Professionalization contract

Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

The professionalization contract is a contract of alternation to acquire a qualification and to promote vocational integration or reintegration. What is the audience for this contract? How's it going? What is the minimum remuneration? How long does the training last? We'll give you the information you need to remember.

The rules of the different professionalization contract according to age of employee: under 21, between 21 and 25 or from 26.

Before age 21

The contract of professionalization is a contract of employment alternating. It combines theoretical training provided in a training center with the acquisition of know-how on the company workstation.

It is intended to obtain diplomas or diplomas corresponding to one of the following qualifications:

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Private Employer

All private sector employers are involved (company, association, mutual, cooperative, individual employer).

maritime weapons companies

Maritime armament companies may sign a maritime professionalization contract.

Public Employer

Only the Epic: titleContent may sign a professionalization contract.

The professionalization contract is addressed to the following persons:

  • Young of 16 years to 20 years gone (21 years minus 1 day) for complete initial training
  • Young of 16 years to 20 years gone (21 years minus 1 day) out of school without qualification
  • Young of 16 years to 20 years gone (21 years minus 1 day) registered for more than 1 year on the list of jobseekers
  • Beneficiary of the RSA: titleContent
  • Beneficiary of theAAH: titleContent
  • Person exiting a CUI

Establishment of contract

The professionalization contract must be written. It can be concluded by CSD: titleContent or DTA: titleContent.

It is established by means of the cerfa form n°12434.

You can download the form using the online service below.

Professionalization contract

The contract shall appoint a guardian and shall indicate the following information:

  • Nature of the contract (CDD or CDI)
  • Employment occupied
  • Working time
  • Salary
  • Professionalization measures specifically envisaged

The contract may provide for a trial period.

He doesn't can't include depreciation clause.


a detailed description of the associated training and the training organization concerned shall be annexed to the contract.

How is the contract deposited?

The employer shall send the contract of professionalization to theOpco: titleContent competent, in dematerialized form (directly on the OPCO website concerned).

The Ministry of Labor website lists the OPCOs:

The contract must be sent to the competent OPCO within 5 calendar days that follow his signature.

OPCO has 20 calendar days to check the compliance of the contract and take a decision on financial support. At the same time, he must submit the contract to the Dreets: titleContent accompanied by this decision.

OPCO may refuse to assume financial responsibility if the contract is not in conformity.

Example :

The contract is not in conformity if the conditions relating in particular to the beneficiaries or to the remuneration are not respected.

The employee commits to work on behalf of his employer and to take the training provided for in the contract.

He has the same rights as other employees of the company.

He cannot not to be excluded general provisions of a collective agreement, a company agreement, use or an undertaking by the employer, if he fulfills the conditions for such an undertaking.

When an employee reaches the age of majority, he or she is subject to the same rules on working hours as other employees of the company. If it is a minor, special rules apply.

An employee shall be an elector and be eligible for election to the representative bodies of the staff if he or she fulfills the conditions.

The employer undertakes to provide training to the employee enabling him to acquire a professional qualification. He also undertakes to provide the employee with a job in relation to his professional objective.

The employer must also choose a guardian among skilled employees of the company. He must give him the time he needs to carry out his duties and to train him.

The employee shall enjoy the same rights as other employees of the company.

The duration of the contract differs according to the type of contract of the employee:

  • Where it is concluded in CSD: titleContent, the contract of professionalization must be concluded for the duration of the training, called professionalisation measure. It may be renewed in certain cases.
  • Where it is concluded in DTA: titleContent, the contract of professionalization must start by a period of alternation between training and professional activity in company. This period is called professionalisation measure.

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Initial duration of the contract

The contract may be concluded for a minimum of between 6 and 12 months.

The contract may have a maximum duration of 24 months if a branch agreement provides for it.

In the absence of a branch agreement, the maximum duration of the contract shall be 36 months for certain groups (persons registered for more than 1 year on the list of jobseekers, persons benefiting from the RSA: titleContent for example).

Renewal of the contract

The CSD: titleContent may be renewed once when the employee has obtained the relevant qualification and wishes to prepare for a higher or complementary qualification.

The CDD may also be renewed once if the employee has not obtained the relevant qualification for one of the following reasons:

  • Failed to get qualification
  • Maternity or adoption
  • Disease
  • Accident at work
  • Absence or insufficiency of the courses provided by the training organization

The duration of the new CDD varies depending on the number of hours of training required to obtain the qualification. This period may not be less than 6 months.


