Smic (minimum growth wage)

Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

What is the minimum growth wage (Smic: titleContent)? What is its gross and net amount, per day, per month or per year? Is the amount of the Smic the same for each employee? Special provisions apply to Mayotte. We will explain the terms of the payment and the amount.

General case

The minimum wage is the statutory minimum hourly wage below which the employee cannot be paid.

It applies to any major employee, whatever the form of his remuneration (time, performance, task, piece, commission or tip).

The employer may be fined €1,500 if the employee is paid less than the minimum wage. The employer may also be ordered to pay damages to the employee.

Please note

the Smic does not apply to VRP: titleContent which are not subject to working hours.

The amount of the Net Smic is given to you by way of indication.

The rules vary depending on whether you are an adult or a minor employee:

You're an adult

Your remuneration may not be less than the amount of the Smic.

Tableau - Amounts of the Smic


Gross amount

Net amount

(deduction of employee contributions)

Hourly minimum



Monthly Smic



Annual Smic



You're a minor

An employee under the age of 18 who is not yet 6 months of professional practice in his branch of activity may receive a reduced minimum wage:

Tableau - Amounts of the Smic minus a minor employee

Age of employee

Gross hourly minimum minus

17 years


16 years (and under)


A special discount is also provided if you are in professionalisation contract or apprenticeship contract.

Amounts taken into account in the calculation of the Smic
Tableau - Amounts taken into account in the calculation of the Smic

Salary, benefits and bonuses

Amount taken into account?

Basic salary


Benefits in kind


Productivity bonuses


Reimbursement of expenses (including transport premium)


Overtime increases


Participation and profit-sharing premiums


Premiums for seniority, attendance or special working conditions (unhealthiness)


Holiday bonuses, end of year, unless paid in monthly installments


The applicable collective agreement generally provides for a conventional minimum wage.

If the agreed minimum is lower than the minimum wage, the employer pays a wage supplement to reach the minimum wage.

If the minimum agreement is higher than the minimum wage, the employer pays what is provided for in the collective agreement.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

As of 1 January

The minimum wage is increased every year to 1er January.

It is indexed to measured inflation for 20% households with the lowest incomes.

The increase in the minimum wage is based on half of the gain in purchasing power of the average hourly wage of workers and employees.

In the course of the year

If the consumer price index increases by at least 2% compared with the index established when the last amount of the Smic was established, it is increased automatically in the same proportions.

Boost increase

At any time, the government can increase the minimum wage.

In Mayotte

The minimum wage is the statutory minimum hourly wage below which the employee cannot be paid.

It applies to any major employee, whatever the form of his remuneration (time, performance, task, piece, commission or tip).

The employer may be fined €1,500 if the employee is paid less than the minimum wage. The employer may also be ordered to pay damages to the employee.

Please note

the Smic does not apply to VRP: titleContent which are not subject to working hours.

Tableau - Smic amount in Mayotte


Gross amount

Hourly minimum


Monthly Smic


Annual Smic


In order to check whether the salary paid is at least equal to the minimum wage, only certain amounts are taken into account.

Tableau - Amounts taken into account in the calculation of the Smic

Salary, benefits and bonuses

Amount taken into account?

Basic salary


Benefits in kind


Productivity bonuses


Reimbursement of expenses (including transport premium)


Overtime increases


Participation and profit-sharing premiums


Premiums for seniority, attendance or special working conditions (unhealthiness)


Holiday bonuses, end of year, unless paid in monthly installments


The applicable collective agreement generally provides for a conventional minimum wage.

If the agreed minimum is lower than the minimum wage, the employer pays a wage supplement to reach the minimum wage.

If the minimum agreement is higher than the minimum wage, the employer pays what is provided for in the collective agreement.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

As of 1 January

The minimum wage is increased every year to 1er January.

It is indexed to measured inflation for 20% households with the lowest incomes.

The increase in the minimum wage is based on half of the gain in purchasing power of the average hourly wage of workers and employees.

In the course of the year

If the consumer price index increases by at least 2% compared with the index established when the last amount of the Smic was established, it is increased automatically in the same proportions.

Boost increase

At any time, the government can increase the minimum wage.

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