What reserve can we commit to?

Verified 01 December 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Several reserve arrangements allow volunteers to engage in the service of the general interest: military reserve, police civilian reserve, citizen reserve, health reserve... Age and profile requirements vary depending on the engagement chosen. Some reserves only employ volunteers, others pay volunteers.

Tableau - Various existing reserves

Type of reserve


Volunteer Profile

Duration of contract

Duration of intervention periods



Military Operational Reserve

From 17 years

Physically and medically fit volunteers

Contract between 1 and 5 years renewable

Maximum of 60 days per year. If necessary, the duration may be extended to 210 days per year.

Pay as grade varies

Armies and National Gendarmerie

National Police Operational Reserve

Between 18 and 67 years old

Volunteers, retired police officers and former physically and medically fit security assistants

1-5 year contract

Maximum of 90 days per year for volunteers and 150 days for retired police officers and former security assistants

Compensation varies by grade and duty station

National Police

Prison Civil Reserve

Maximum 65 years

Physically and medically fit pensioners

Minimum 1-year contract, renewable

Maximum of 150 days per year

Gross daily earnings of €105

Prison Service

Defense and Security Citizens' Reserve

From 17 years

Volunteers approved by the military authority on the basis of their skills, experience or interest in matters relating to national defense

3-year license renewable

One-off interventions

No compensation or allowance

(only travel expenses are compensated)

Armies and National Gendarmerie

National Education Citizen Reserve

From 18 years

No specific profile

No time limit

One-off interventions

No compensation or allowance (no reimbursement of expenses)

Schools and schools

Citizens' reserve for territorial cohesion

From 18 years

No specific profile

No time limit

One-off interventions

No compensation or allowance (no reimbursement of expenses)

Administrations, public bodies and associations

Communal Civil Security Reserve


No specific profile

Commitment of 1 to 5 years renewable

Maximum of 15 working days per year up to 24 hours per week

Compensation may be paid subject to conditions


National Police Citizen Reserve

From 18 years

Volunteers meeting an administrative survey

1 year renewable

Maximum 24 hours per week for recurring missions or more for one-off missions

No compensation or allowance

National Police

General Civic Reserve

From 16 years

No specific profile

1 year renewable

Occasional (one-off or recurring) missions

No compensation or allowance

Public services, communities or non-profit associations

Sanitary reserve


Health professionals in active employment, unemployed or retired for less than 5 years, students in medicine, odontology, pharmacy or pursuing studies of midwives or medical assistants at the end of studies

3-year contract, renewable

Maximum 45 cumulative days per calendar year (may exceptionally be increased to 90 days)

The salary of the employed reservist or official shall be maintained.

Liberal reservists, unemployed, retired or student reservists receive compensation.

Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Facility (Epru)

Volunteer firefighters

Between 16 and 56 years (general case). Between 18 and 25 years old in Paris and Marseille.

Medically and physically fit volunteers

5-year commitment, renewable (general case).

In Paris: 10-month, non-renewable commitment.

Occasional (one-off or recurring) missions

Grade-specific allowance

Departmental Fire and Rescue Service

Fire and rescue services citizen reserves

From 16 years

Volunteers not criminally convicted

Commitment of 1 to 5 years renewable

Occasional (one-off or recurring) missions

No compensation or allowance

Departmental or territorial fire and rescue service

Youth Judicial Protection Reserve (YJP)

Maximum 75 years

Volunteers and retirees of the civil service, not criminally convicted

1 year renewable

Maximum of 150 days per year

Daily allowance (3 levels according to expertise)

PJJ Directorate or PJJ Interregional Directorate or PJJ National School

Reintegration citizen reserve


Detained persons

Volunteer activities

No compensation, vested rights in the citizen engagement accountn

Interregional Directorate of Prison Services

In the event of a major crisis, volunteers from the following reserves may be summoned to the National Security Reserve:

  • Military Operational Reserve
  • National Police Civil Reserve
  • Sanitary reserve
  • Prison Civil Reserve
  • Civil security reserve

It's 30 days. This period shall be renewable once.

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