In the public service, do you lose RTTs if you are absent?
Verified 24 June 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Yes, any absence, for any reason, reduces the number of RTT days.
In fact, the acquisition of RTT days is linked to the accomplishment effective weekly working hours exceeding 35 hours (excluding overtime).
And the allocation of RTT days is intended to avoid the completion of an annual working time exceeding 1 607 hours.
As a result, absences for health reasons result in reduced RTT days.
The health absences concerned are as follows:
- Ordinary sick leave
- Long-term sick leave (LSW)
- Long-term leave (CLD)
- Sick leave (SMP)
- Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
- Unpaid sick leave (of contract staff)
And in general, days not worked for any reasonshall not be regarded as actual working time and shall therefore not be entitled to RTT days.
However, there are 2 exceptions:
- the leave granted under the right to organize
- and absence authorizations for which the text establishing them provides that they are to be treated as actual working time.
The rule applies to all staff (civil servants or contract staff), irrespective of their civil service.
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Agents working more than 35 hours per week or with variable work cycles
A number of RTT days shall be allocated annually to staff in one of the following 2 situations:
- Staff working more than 35 hours per week throughout the year
- Agents that are subject to work cycles with varying weekly working hours.
Where the staff member works part-time, the number of days of RTT shall be reduced in proportion to the length of time worked.
(the number is rounded up or down to half a day if necessary)
In case of absence, a reduction quotient of the number of days of RTT shall be calculated from the following:
- Number of days worked per year
- Number of RTT days allocated annually
- Number of days absent.
The number of days worked per year is at least 365 - 104 days of rest per week - 25 days of annual leave - 8 public holidays, i.e 228.
The reduction quotient for RTT days is equal to the number of days worked per year divided by the number of RTT days. Where the staff member reaches, in the course of the year, either once or cumulatively, a number of days of absence equal to the reduction quotient, a day of RTT shall be deducted from his annual credit for days of RTT.
Example :
For a full-time staff member working 37 hours per week, the reduction quotient of the number of RTT days is equal to 228/12 = 19.
When the absence reaches 19 days per year, one day of RTT is deducted from the 12-day capital (2 days when the absence reaches 38 days, etc.).
RTT days are deducted at the end of the calendar year taking into account the total number of days absent.
If the number of RTT days to be deducted is greater than the number of RTT days granted for the year, the deduction is made on year N+1.
In case of mobility, a balance of any account must be transmitted to the agent.
Package agents
Staff members who are subject to a system of counting their working hours in days (staff members subject to the lump sum) generally benefit from 18 days of RTT (or even 20 days).
In case of absence, a reduction quotient of the number of days of RTT shall be calculated from the following:
- Number of days worked per year
- Number of RTT days allocated annually
- Number of sick days in the year.
The number of days worked per year is at least 365 - 104 days of rest per week - 25 days of annual leave - 8 public holidays, i.e 228.
The reduction quotient for RTT days is equal to the number of days worked per year divided by the number of RTT days. Where the staff member reaches, in the course of the year, either once or cumulatively, a number of days of absence equal to the reduction quotient, a day of RTT shall be deducted from his annual credit for days of RTT.
Example :
For an agent benefiting from 20 days of RTT, the reduction quotient of the number of days of RTT is equal to 228/20=11.4 days rounded to 11.
When the absence reaches 11 days per year, one day of RTT is deducted from the 20-day capital (2 days when the absence reaches 22 days, etc.)
RTT days are deducted at the end of the calendar year taking into account the total number of days absent.
If the number of RTT days to be deducted is greater than the number of RTT days granted for the year, the deduction is made on year N+1.
In case of mobility, a balance of any account must be transmitted to the agent.
Agents subject to variable working hours
Staff working variable hours may choose their daily working hours, subject to operational requirements and within a regulatory framework defined by their administration.
A device for debit credit allows them to build up RTT days.
Days of absence shall not give rise to any debit or credit.