What to do if a dog bites?
Verified 05 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
In the case of a dog bite, the owner of the animal must take several steps: declaration of the bite in town hall, health surveillance and behavioral evaluation of the dog by a veterinarian. The victim of the bite is entitled to compensation for the damage caused by the insurer of the owner of the dog. We'll show you what you need to know.
Owner of the dog
Statement of the bite to the mayor
As the owner of the dog, you must report the bite to the town hall of your municipality of residence.
If your dog is under the care and supervision of another person, that person must make the declaration to the town hall of his municipality of residence.
Any professional who has knowledge of the event in the performance of his duties (doctor, veterinarian, insurer...) can also make this declaration.
Health surveillance of the dog
You must have your dog monitored by a veterinary health officer to check that it does not carry the rabies virus.
The list of veterinarians with the health authorization in your department is available on the website of your prefecture or on request from the departmental directorate for population protection.
You must subject your dog to this health surveillance whether or not he is vaccinated against rabies.
This monitoring consists of 3 visits to the same veterinarian over a period of 15 days:
- The 1re visit should be done within 24 hours of the bite
- The seconde The visit should be made no later than 7 days after the bite
- The 3e should be done on 15e day after the bite.
In the absence of symptoms leading to a suspicion of rabies, the veterinarian shall establish, after each of the first two visits, a provisional certificate that your dog shows no suspicious signs of rabies.
After 3e visit, the veterinarian writes a final certificate stating that your dog did not at any time show any symptoms that might suggest rabies.
The veterinarian shall draw up each certificate in 5 copies. 3 copies are provided. You have to give 1 to the person who's bitten and 1 to the city hall.
During the monitoring periodHowever, you may not sell or give away your dog, have it vaccinated against rabies, slaughter it or have it slaughtered without the authorization of the veterinarian.
During the surveillance period, if any signs of disease occur or if your dog dies, you must take your dog or its remains to the veterinarian without delay.
If your dog escapes and disappears, you must also immediately inform the veterinarian.
If rabies is suspected, your animal is kept under observation and strictly isolated, unless this would justify its immediate slaughter.
If your dog is found to be carrying the rabies virus, it is shot.
If your dog is not present at one of the 3 visits, the veterinarian must inform the police and the director of veterinary services of the department. You may be fined €135.
Behavioral assessment of the dog
You, or the keeper under whose custody your dog is, must submit the animal to a behavioral assessment by a veterinarian selected from a departmental list drawn up by the National Council of the Veterinary College.
The expense of this assessment are at your expense, as owner of the dog.
Behavioral evaluation should be done during the period of health surveillance.
The list of competent veterinarians is available on the website of the National Council of the Veterinary College.
Who shall I contact
The purpose of the behavioral assessment is to assess the potential danger your dog may pose.
There are 4 levels of danger. The veterinarian classifies your dog at one of these 4 levels. And, depending on the level of danger your dog is classified in, you may or may not need to renew the behavioral assessment within a certain time frame:
Danger level of the dog | Rating | Renewal of evaluation |
Level 1 | No particular risk apart from those inherent to the canine species | No |
Level 2 | Risk of low hazard for certain people or in certain situations | Yes every 3 years maximum |
Level 3 | Risk of critical dangerousness for certain people or in certain situations | Yes every 2 years maximum |
Level 4 | Risk of high hazard for certain people or in certain situations | Yes at least every year |
Depending on the classification level of your dog, the veterinarian offers preventive measures with the aim of reducing its dangerousness.
The veterinarian also formulates recommendations in order to limit contact with certain persons and risk situations.
The veterinarian communicates the results of the behavioral assessment to your city hall.
Following that assessment, the mayor may order you to take training on canine education and behavior and accident prevention.
This training leads to a certificate of fitness to keep a dog.
The duration of this training is one day. It includes a theoretical part on dog knowledge, the relationship between the handler and the dog, aggressive behavior and its prevention. This training also includes a practical part consisting of demonstrations and scenarios.
Training costs are at your expense.
