Citizenship leave of the volunteer leader of an association
Verified 29 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You are responsible or volunteer leader and you want to know how to benefit from a unpaid leave for to exercise your function ? The location varies depending on who you are private-sector employee or public official. We present you with the information you need to know.
You may be granted leave to perform any of the following duties on a pro bono basis:
- Statutory director (member of the board of directors, the office...) of an association of general interest (law 1901 or Alsace-Moselle)
- Supervisor of other volunteers of an association of general interest (law 1901 or Alsace-Moselle)
Please note
In these 2 cases, the association must have been declared for at least 1 year and fulfill one of the following conditions:
- Be philanthropic, educational, scientific, social, humanitarian, sporting, family, cultural
- To contribute to the promotion of the artistic heritage, the defense of the natural environment or the dissemination of French culture, language and scientific knowledge.
You can also take the leave if you volunteer to do any of the following:
- Member of a citizens' council
- Non-administrator member, with a mandate within a mutual, union or federation
No conditions are linked to the nature of the association's activity or to a minimum reporting period.
It is necessary to check whether this leave is provided for in a agreement or collective agreement.
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The leave is provided for by a collective agreement or a collective agreement
The Convention or Agreement shall lay down the following points:
- Maximum total duration of leave and the conditions for its cumulation with the leave for economic, social and trade union training
- Possibly conditions for maintaining pay during leave
The leave is not provided for by a collective agreement or a collective agreement
The Act provides for the following:
- The maximum duration of leave shall be 6 working days per year
- Leave for voluntary association leaders may be combined with leave for economic, social and trade union training up to a maximum of 12 working days per year
- The leave is unpaid
The leave may be divided into half-days.
The leave is granted at your request upon proof of your volunteer duties.
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The leave is provided for by a collective agreement or a collective agreement
The text determines the following points:
- Time limit within which you must submit your request for leave to your employer
- Maximum number of employees per establishment able to take leave in a year
The leave is not provided for by a collective agreement or a collective agreement
You must inform your employer of your willingness to take at least one leave of absence 30 days in advance.
You must specify the date and duration of the planned absence.
Your request for leave must be made, by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt or hand delivered against receipt.
Your employer may refuse your departure on leave if the number of employees per establishment (facility or site) who have already taken such leave during the year is as follows:
Number of employees in the establishment | Employees who have been granted leave during the year |
Less than 50 | 1 |
50 to 99 | 2 |
100 to 199 | 3 |
200 to 499 | 4 |
500 to 999 | 5 |
1,000 to 1,999 | 6 |
From 2 000 | 6 + 1 additional employee per additional 1,000 employees |
The refusal of the employer may be challenged by the employee before the prud'homme council.
Leave shall be treated as an effective period of work for the purpose of determining the rights to paid leave and for all other rights arising from the contract of employment.
Public official
All public officials (officials and contractors) may be granted leave to perform any of the following duties on a voluntary basis:
- Statutory director (member of the board of directors, the office...) of an association of general interest (law 1901 or Alsace-Moselle)
- Supervisor of other volunteers of an association of general interest (law 1901 or Alsace-Moselle)
Please note
In these 2 cases, the association must have been declared for at least 1 year and fulfill one of the following conditions:
- Be philanthropic, educational, scientific, social, humanitarian, sporting, family, cultural
- To contribute to the promotion of the artistic heritage, the defense of the natural environment or the dissemination of French culture, language and scientific knowledge
All public officials may also benefit from the leave if they perform one of the following functions on a voluntary basis:
- Member of a citizens' council
- Member of a mutual society, union or federation without being a director and outside his status as an official, within the framework of a mandate for which he has been appointed or elected by statute
- Defender of Rights Delegate
All public servants under the age of 25 may also be granted leave to participate in the voluntary activities of certain organizations.
No conditions are linked to the nature of the association's activity or to a minimum reporting period.
The maximum duration of leave shall be 6 working days per year.
Leave is unpaid.
It shall not affect the following leave entitlements:
- Vacation leave and enhanced leave
- Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
- Maternity or adoption leave
- Paternity and childcare leave
- Vocational training leave
- Leave for validation of professional experience
- Skills Check Leave
- Family Solidarity Leave
- Leave for union training
- Parental Leave
The leave can be taken once or twice.
The leave is granted at your request upon proof of your volunteer duties.
Public policy measures
Scope of collective bargaining
Provisions applicable in the absence of a collective agreement
Provisions applicable in the absence of a collective agreement
Citizenship Leave