L'professionalisation measure for a minimum period of between 6 and 12 months.

L'professionalisation measure may have a maximum duration of 24 months if a branch agreement provides for it.

In the absence of a branch agreement, theprofessionalisation measure may have a maximum duration of 36 months for certain groups (persons registered for more than 1 year on the list of jobseekers, persons benefiting from the RSA: titleContent for example).


After the professionalization action, the employment contract continues under the DTA: titleContent.

The minimum gross monthly remuneration is 55% of the Smic: titleContent, or currently €971.81.

If the employee has a vocational baccalaureate or a title or diploma of the same level, this minimum remuneration shall be 65% of the SMIC, currently €1,148.50 .

Please note

In the event of a change in the course of a contract from the age of 20 to 21, the remuneration shall be increased from 1er the next day of the month following the anniversary date.

For example, when the employee reaches the age of 21 on March 3, the minimum wage increases as of March 1er April.

The training of an employee under a professionalization contract takes the form of evaluation and support actions. It also includes general, professional and technological education.

Who provides the training?

The training activities are carried out either by the company (if it has a training service) or by a public or private training body.


training is freeHowever, the employee does not have to pay for this training.

How long is the training?

The training time shall be at least 150 hours per year.

It must also represent between 15% and 25% the total duration of the professionalization contract if it is in CSD: titleContent.

Minimum duration may exceed 25% if a branch or interbranch agreement so provides for certain categories of employees, in particular in the following cases:

  • Young person aged from 16 to 20 years (21 years minus 1 day) out of school without qualification
  • Young person aged from 16 to 20 years (21 years minus 1 day) to complete initial training and registered for more than 1 year in Pôle emploi
  • Person who is receiving the RSA
  • Person who touches the AAH
  • Person leaving a single insertion contract (CUI)

The evaluation and accompanying actions and general lessons learnt should start within 2 months following the signature of the employment contract.


The professionalization action must take place throughout the duration of the contract when it is fixed-term (CDD).

Where the contract of professionalization is of indefinite duration, the professionalization action shall be at the start of the contract.

National Trades Map

One national trades card shall be issued by the body or department responsible for the training.

This card can give the following advantages:

  • Access to restaurants and university accommodation
  • Discounts for leisure and sports activities (sport, cinema, theater, etc.)
  • Benefit of reduced and preferential fares for students in transport

One of the duties of the guardian is employee reception and information under a professionalization contract. He organizes his activity and contributes to the acquisition of its professional knowledges.

It shall also ensure that respect for his schedule and participates in the evaluation of the follow-up of training.

The conditions for appointing a guardian vary depending on whether the employer is a temporary company of work (ETT), an intermediate association (IA), a group of employers or not.

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General case

The employer chooses a guardian from among the company's skilled employees.

The guardian must meet the following conditions:

  • Be an employee of the company which employs the person under a professional contract
  • Proof of at least 2 years' experience in a qualification covered by the professionalization contract
  • Volunteering

For example : for a professionalization in mechanics, the tutor must have been a mechanic for at least 2 years. The employer would not be able to choose him from the company's administrative staff.

The tutor can follow 3 people simultaneously if he is an employee.

Please note

the employer may provide the tutoring himself provided that he fulfills the conditions of qualification and experience. In this case, he can follow 2 people.

ETT, IA or employer group

The user company, the temporary company of work or the grouping of employers shall each appoint a guardian.

The rules differ according to the age of the employee.

The employee is 18 years of age and over

The working time of the employee under a professionalization contract is identical to that of other employees of the company.

The legal working time is set at 35 hours. The employee may make overtime.

The training time is actual working time and counts in the work schedule.

The employee is not 18 years old

The legal duration of actual work is set at 35 hours per week.

The training time is actual working time and counts in the work schedule.

The following rules apply:

  • 2 consecutive rest days per week
  • Sunday work only in certain sectors
  • Night work prohibited between 10pm and 6am for a young person aged 16 to 18
  • 35 hours of work per week
  • Exceptional possibility of 5 overtime hours per week, with the agreement of the labor inspector and the opinion of the occupational doctor
  • 8 hours of work per day
  • Not more than 4 hours 30 consecutive hours, which shall be followed by a break of 30 consecutive minutes
  • Prohibition to work on public holiday


Exceptions to these rules exist in the construction, public works and landscape sectors. Where the collective organization of work so warrants, the hours of work in these sectors may be fixed at 40 working hours per week and 10 working hours per day.

