Car insurance: young driver and premium

Verified 21 September 2020 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you are a young driver or a new driver, the insurer may charge you a premium supplement for your car insurance policy. This supplement, called extra premium, shall also be applied to the driver who has been uninsured for 3 years. The amount is lower for drivers who have completed the advance training in driving. The application of the premium surcharge is combined with the application of the bonus/malus system.

The insurer can apply a premium to you during the subscription of your contract auto in the following 2 cases:

  • You have had your license for less than 3 years (young driver or new driver)
  • You have had your license for more than 3 years, but you have not been insured for more than 3 years

The fare that will apply will therefore be higher than the normal fare calculated on the basis of the type of vehicle and the age of the driver.

The surcharge is halved each year without an accident involving your liability. And it disappears after 3 full years of accident-free insurance.

The amount varies depending on whether or not you have taken the advance driving training.

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General case

Tableau - Changes in the premium rate for novice drivers according to the age of insurance


Rate of premium for novice drivers

1era year

100 % increase in the initial premium

2e year (after a disaster-free year involving your liability)

50 % increase in the initial premium

3e year (after 2 years without loss involving your liability)

25 % increase in the initial premium

4e year (after 3 years without loss involving your liability)

There is no further increase in the initial premium

Driver who has completed the advanced training

Tableau - Changes in the premium rate for novice drivers according to the age of insurance


Rate of premium for novice drivers

1era year

50 % increase in the initial premium

2e year (after a disaster-free year involving your liability)

25 % increase in the initial premium

3e year (after 2 years without loss involving your liability)

12,5 % increase in the initial premium

4e year (after 3 years without loss involving your liability)

There is no further increase in the initial premium

The bonus/malus system also applies to young and novice drivers. Thus, increases or decreases linked to the behavior of the insured are combined with the system of the insurance premium surcharge.

Example :

With a reference premium of €500, and for a young person or a novice driver who has no accident, the situation would be as follows, whether or not he has taken the anticipated training:

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Driver who did not take the advanced training

Tableau - Evolution of the premium for a young driver with no accident



Bonus Coefficient

Premium payable




€500 * 2 = €1000

1er birthday



(€500 * 1.5) * 0.95 = €712.50

2e birthday



(€500 * 1.25) * 0.9 = €562.50

3e birthday



(€500 * 0.85)= €425

Driver who has completed the advanced training

Tableau - Change in the premium for a young driver who has taken early learning and who has no accident



Bonus Coefficient

Premium payable




€500 * 1.5 = €750

1er birthday



(€500 * 1.25) * 0.95 = €593.75

2e birthday



(€500 * 1.125) * 0.9 = €478.13

3e birthday



(€500 * 0.85)= €425

Not all insurance companies apply the surcharge for novice drivers. Check this element in the conditions before signing the contract.

Please note

a young driver may be declared in his parents' insurance contract, with the agreement of the insurance company. It may apply an increase in the premium at that time.