Foreigner employee: how are work authorizations issued?

Verified 05 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

An employer who wants hire a foreigner employee (excluding European Union) shall verify that the a work authorization. In some cases, the residence permit authorizes work. Where this is not the case, the employer must make a demand work authorization. Work authorization shall be granted when the application completes 4 conditions cumulative. We're doing an update on the regulations.

Step-by-step approach

Conditions for the proposed employment depend on different situations.

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General case

To apply for work authorization, the proposed job must complete one of the following conditions:

  • Figure Out on the list of tension looms
  • To have been published during 3 weeks to the bodies contributing to the public employment service. For example, France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi). No valid applications was not received.

Foreigner with a "student" or "student mobility program" residence card

The foreigners student can work up to 964 hours per year. Beyond that, work authorization is required.

To apply for work authorization, the proposed job must complete one of the following conditions:

  • Figure Out on the list of tension looms
  • To have been published during 3 weeks to the bodies contributing to the public employment service. For example, France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi). No valid applications was not received.

Please note

If the foreigner has finished his studies in France, the proposed job must match to diplomas and the experience gained in France or abroad.

Foreigner with a "job search / company creation" card

When the proposed employment fulfills the 2 the following conditions:

  • Contract work in relationship with the training or job searches of the foreigner
  • Remuneration at least equal to €2,650.38.

The employer has not to publish an offer of employment with organizations participating in the public employment service. For example, France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).

This job can not to be on the list of tension looms.

Foreigners student with a degree equivalent to the master's degree

Where the proposed employment fill in the following 2 conditions:

  • Contract work in relationship with the training
  • Remuneration at least equal to €2,650.38.

The employer has not to publish an offer of employment with organizations participating in the public employment service. For example, France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).

This job can not to be on the list of tension looms.

The diploma must have been obtained within the year.

The employer, the principal, the user or host company must complete all of the following conditions :

  • Be up to date of their social declarations
  • Not having been convicted criminals or is the subject of administrative sanctions for the following:

    In addition, no non-compliance serious in these matters must not have been established by the administration
  • Provide evidence, where the request relates to a seasonal employment, that the worker will have, for the duration of his stay, a housing assuring him of decent living conditions.

Please note

Work authorization may be refused if the recruitment project is obviously disproportionate in terms of activity economic of the applicant.

The trade by the future employee can be a regulated profession. In this case, the statutory operating conditions shall be respected.

Remuneration may not not be less to Smic: titleContent (or at the salary provided for in the collective agreement applicable to the company, if such remuneration is higher than the Smic).

Apply online for work authorization to hire a foreigner

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