Paid Leave

The employee shall enjoy the same rights as other employees as regards the acquisition of the paid leave.

Periods in training centers shall be taken into account in the calculation of accrual of paid leave.

Please note

Leave is taken outside of training periods. The employer may decide the period during which the employee takes his leave.

Additional Unpaid Leave

If the employee is under 21 years of age on 30 April of the previous year, he or she may request additional unpaid leave, within 30 days working days per year.

Specific holidays

An employee under a professional contract is entitled to the same leave as other employees of the company.

The entitlement to leave differs according to the length of service of the employee in the company.

Unconditional seniority
With seniority condition

The professionalization contract can be partially executed abroad for up to 1 year. In this case, the duration of the contract may be extended to 24 months, of which at least 6 months are performed in France.

During this period, the host training company or body is solely responsible for the conditions under which the employee's work is carried out. These are determined by the legal and contractual provisions in force in the host country (remuneration, hours of work, leave, etc.).

An agreement may be concluded between the employee, the employer in France, the employer abroad, the training organization in France and, possibly, the training organization abroad.

A template agreement is available:

Model Mobility Implementation Agreement

Model Mobility Implementation Agreement of 4 weeks or less

Foreigners have access to the professionalization contract under the same conditions as other employees.

The employer must check that the foreigner has a work permit or originates in a country for which work authorization is not compulsory (European Economic Area - EEA, Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra, San Marino).


however, there are specific rules for foreigner students during the firstre year after their arrival in France.

At the time of hiring

The employer must organize a information and prevention visit or a medical examination of suitability for employment.

Other medical examinations

The employee also benefits from periodic visits and the resumption visit after a work stoppage.

The rules for termination of the contract vary depending on whether the professionalization contract is in CSD: titleContent or DTA: titleContent.

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The CSD terminates either because it is expiring or because it is subject to an early break.

The professionalization contract is subject to the rules of breakdown of the CDD.


The termination indemnity (or precarious allowance) is not due.


The contract may be terminated under the terms of the DTAs: breach at the initiative of the employer or the employee.

The employer's obligations differ depending on whether the CDD continues in a CDI or not.

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The CSD does not continue in a DTA

The employer shall provide the following documents:

The CSD continues in a DTA

The employer does not have to give the employee the termination documents.

The following shall apply:

  • No trial period may be imposed
  • Duration of the contract of professionalization taken into account for the rights linked to the seniority of the employee

Between 21 and under 26

The contract of professionalization is a contract of employment alternating. It combines theoretical training provided in a training center with the acquisition of know-how on the company workstation.

It is intended to obtain diplomas or diplomas corresponding to one of the following qualifications:

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Private Employer

All private sector employers are involved (company, association, mutual, cooperative, individual employer).

maritime weapons companies

Maritime armament companies may sign a maritime professionalization contract.

Public Employer

Only the Epic: titleContent may sign a professionalization contract.

The professionalization contract is addressed to the following audience:

  • Young of 21 years to 25 years (26 years minus a day) to complete their initial training
  • Young of 21 years to 25 years (26 years minus a day) out of school without qualification
  • Young of 21 years to 25 years (26 years minus a day) registered for more than 1 year on the list of jobseekers
  • Person who touches the RSA: titleContent
  • Person who touches theSSA: titleContent
  • Person who touches theAAH: titleContent
  • Person exiting a CUI

Establishment of contract

The professionalization contract must be written. It can be concluded by CSD: titleContent or DTA: titleContent.

It is established by means of the cerfa form n°12434.

You can download the form using the online service below.

Professionalization contract

The contract shall appoint a guardian and shall indicate the following information:

  • Nature of the contract (CDD or CDI)
  • Employment occupied
  • Working time
  • Salary
  • Professionalization measures specifically envisaged

The contract may provide for a trial period.

He doesn't can't include depreciation clause.


a detailed description of the associated training and the training organization concerned shall be annexed to the contract.

How is the contract deposited?

The employer shall send the contract of professionalization to theOpco: titleContent competent, in dematerialized form (directly on the OPCO website concerned).

The Ministry of Labor website lists the OPCOs:

The contract must be sent to the competent OPCO within 5 calendar days that follow his signature.

OPCO has 20 calendar days to check the compliance of the contract and take a decision on financial support. At the same time, he must submit the contract to the Dreets: titleContent accompanied by this decision.

OPCO may refuse to assume financial responsibility if the contract is not in conformity.

Example :

The contract is not in conformity if the conditions relating in particular to the beneficiaries or to the remuneration are not respected.

The employee commits to work on behalf of his employer and to take the training provided for in the contract.

He has the same rights as other employees of the company.

He cannot not to be excluded general provisions of a collective agreement, a company agreement, use or an undertaking by the employer, if he fulfills the conditions for such an undertaking.

The employee is subject to the same working time regulations as other employees of the company.

An employee shall be an elector and be eligible for election to the representative bodies of the staff if he or she fulfills the conditions.

The employer undertakes to provide training to the employee enabling him to acquire a professional qualification. He also undertakes to provide the employee with a job in relation to his professional objective.

The employer must also choose a guardian among skilled employees of the company. He must give him the time he needs to carry out his duties and to train him.

The employee shall enjoy the same rights as other employees of the company.

The duration of the contract differs according to the type of contract of the employee:

  • Where it is concluded in CSD: titleContent, the contract of professionalization must be concluded for the duration of the training, called professionalisation measure. It may be renewed in certain cases.
  • Where it is concluded in DTA: titleContent, the contract of professionalization must start by a period of alternation between training and professional activity in company. This period is called professionalisation measure.

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Initial duration of the contract

The contract may be concluded for a minimum of between 6 and 12 months.

The contract may have a maximum duration of 24 months if a branch agreement provides for it.

In the absence of a branch agreement, the maximum duration of the contract shall be 36 months for certain groups (persons registered for more than 1 year on the list of jobseekers, persons benefiting from the RSA: titleContent for example).

Renewal of the contract

The CSD: titleContent may be renewed once when the employee has obtained the relevant qualification and wishes to prepare for a higher or complementary qualification.

The CDD may also be renewed once if the employee has not obtained the relevant qualification for one of the following reasons:

  • Failed to get qualification
  • Maternity or adoption
  • Disease
  • Accident at work
  • Absence or insufficiency of the courses provided by the training organization

The duration of the new CDD varies depending on the number of hours of training required to obtain the qualification. This period may not be less than 6 months.


L'professionalisation measure for a minimum period of between 6 and 12 months.

L'professionalisation measure may have a maximum duration of 24 months if a branch agreement provides for it.

In the absence of a branch agreement, theprofessionalisation measure may have a maximum duration of 36 months for certain groups (persons registered for more than 1 year on the list of jobseekers, persons benefiting from the RSA: titleContent for example).


After the professionalization action, the employment contract continues under the DTA: titleContent.

The minimum gross monthly remuneration is 70% of the SMIC, currently €1,236.85.

If the employee holds a bachelor's degree or a diploma of the same level, this minimum remuneration shall be 80% of the SMIC, currently €1,413.54.

Please note

The change from 25 to 26 years in the course of the contract does not increase the remuneration of the employee.

The training of an employee under a professionalization contract takes the form of evaluation and support actions. It also includes general, professional and technological education.

Who provides the training?

The training activities are carried out either by the company (if it has a training service) or by a public or private training body.


training is freeHowever, the employee does not have to pay for this training.

How long is the training?

The training time shall be at least 150 hours per year.

It must also represent between 15% and 25% the total duration of the professionalization contract if it is of fixed duration.

Minimum duration may exceed 25% if a branch or interbranch agreement so provides for certain categories of employees, in particular in the following cases:

  • Young person aged from 21 to 25 years (26 years minus 1 day) out of school without qualification
  • Young person aged from 21 to 25 years (26 years minus 1 day) to complete initial training and registered for more than 1 year in Pôle emploi
  • Person who is receiving the RSA
  • Person who receives the SSA
  • Person who touches the AAH
  • Person leaving a single insertion contract (CUI)

The evaluation and accompanying actions and general lessons learnt should start within 2 months following the signature of the employment contract.


The professionalization action must take place throughout the duration of the contract when it is fixed-term (CDD).

