What does the social security number mean?
Verified 02 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Registration in the National Directory of Identification of Natural Persons (RNIPP) shall give rise to the award of a directory registration number (NIR).
NIR is also called social security number.
This number is dialed:
- From 13 digits
- And a control key of 2 digits.
Infographie - Social security number

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Social security number under the microscope:
- Control key
- Birth Order No.
- Insee Common Code
- Department of Birth
- Month of birth
- Year of birth
- Sex
It may be helpful to know your Social Security number by heart.
Here's a way to hold him.
Numbers | Meaning |
1er digit | Gender: |
Next 2 digits | Year of birth |
Next 2 digits | Month of birth |
Next 5 digits | Place of birth: If you are foreign born : the 2 digits of the department code are replaced by 99 and the common code by an Insee code of the country of birth You are born in Algeria, Morocco or Tunisia before independence of these countries: a specific code may be used instead of the code 99 and the INSEE code of the country concerned (examples: 91, 92, 93 or 94 for Algeria, 95 for Morocco and 96 for Tunisia) |
Next 3 digits | Serial number to distinguish persons born at the same place in the same period |
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If you are dependent on the general diet
Primary health insurance fund (CPAM)If you are dependent on the farm plan
Mutual Social Agricultural Organization (MSA)
National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam)