Certificate for Pôle emploi
Verified 01 January 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The Pôle emploi certificate is a document given by the employer to the employee at the end of his employment contract. It allows him to assert his rights to unemployment benefits. It must be given to the employee, whether he is in DTA: titleContent or CSD: titleContent and whatever the reason for the break (resignation, dismissal...).
The certificate must specify in particular the following information:
- Identity and qualification of the employee
- Reason for termination of employment contract
- Duration of employment
- Amount of remuneration received (wages, bonuses, allowances, amount of any account balance) in the last 24 months if the employee is under 53 years of age (or in the last 36 months if the employee is 53 years of age or older)
It is the employer who makes the attestation.
It must transmit it in a dematerialized manner to Pôle emploi or via the website of online services, or through payroll software.
This obligation is incumbent on companies of at least 11 employees.
For an employer with fewer than 11 employees, it is still possible to send the certificate by paper mail.
Since 1er in june 2021, the employer must send Pôle emploi a valid attestation. Certificates from an older template will no longer be accepted by Pôle emploi.
The employer shall forward a printed copy of the certificate to the employee.
In case of false indication (e.g. inaccurate reason for termination of employment), the employee may enter the Labor Council (CPH) and pretend to damages.
Please note
special conditions apply for the expatriate employee of return to France.
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Employee on CDI or CDD
If the employee gives notice
The employer shall deliver the certificate to the employee on the date of termination of the employment contract.
For example, if the employment contract ends on November 30, the certificate must be given to the employee on that date.
Please note
if the employer does not give the Pôle emploi certificate to the employee, the latter may enter the Labor Council (CPH) and obtain damages.
If the employee is exempt from notice
The certificate for Pôle emploi must be given to the employee on the date of termination of the employment contract, even if the employee is exempt from notice.
For example, if the employment contract ends on November 30, and the employee is exempt from notice as of November 1er in october, the certificate must be submitted only as of november 30.
Please note
if the employer does not give the Pôle emploi certificate to the employee, the latter may enter the Labor Council (CPH) and obtain damages.
Temporary employee
The employer is not obliged to give a Pôle emploi certificate to the employee whose assignment ends.
However, the employer must provide the employee with a Pôle emploi certificate under the following 2 conditions:
- The employment contract shall include the right of the employee to obtain such documents without delay from the day of termination of the contract
- The employee asks the employer to give him the certificate
An employer who fails to provide the Pôle emploi certificate may be fined €1,500.
The delivery of the Pôle emploi certificate must be remitted even if the employee resigns without being entitled to unemployment.
Time-limit for appeal
In the event of delay by the employer, the employee may file a complaint with the CPH in interim measures of protection.
The CPH may order the employer to deliver the certificate to the employee under penalty payment.
The CPH may also order the employer to pay damages to the employee due to the injury suffered (e.g. inability to register in Pôle emploi and receive unemployment benefit).
Appeals procedure
The employee addresses the CPH:
- the place where the establishment in which the employee carries out his work is located, the place where the contract of employment was concluded or the registered office of the company which employs him, or
- or of the place of his domicile, if the employee works at home or outside any establishment.
Filing of the application
The request is addressed to the Registry of the Labor Council by post (registered or not).
It's addressed by request only, i.e. a claim made to the judge for the purpose of settling a dispute with the employer.
The application shall contain the following elements:
- Contact details of the applicant (surname, first name, address...)
- Contact details for defendant (against whom the request is made)
- Subject matter of the request
- A summary of the reasons for the application, which includes all of the applicant's claims (amounts claimed)
In order to make his application, the employee must fill in the application form for referral to the labor board.
Application for a referral by an employee to the Labor Council (CPH)
The referral to the labor council is free of charge.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
Pôle emploi for jobseekers - 3949
By telephone
- To update your situation, report a change of situation, inform you of a payment: automated service 7 days a week, 24 hours a day - Free service + call price
- To be put in contact with an advisor to register, to inform you, to modify an appointment: service accessible at the times set by each Pôle emploi agency - Free service + call price
From the foreigner: + 33 1 77 86 39 49
By E-mail
Access via the contact form
Pôle emploi for Employers - 3995
Unique number for companies, artisans, traders and employers who want to recruit, submit a job offer and get information on recruitment and hiring aids
By telephone
Monday and Thursday from 7:35 am to 1:10 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:50 pm, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:35 am to 1:15 pm, Friday from 7:35 am to 11:25 am
Gray or unmarked number: cost of a call to a landline and free service, from a landline or mobile phone
From the foreigner (border companies for example), dial the +33 1 77 86 39 95
If you need information about the employer's obligations and the employee's rights
Telephone administrative information - Allo Public Service
The informants who answer you belong to the ministry responsible for labor.
Cost: free service
Attention: the service does not respond questions relating to unemployment compensation and representations to Pôle emploi, civil servants or public service contractors, the amount or payment of social, wage or employer contributions.
The service is available at the following times:
- Monday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
- Tuesday: 8:30 to 12:15
- Wednesday: 8:30 to 12:15
- Thursday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
- Friday: 1 p.m. to 4:15 p.m
- Lundi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Mardi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Mercredi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Jeudi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Vendredi : de 13h00 à 16h15
General rules
Online service