What are the paid leave entitlements of a part-time employee?

Verified 22 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The employee working at part-time is guaranteed the same treatment as a full-time employee.

An employee working part-time shall be entitled to the same period of paid leave than a full-time employee.

A part-time employee shall be entitled to 2.5 working days per month of actual work made with the same employer.

This corresponds to 30 working days, or 5 weeks for a full year's work.

An employee working part-time shall be entitled to the same period of paid leave as an employee working full-time during a sick leave, whatever its nature: sickness of non-occupational origin or of occupational origin.

Please note

The employer shall lay down the rules for taking paid leave in accordance with the principle of equality between full-time and part-time employees. Part-time employees should not have more paid leave than full-time employees.

The employer shall account for the days of paid leave of the employee working part-time as follows:

  • Taking into account the 1er day of leave
  • And everyday consideration working days included in the period of absence until resumption of work.

The employer can calculate vacation days in working days. In this case, this method of calculation must guarantee the employee leave entitlements at least equal to those calculated in working days.

Example :

An employee works part-time on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, except for Wednesday of the week and his 2 weekly rest days (Saturday and Sunday):

  • Employee requests days off on Monday and Tuesday: 3 days working days leave is then counted (on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday even if the employee does not work today as part-time).
  • The employee requests days off on Thursday and Friday: 3 working days off are then counted (Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Wednesday being considered as the day during which the employee is part-time).
  • The employee requests a week of leave: 6 working days of leave are then counted.

Please note

Paid leave allowance is calculated according to the same rules as for full-time employees.

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