Where the contract of professionalization is of indefinite duration, the professionalization action shall be at the start of the contract.

National Trades Map

One national trades card shall be issued by the body or department responsible for the training.

This card can give the following advantages:

  • Access to restaurants and university accommodation
  • Discounts for leisure and sports activities (sport, cinema, theater, etc.)
  • Benefit of reduced and preferential fares for students in transport

One of the duties of the guardian is employee reception and information under a professionalization contract. He organizes his activity and contributes to the acquisition of its professional knowledges.

It shall also ensure that respect for his schedule and participates in the evaluation of the follow-up of training.

The conditions for appointing a guardian vary depending on whether the employer is a temporary company of work (ETT), an intermediate association (IA), a group of employers or not.

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General case

The employer chooses a guardian from among the company's skilled employees.

The guardian must meet the following conditions:

  • Be an employee of the company which employs the person under a professional contract
  • Proof of at least 2 years' experience in a qualification covered by the professionalization contract
  • Volunteering

For example : for a professionalization in mechanics, the tutor must have been a mechanic for at least 2 years. The employer would not be able to choose him from the company's administrative staff.

The tutor can follow 3 people simultaneously if he is an employee.

Please note

the employer may provide the tutoring himself provided that he fulfills the conditions of qualification and experience. In this case, he can follow 2 people.

ETT, IA or employer group

The user company, the temporary company of work or the grouping of employers shall each appoint a guardian.

The working time of the employee under a professionalization contract is identical to that of other employees of the company.

The legal working time is set at 35 hours. The employee may make overtime.

The training time is actual working time and counts in the work schedule.

Paid Leave

The employee shall enjoy the same rights as other employees as regards the acquisition of the paid leave.

Periods in training centers shall be taken into account in the calculation of accrual of paid leave.

Please note

Leave is taken outside of training periods. The employer may decide the period during which the employee takes his leave.

Specific holidays

An employee under a professional contract is entitled to the same leave as other employees of the company.

The entitlement to leave differs according to the length of service of the employee in the company.

Unconditional seniority
With seniority condition

The professionalization contract can be partially executed abroad for up to 1 year. In this case, the duration of the contract may be extended to 24 months, of which at least 6 months are performed in France.

During this period, the host training company or body is solely responsible for the conditions under which the employee's work is carried out. These are determined by the legal and contractual provisions in force in the host country (remuneration, hours of work, leave, etc.).

An agreement may be concluded between the employee, the employer in France, the employer abroad, the training organization in France and, possibly, the training organization abroad.

A template agreement is available:

Model Mobility Implementation Agreement

Model Mobility Implementation Agreement of 4 weeks or less

Foreigners have access to the professionalization contract under the same conditions as other employees.

The employer must check that the foreigner has a work permit or originates in a country for which work authorization is not compulsory (European Economic Area - EEA, Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra, San Marino).


however, there are specific rules for foreigner students during the firstre year after their arrival in France.

At the time of hiring

The employer must organize a information and prevention visit or a medical examination of suitability for employment.

Other medical examinations

The employee also benefits from periodic visits and the resumption visit after a work stoppage.

The rules for termination of the contract vary depending on whether the professionalization contract is in CSD: titleContent or DTA: titleContent.

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The CSD terminates either because it is expiring or because it is subject to an early break.

The professionalization contract is subject to the rules of breakdown of the CDD.


The termination indemnity (or precarious allowance) is not due.


The contract may be terminated under the terms of the DTAs: breach at the initiative of the employer or the employee.

The employer's obligations differ depending on whether the CDD continues in a CDI or not.

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The CSD does not continue in a DTA

The employer shall provide the following documents:

The CSD continues in a DTA

The employer does not have to give the employee the termination documents.

The following shall apply:

  • No trial period may be imposed
  • Duration of the contract of professionalization taken into account for the rights linked to the seniority of the employee

From 26 years

The contract of professionalization is a contract of employment alternating. It combines theoretical training provided in a training center with the acquisition of know-how on the company workstation.

It is intended to obtain diplomas or diplomas corresponding to one of the following qualifications:

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Private Employer

All private sector employers are involved (company, association, mutual, cooperative, individual employer).

maritime weapons companies

Maritime armament companies may sign a maritime professionalization contract.

Public Employer

Only the Epic: titleContent may sign a professionalization contract.

