Army Operational Reserve

Verified 11 August 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Are you volunteering to serve in the military (land, national navy, etc.)? To be a candidate for the military operational reserve, you must meet certain conditions (age, fitness, nationality, etc.). You sign a 1-5 year contract. It shall be renewable once. You receive compensation and certain other benefits. You can break or suspend your engagement.

The commitment to serve in the Operational Reserve consists of:

  • Provide temporary reinforcement to the armed forces, for the protection of France or in operations conducted abroad
  • Providing defense education
  • Serve with a company engaged in supporting the military or supporting defense export operations

You must meet the 4 conditions.


You must be French.


The age limit is set at 72 years.

Civic obligations

You must meet the following conditions:

  • To have done the national service or the Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC)
  • Not having been convicted of a crime or punishment involving the loss of your civil rights (voting rights...), the prohibition to hold public office, the dismissal or loss of rank (for military personnel)


You must be medically fit.

A recruitment medical examination is carried out.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement


To sign up, you must apply online.

Become a Reservist in the Army (Land, Sea...)

Air Force

To sign up, you must apply online.

Become a Reservist in the Army (Land, Sea...)

National Navy

To sign up, you must apply online.

Become a Reservist in the Army (Land, Sea...)

Service of the Armed Services Commission

To sign up, you must apply online.

Become a Reservist in the Army (Land, Sea...)

Defense Infrastructure Service

To sign up, you must apply online.

Become a Reservist in the Army (Land, Sea...)

Service des essences des armées (supply, maintenance of oil equipment...)

To sign up, you must apply online.

Become a Reservist in the Army (Land, Sea...)

Army Health Service (hospitals, army medical centers...)

To sign up, you must contact directly by email with the recruitment service of your region.

Who shall I contact

Cyber defense (IT)

To commit, you must send your application (CV and cover letter) to the Cyber Defense Reserve by email.

Who shall I contact

Directorate of Military Intelligence (geopolitics, foreign languages...)

To sign up, you must send your application (CV and cover letter) to the reserve of the Directorate of Military Intelligence by email.

Who shall I contact

Directorate-General for Armaments (Equipment of the Armed Forces)

To sign up, you must send your application (CV and cover letter) to the Directorate-General for Armaments by email.

Who shall I contact

National Gendarmerie

To sign up, you need to fill out an online form to contact your department's reserve cell.

Who shall I contact

You sign a contract of employment for a duration of 1 to 5 years.

This contract is renewable.

The maximum duration of the activities of your engagement is 60 days by calendar year.

It may be supplemented with water maximum 210 days under the following conditions:

  • National or international interest in the activity for which you are engaged
  • Decision of the Minister of Defense or the Interior

You benefit from a planned schedule of your periods of activity.

This program is established, dated and signed by you and your employing military authority.

Please note

the duration of each period of activity may not be less than half a day.


You receive a salary (remuneration) that varies by posting rank, under the same conditions as career members.

Loyalty bonus

You can receive a loyalty bonus if you meet the following 2 conditions:

  • You signed a 1er contract of a duration of 3 years or more, renewed by 2e contract
  • You have completed a minimum of 37 days of activity per year of engagement during the 2nde contract

The amount of the loyalty premium is €250.

The loyalty premium shall be paid annually from the month following each anniversary of the signing of the 2e contract.

Example :

You signed your 2nd contract on 1er January 2022. The loyalty bonus will then be paid to you on the 1ster February 2022.

Specific study allocation

You can get a specific education allowance if you are enrolled in a vocational or higher education institution and you commit to being a reservist.

This allowance is for an amount of €100.

To qualify for this allowance, you must meet the following 3 conditions:

  • Be under 25 at 1er October of the year of enrollment in the professional or higher institution
  • Have signed at the time of your application for an allowance a 1er 5-year contract of employment. If you signed a contract of employment for less than 5 years, the duration of the contract can be taken into account when signing your 2nd contract for this condition to be fulfilled.
  • You commit to 37 days of activity over 1 year

Your application must be filed with the organization to which you report as a reservist (for example, army or gendarmerie).

Participation in the financing of driving license B

A contribution to the financing of the driving license B may be granted if you meet all of the following conditions:

  • You signed a contract of employment before the age of 25
  • You've never held a B driver's license
  • You have completed at least 50 days of activity on the reserve
  • You are more than 2 years away from the end of your engagement contract
  • You have proof of enrollment in a driving school

The amount of the participation is €1,000.

If your activities take place during your working time, you must notify your employer at least 1 month before your absence, preferably by registered post with notice of receipt.

This period shall be reduced to 15 days if your contract of employment includes, with the agreement of your employer, a reactivity clause.

Where the activities carried out during working time exceed 10 days per calendar year (5 days, by decision of the employer, in companies with less than 50 employees), you must in addition, get your employer's approval.

In the event of a refusal, your employer must send you a reasoned decision, preferably by registered letter with notice of receipt.

In the absence of a reply within 1 month, its agreement shall be deemed to have been reached.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You're a private sector employee

When you're doing your job as a reservist, your employment contract is suspended.

Periods of activity are considered as periods of actual work for benefits in terms of seniority, advancement, paid leave and entitlement to social benefits (sickness, death, etc.).

You get your job back when you come back.

Your employer cannot make the following decisions because of your employment as a reservist:

  • Dismissal
  • Occupational decommissioning
  • Disciplinary punishment

You're a public official

You're a public servant
Your activities on the reserve are less than or equal to 30 days a year

You are placed in activity position. You continue to receive your treatment during these 30 days.

Your activities on the reserve are more than 30 days a year

You are placed in detachment position for the part that exceeds 30 days.

You do not receive your treatment for more than 30 days.

You are a contract agent
Your activities on the reserve are less than or equal to 30 days a year

You continue to receive your treatment during these 30 days.

Your activities on the reserve are more than 30 days a year

You do not receive your treatment for more than 30 days. You can take these days off your vacation.

Suspension of contract

You can ask suspend your contract for a maximum of 24 months (2 years).

This suspension does not delay the scheduled end date of your engagement.

Example :

You signed a contract of employment on March 7, 2023, for a period of 1 year, until March 7, 2024. On September 4, 2023, you decide to suspend your contract for a period of 6 months. The end of your contract is still scheduled for March 7, 2024.

Termination of contract

You can terminate your employment contract by giving reasons for your request.

Your contract may also be terminated by the military authority if you no longer meet the conditions required to enter into the contract (e.g., inability to perform the assigned activities).

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