If you don't meet these obligations, the mayor can order that your dog be impounded.
It may, in the case of serious and immediate danger and after a veterinarian has given his opinion, have him euthanized.
As the owner or keeper of the dog at the event, you are civilly liable for the damage caused by the animal, i.e. you must to compensate the victim for the damage that she suffered.
You must make an immediate claim with your home insurer.
If you have taken out property and casualty insurance, the third party liability guarantee is included in your contract.
When declaring an accident, you must specify the circumstances of the event: date, place, contact details of the victim and witnesses.
Your insurer compensates the victim for the consequences of the bite.
If it is established that the victim has committed a mistake which caused the attack on the animal, your responsibility is not questioned.
If you're not insured, the victim can to bring proceedings before the court of justice competent to make good personal injuries.
If the accident was due to your negligence, the victim may complain.
If the victim deceased you can be prosecuted for the bite. Such aggression may constitute a manslaughter.
The public prosecutor may decide to sue you. If he decides that a trial must take place, he takes place before the correctional court.
You could face up to 5 years in prison and €75,000 of fine.
The penalties are increased to 7 years' imprisonment and €100,000 fines in the following cases:
- Ownership or detention of the dog was prohibited by law or a court order
- You were clearly intoxicated or under the clear influence of narcotics
- The dog is a 1st or 2nd category dog and you don't have the training to be able to hold such a dog
- The dog is a dog of 1re or 2e category and you don't have a detention permit
- The dog of 1re or 2e category was in a public place and was not muzzled or leashed by an adult
- The dog was abused by you
- Vaccination of the dog against rabies is not up to date (when mandatory).
The penalties are increased to 10 years' imprisonment and €150,000 a fine where at least 2 of those circumstances were present when the manslaughter occurred.
Person bitten
Dog bites can cause infections and cosmetic sequelae.
Disinfect the wound and monitor the appearance of the wound within hours and days.
See a doctor or go to the emergency department especially if:
- Your tetanus vaccine is not up to date
- Wounds are large or accompanied by other symptoms (pain, swelling, lymph nodes, infection, etc.)
- You are immunocompromised (due to treatment, HIV, etc.) or have diabetes
- You were bitten by a dog from a foreigner country that may have been infected with rage.
Remember to tell your doctor and other healthcare professionals (pharmacist, physiotherapist, nurse, etc.) that you are seeing after a dog bite. They'll check the box Accident caused by third party on your care sheet and will indicate the date of the event.
Reporting the bite to the Health Insurance
You must report the bite to your CPAM: titleContent.
They will be able to turn to the dog owner or keeper to obtain reimbursement for the costs incurred for your care.
This remedy is called action against third parties.
You can file your return in different ways: from your ameli account, on onmablesse.fr, by phone, by mail.
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Ameli Account
You can file your return from your ameli account (section My efforts).
Site onmablesse.fr
You can file your return directly on the onmablesse.fr website.
You can file your return by phone at the following number:
You can file your return by mail using the form next:
Reporting of the bite to the liability insurance
You must report the bite to your insurer for your insurer to make any compensation.
You must provide the location and date of the event, the contact details of the dog owner, the name of his insurance company and the number of his insurance contract.
Your liability insurance may be subject to the insurance of the owner of the dog, or the owner of the dog himself, if he is not insured.
You are entitled to full compensation for your damage, except in the event of your own fault.
The amount of compensation shall be determined on the basis of the medical expertise established by the medical expert authorized by the insurance of the dog owner.
If the owner of the dog refuses to make the declaration of claim with his insurance, to be identified or is not insured, you can to bring proceedings before the court of justice competent to make good personal injuries.
The assistance of a lawyer is mandatory. If your income does not allow you to pay a lawyer, you can apply for thelegal aid.
If the bite is due to negligence on the part of the owner or keeper of the animal, you can complain.
In the event of the death of the person bitten, the owner or keeper of the dog may be sued for manslaughter.
Articles L223-9 and L223-10
Rule 221-6-2
National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam)
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Justice