The professionalization contract is addressed to the following audience:

  • Jobseeker of at least 26 years of age
  • Person who touches the RSA: titleContent
  • Person who touches theSSA: titleContent
  • Person who touches theAAH: titleContent
  • Person exiting a CUI

Establishment of contract

The professionalization contract must be written. It can be concluded by CSD: titleContent or DTA: titleContent.

It is established by means of the cerfa form n°12434.

You can download the form using the online service below.

Professionalization contract

The contract shall appoint a guardian and shall indicate the following information:

  • Nature of the contract (CDD or CDI)
  • Employment occupied
  • Working time
  • Salary
  • Professionalization measures specifically envisaged

The contract may provide for a trial period.

He doesn't can't include depreciation clause.


a detailed description of the associated training and the training organization concerned shall be annexed to the contract.

How is the contract deposited?

The employer shall send the contract of professionalization to theOpco: titleContent competent, in dematerialized form (directly on the OPCO website concerned).

The Ministry of Labor website lists the OPCOs:

The contract must be sent to the competent OPCO within 5 calendar days that follow his signature.

OPCO has 20 calendar days to check the compliance of the contract and take a decision on financial support. At the same time, he must submit the contract to the Dreets: titleContent accompanied by this decision.

OPCO may refuse to assume financial responsibility if the contract is not in conformity.

Example :

The contract is not in conformity if the conditions relating in particular to the beneficiaries or to the remuneration are not respected.

The employee commits to work on behalf of his employer and to take the training provided for in the contract.

He has the same rights as other employees of the company.

He cannot not to be excluded general provisions of a collective agreement, a company agreement, use or an undertaking by the employer, if he fulfills the conditions for such an undertaking.

The employee is subject to the same working time regulations as other employees of the company.

An employee shall be an elector and be eligible for election to the representative bodies of the staff if he or she fulfills the conditions.

The employer undertakes to provide training to the employee enabling him to acquire a professional qualification. He also undertakes to provide the employee with a job in relation to his professional objective.

The employer must also choose a guardian among skilled employees of the company. He must give him the time he needs to carry out his duties and to train him.

The employee shall enjoy the same rights as other employees of the company.

The duration of the contract differs according to the type of contract of the employee:

  • Where it is concluded in CSD: titleContent, the contract of professionalization must be concluded for the duration of the training, called professionalisation measure. It may be renewed in certain cases.
  • Where it is concluded in DTA: titleContent, the contract of professionalization must start by a period of alternation between training and professional activity in company. This period is called professionalisation measure.

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Initial duration of the contract

The contract may be concluded for a minimum of between 6 and 12 months.

The contract may have a maximum duration of 24 months if a branch agreement provides for it.

In the absence of a branch agreement, the maximum duration of the contract shall be 36 months for certain groups (persons registered for more than 1 year on the list of jobseekers, persons benefiting from the RSA: titleContent for example).

Renewal of the contract

The CSD: titleContent may be renewed once when the employee has obtained the relevant qualification and wishes to prepare for a higher or complementary qualification.

The CDD may also be renewed once if the employee has not obtained the relevant qualification for one of the following reasons:

  • Failed to get qualification
  • Maternity or adoption
  • Disease
  • Accident at work
  • Absence or insufficiency of the courses provided by the training organization

The duration of the new CDD varies depending on the number of hours of training required to obtain the qualification. This period may not be less than 6 months.


L'professionalisation measure for a minimum period of between 6 and 12 months.

L'professionalisation measure may have a maximum duration of 24 months if a branch agreement provides for it.

In the absence of a branch agreement, theprofessionalisation measure may have a maximum duration of 36 months for certain groups (persons registered for more than 1 year on the list of jobseekers, persons benefiting from the RSA: titleContent for example).


After the professionalization action, the employment contract continues under the DTA: titleContent.

The minimum gross monthly remuneration is Smic: titleContent, or currently €1,766.92.

This amount must be compared to 85% the minimum wage laid down in collective agreements between branches or companies (conventional minimum wage).

Example :

After calculation, the percentage of the conventional minimum wage reaches €1,750 that is the amount that will have to be applied, because it is higher than the minimum wage.

The training of an employee under a professionalization contract takes the form of evaluation and support actions. It also includes general, professional and technological education.

Who provides the training?

The training activities are carried out either by the company (if it has a training service) or by a public or private training body.


training is freeHowever, the employee does not have to pay for this training.

