Should we declare that his situation has changed since the citizen census?

Verified 22 June 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Yes, after you've done your citizen census and up to your 25the birthday, you must report any change of situation (move, family situation, work situation). You must make this declaration at the National Service and Youth Center. The approach varies depending on whether you live in France or abroad.

In France

By email

To know the email address of your CSNJ: titleContent :

Via the Internet

You can make your statement on the online service My JDC.

To do this, you must first have created your personal account:


By mail

You must use the cerfa n°11718 form:

Declaration of change of situation at the National Service and Youth Center (CSNJ)

You must send this form to your CSNJ: titleContent.


By email

You have to send it to Perpignan's CSNJ.

By mail

You must use the cerfa n°11718 form:

Declaration of change of situation at the National Service and Youth Center (CSNJ)

You have to send it to Perpignan's CSNJ.