Death capital paid for the death of a private sector employee

Verified 01 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The death capital is a financial aid paid by the Social Security to cover the costs of death and to financially support the persons who were dependent on the deceased. The rights-holders (spouse, partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent, child...) of a deceased employee are entitled to such benefits, subject to conditions. We present you the useful information.


As a surviving spouse, you are also entitled to a widow's or widow's pension under conditions (be disabled and under 55 years of age).

Less than 3 months before his death, the deceased was to be in theone of the following situations :

  • Employee
  • Unemployed person receiving benefits
  • Beneficiary of an accident at work or occupational disease pension (with an incapacity rate of at least 66,66 %)
  • Recipient of an invalidity pension


The death capital may be paid if the deceased, at the time of his death, was in a situation of retention of rights.

Priority beneficiaries

You are priority beneficiary if you were the effective, total and permanent dependant of the deceased on the day of his death. This is the case, for example, if you were not working.

In the presence of several priority beneficiaries, the death capital shall be paid in the following order of preference:

  1. Spouse(s) or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent
  2. Children
  3. Ascendants

If there are several beneficiaries of the same rank (for example, several children), the death capital is shared among them.

In the absence of a priority beneficiary

If no priority beneficiary has applied for the capital in the month of death, the death capital shall be paid in the following order:

  1. Unseparated spouse, or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent
  2. Offspring
  3. Ascendants

If there are several beneficiaries of the same rank (for example several children or ascendants), the death capital is shared among them.

Date of request

The time frame for claiming the death benefit differs depending on whether you are a priority beneficiary or not:

  • If you are not a priority beneficiary, you have 2 years from the date of death.
  • If you are a priority beneficiary, you have a maximum of one month from the date of death. After this period, you lose your right of priority, but you can come forward within the 2-year period like the other beneficiaries.

Application file

You must complete the Cerfa Death Benefit Application Form:

Death Capital Application - Declaration to be completed by the applicant

The documents to be attached are indicated in the package leaflet of the form.

Where to apply?

You must send the application to the social security organization (CPAM: titleContent or MSA: titleContent) on which the deceased was dependent at the time of death.

Who shall I contact

In addition to getting closer to the sickness diet (CPAM: titleContent, MSA: titleContent) on which your deceased spouse depended, you can obtain information from his or her employer.

The amount of the death capital is flat rate.

It is equal to €3,909.94.

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