How long is the training?

The training time shall be at least 150 hours per year.

It must also represent between 15% and 25% the total duration of the professionalization contract if it is of fixed duration.

Minimum duration may exceed 25% if a branch or interbranch agreement so provides for certain categories of employees, in particular in the following cases:

  • Job-seeker 26 years of age and over, registered for more than 1 year in Pôle emploi
  • Person who is affected by the RSA
  • Person who receives the SSA
  • Person who touches the AAH
  • Person leaving a single insertion contract (CUI)

The evaluation and accompanying actions and general lessons learnt should start within 2 months following the signature of the employment contract.


The professionalization action must take place throughout the duration of the contract when it is fixed-term (CDD).

Where the contract of professionalization is of indefinite duration, the professionalization action shall be at the start of the contract.

One of the duties of the guardian is employee reception and information under a professionalization contract. He organizes his activity and contributes to the acquisition of its professional knowledges.

It shall also ensure that respect for his schedule and participates in the evaluation of the follow-up of training.

The conditions for appointing a guardian vary depending on whether the employer is a temporary company of work (ETT), an intermediate association (IA), a group of employers or not.

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General case

The employer chooses a guardian from among the company's skilled employees.

The guardian must meet the following conditions:

  • Be an employee of the company which employs the person under a professional contract
  • Proof of at least 2 years' experience in a qualification covered by the professionalization contract
  • Volunteering

For example : for a professionalization in mechanics, the tutor must have been a mechanic for at least 2 years. The employer would not be able to choose him from the company's administrative staff.

The tutor can follow 3 people simultaneously if he is an employee.

Please note

the employer may provide the tutoring himself provided that he fulfills the conditions of qualification and experience. In this case, he can follow 2 people.

ETT, IA or employer group

The user company, the temporary company of work or the grouping of employers shall each appoint a guardian.

The working time of the employee under a professionalization contract is identical to that of other employees of the company.

The legal working time is set at 35 hours. The employee may make overtime.

The training time is actual working time and counts in the work schedule.

Paid Leave

The employee shall enjoy the same rights as other employees as regards the acquisition of the paid leave.

Periods in training centers shall be taken into account in the calculation of accrual of paid leave.

Please note

Leave is taken outside of training periods. The employer may decide the period during which the employee takes his leave.

Specific holidays

An employee under a professional contract is entitled to the same leave as other employees of the company.

The entitlement to leave differs according to the length of service of the employee in the company.

Unconditional seniority
With seniority condition

The professionalization contract can be partially executed abroad for up to 1 year. In this case, the duration of the contract may be extended to 24 months, of which at least 6 months are performed in France.

During this period, the host training company or body is solely responsible for the conditions under which the employee's work is carried out. These are determined by the legal and contractual provisions in force in the host country (remuneration, hours of work, leave, etc.).

An agreement may be concluded between the employee, the employer in France, the employer abroad, the training organization in France and, possibly, the training organization abroad.

A template agreement is available:

Model Mobility Implementation Agreement

Model Mobility Implementation Agreement of 4 weeks or less

Foreigners have access to the professionalization contract under the same conditions as other employees.

The employer must check that the foreigner has a work permit or originates in a country for which work authorization is not compulsory (European Economic Area - EEA, Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra, San Marino).


however, there are specific rules for foreigner students during the firstre year after their arrival in France.

At the time of hiring

The employer must organize a information and prevention visit or a medical examination of suitability for employment.

Other medical examinations

The employee also benefits from periodic visits and the resumption visit after a work stoppage.

The rules for termination of the contract vary depending on whether the professionalization contract is in CSD: titleContent or DTA: titleContent.

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The CSD terminates either because it is expiring or because it is subject to an early break.

The professionalization contract is subject to the rules of breakdown of the CDD.


The termination indemnity (or precarious allowance) is not due.


The contract may be terminated under the terms of the DTAs: breach at the initiative of the employer or the employee.

The employer's obligations differ depending on whether the CDD continues in a CDI or not.

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The CSD does not continue in a DTA

The employer shall provide the following documents:

The CSD continues in a DTA

The employer does not have to give the employee the termination documents.

The following shall apply:

  • No trial period may be imposed
  • Duration of the contract of professionalization taken into account for the rights linked to the seniority of the employee

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