particular, to meet.
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To inform employees, the CSE has a billboard. It must be different from the one used for union communications.
EESC members are trained in health, safety and working conditions.
The duration of the training shall be:
- 5 days at their 1er mandate,
- 3 days in case of renewal of their mandate.
Time spent on training is taken from working time.
The employee is paid by the employer.
Training time is not deducted from delegation hours.
Funding for this training is provided by the employer. This training can also be funded by theOpco: titleContent.
Companies with more than 50 employees
The EESC has an operating budget and a budget for social and cultural activities (SCAs).
The employer provides an operating grant to the CSE based on the size of the company.
The operating budget of the EESC is set at:
- 0.20% of the gross wage bill in companies from 50 to 1999 employees,
- 0.22% in companies with at least 2000 employees.
The budget for social and cultural activities is set by company agreement.
In the absence of an agreement, the annual contribution shall be calculated by reference to the ratio of the contribution to the gross wage bill for the preceding year.
Thus, the ratio of the contribution to the gross wage bill for year N cannot be less than the same ratio existing for year N-1.
Example :
A company has assigned €75,000 of subsidy. The payroll is €750,000.
The ratio of this contribution is 75,000/750,000 = 0.1, i.e. 10%.
The SC may transfer part of the annual surplus of its operating budget to the CSA budget. Transfer to the CSA budget is possible within 10% of that surplus.
The employer provides CSE with a furnished room (tables and chairs, for example).
The employer provides the necessary equipment (telephone line, documentation for example) to the CSE to carry out its mission.
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To inform employees, the CSE has a billboard. It must be different from the one used for union communications.
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Training health, safety and working conditions
1st term
The EESC members are trained in the fields of health, safety and working conditions for a period of 5 days.
Funding for this training is provided by the employer.
Renewal of mandate
Members of the EESC
They receive 3 days of training.
Funding for this training is provided by the employer.
Members of the Committee on Health, Safety and Working Conditions in companies with 300 or more employees
They receive 5 days of training.
Funding for this training is provided by the employer.
Economic training
Members holders of the ESC elected for 1re They shall receive an economic training course of a maximum duration of 5 days.
Funding for this training is provided by the EESC.
This training shall be renewed when the member of the ESC has served for four consecutive years or not.
Time spent on training is taken from working time. The employee is paid by the employer. Training time is not deducted from delegation hours.
Operating budget
Budget for social and cultural activities
Local in companies with less than 50 employees
Local in companies with more than 50 employees
Training health safety and working conditions
Economic training
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