Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy (IVG)
Verified 25 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
A pregnant woman, including a minor, who does not wish to continue a pregnancy may request its termination. The practice of abortion is regulated and several steps must be followed, before and after the intervention. During the consultation, the pregnant woman should be informed about abortion methods and has the right to choose one freely depending on the term of the pregnancy. We present you with the information you need to know.
It exists 2 methods abortion:
- Instrumental (surgical) abortion must be practiced in a health facility (hospital or clinic). Under certain conditions, it can take place in an authorized health center that has established a cooperation agreement with a health facility.
- Drug abortion is practiced in a health facility (hospital or clinic), a city office, a sexual health center, or a health center.
The abortion technique used depends on your choice and the term of your pregnancy.
This choice can be made with the help of the doctor or midwife.
Here you can find the places and professionals who can practice abortion:
Know the places and professionals who can perform abortion
The obstruction offense to abortion is punishable by 2 years imprisonment and €30,000 of fine.
There's no no age requirement to be respected.
If you are a minor, you can choose to seek the consent of your parents or legal representative and be accompanied in your abortion process. However, if you wish to keep it secret, abortion is carried out at your sole request. In this case, you must be accompanied in your approach by an adult of your choice.
Timelines depend on the method chosen:
- Instrumental (surgical) abortion can be practiced until the end of 14e pregnancy week, which is 16 weeks after the last menstrual period starts.
- Drug abortion is practiced until the end of the 7e pregnancy week, which is a maximum of 9 weeks after the start of the last period.
When you want to have an abortion, you should make an appointment with a doctor (general practitioner or gynecologist) or a midwife practicing in:
- A health facility (hospital or clinic)
- A town hall
- A health center
- A sexual health center (formerly a family planning and education center).
You can request an appointment in-person or remotely if your healthcare provider offers it.
If the consulted doctor or midwife does not perform abortions, he or she must inform you immediately and communicate to you the names of professionals performing abortions.
All public health facilities licensed in obstetrics-gynecology or surgery must perform abortion.
Directories listing structures and professionals carrying out abortions are accessible by consulting the websites of the ARS of each territory concerned.
Who shall I contact
2 times are mandatory before performing an abortion.
1er time: consultation of information
During this 1er time:
- You're asking for an abortion
- You receive oral information and a guide on abortion that includes on the different methods of abortion, the locations of execution and in particular the choice you have, but also on the risks and possible adverse effects
- The doctor or midwife offers you a psycho-social interview (this is mandatory if you are a minor and must be carried out before obtaining your consent).
This interview takes place in an EVARS (emotional, relational and sexual living space), in a sexual health center or in an approved organization.
2nd time: consent collection
During this 2nd In time, you give your written consent to request an abortion to the doctor or midwife.
There is no longer a cooling-off period imposed on abortion.
If you are an adult and do not wish to conduct a psycho-social interview, you can choose to conduct the information and consent times during a single consultation.
If you choose to conduct a psycho-social interview (mandatory for minors), there is no mandatory minimum time between the interview and the completion of the abortion, whether you are an adult or a minor.
instrumental abortion
The instrumental (surgical) technique consists of aspiration of the egg, preceded by dilation of the cervix. Opening the cervix may be facilitated by administration of a drug.
The procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia. You choose with the help of the healthcare professional the mode of anesthesia best suited to your situation.
Hospitalization usually takes a few hours, but the procedure itself takes about 10 minutes.
Psycho-social counseling is routinely offered after abortion. It allows you to talk about your situation if you feel the need.
Midwives performing an instrumental (surgical) abortion in a health care facility must have proof of competency.
This competence is demonstrated by the follow-up of theoretical and practical training in instrumental (surgical) abortion and the action to be taken in case of complications related to abortion.
Drug abortion
The drug technique involves taking 2 drugs (1er to terminate the pregnancy and on the 2ndnd causing the egg to be expelled).
The 2 medicines are delivered by the doctor or midwife at the consultation or by the pharmacist in case you have carried out a teleconsultation.
The 1er This medicine can be taken in the presence of the doctor or midwife during a consultation or at your home.
Taking the 2nd This medicine takes place between 36 and 48 hours after taking 1er in consultation or at your home.
This method therefore requires neither anesthesia nor surgery.
for teleconsultation (abortion in the hospital or city), drugs are prescribed by the doctor or midwife and dispensed by a pharmacy designated by the woman. This pharmacy guarantees confidentiality.
For all women insured (adults or minors), abortion and all related acts (consultations, ultrasound scans, blood tests...) are taken care of at 100% by Health Insurance.
There is no advance fee.
For women residing in France who are in an irregular situation and are not admitted to the medical aid of the State (AME), urgent care (including abortion) is provided in the hospital (hospitalization or consultation in a health facility).
Instrumental (surgical) abortion
The cost of an instrumental abortion is reimbursed by the Health Insurance at 100% on the basis of a flat rate.
This rate is between €579.06 and €830.06 depending on the health facility (hospital or clinic), type of anesthesia (local or general), and length of hospitalization.
Drug abortion in a health care facility
The cost of a medicated abortion, in a health facility (hospital, clinic), is reimbursed by the Health Insurance 100% on the basis of a flat-rate fixed at €353.64.
Drug-induced abortion in city medicine
The cost of a city medical abortion (medical office, health center, sexual health center called before family planning and education center) is reimbursed by the Health Insurance to 100%, with rates fixed by order at every stage.
One inspection visit must intervene between 14e and 21e day after instrumental or drug abortion.
It helps ensure that there are no complications and that the pregnancy has been terminated.
During the check-up, the doctor or midwife makes sure that you have a contraceptive method suitable for your situation if necessary.
The doctor or midwife offers you a psycho-social interview after the abortion, if you wish.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
Information Service on Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy
By telephone
The national toll-free number “abortion, contraception, sexuality”:
0800 08 11 11
Free, anonymous and accessible in mainland France and the French overseas departments
Available to answer all your questions about sexuality, contraception and abortion.
It is open to :
- 9am to 8pm from Monday to Saturday, in mainland France
- 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, in the Caribbean
- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday, in theIndian Ocean.
Chat “IVG, contraception, sexualities”
- From 9am to 7pm from Monday to Friday
- And from 5pm to 7pm on Saturdays.
This site lists:
- Sexual Health Centers (formerly Family Planning and Education Centers - CPEF)
- Other information sites on abortion
- The Spaces for Emotional, Relational and Sexual Life (EVARS), sometimes called information, consultation and family counseling establishments
Consultation prior to termination of pregnancy
Practice of voluntary termination of pregnancy in health care facilities
Amount of the insured's contribution (Article R322-9)
Offense of impeding abortion
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health
French Movement for Family Planning
Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Dila) - Prime Minister
National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam)