What is annualized part-time work for family reasons for the employee?

Verified 01 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Reducing working time for family reasons is a specific form of part-time. The employee may alternate between periods worked full-time with periods not worked. Each period of time not worked lasts at least 1 week. This distribution of working hours takes the form of a annualized part-time.

The demand for annualized part-time work is possible for:

  • Family reasons
  • Or personal needs.

Example :

The employee must keep his child during the school holidays.

The employee must make his request to his employer, in writing or orally.

The employer may refuse the employee's request, in particular due to operational requirements of the company.

If the employer agrees the demand, a agreeable the contract of employment must be signed.

This amendment specifies periods worked and periods not worked. The amendment also indicates the distribution of earnings over the year.

Please note

The reduction of working time for family reasons should not be confused with the standard part-time.

During the periods worked, the employee works at full time.

The employee may benefit overtime if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Working time exceeds weekly legal duration
  • The company shall apply an agreement or an agreement on the annualization of working time

The duration of the work must not exceed 1,607 hours on the year.

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