What premiums can a public official receive for restructuring his service?
Verified 27 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You are public official in the public service of the State and are displaced because of restructuring your service, you may receive, subject to conditions, a restructuring premium, a spouse's mobility allowance and, if you are an official, an accompanying allowance. We will detail the conditions for awarding these financial benefits, which vary depending on whether you are a public servant or a contractor.
In case of restructuring of your service, you can collect a service restructuring premium.
A service restructuring is a reorganization which results in the elimination or merger of services with possible modification of the geographical location.
A service restructuring results in a ministerial order which fixes the scope of the services concerned and the duration of the restructuring.
Service restructuring operations giving rise to entitlement to the premium shall be determined by ministerial decree.
This service restructuring premium may be supplemented by a spouse's mobility allowance if your spouse or partner Civil partnerships: titleContent must cease his professional activity because of your change of assignment.
You can also collect a accompanying supplement if your gross annual earnings for your new job are less than your previous job.
You can benefit from the service restructuring bonus if you are mutated or moved to another administrative residence as part of the restructuring of the department in which you carry out your duties.
Amount and payment of the service restructuring premium
The total amount of the service restructuring premium includes 2 items :
- An amount that depends on the distance between your old and your new administrative residence
- And an amount that depends on your personal situation.
The amount that depends on the distance between your old and your new administrative residence shall be fixed as follows:
Distance between old and the new administrative residence | Amount |
Less than 10 km | €1,250 (paid only if the distance between your new administrative residence and your family residence increased) |
Between 10 and 19 km | €2,500 |
Between 20 and 29 km | €5,000 |
Between 30 and 39 km | €7,500 |
Between 40 and 79 km | €9,000 + €3,000 if you have at least 1 dependent child and if you do not change your family residence |
Between 80 and 149 km | €12,000 + €3,000 if you have at least 1 dependent child and if you do not change your family residence |
From 150 km | €15,000 |
The distance between the old and the new administrative residence or between the new administrative residence and the family residence corresponds to the shortest route by road.
The amount that depends on your personal situation shall be fixed as follows:
Personal situation of the staff member | Amount |
Change of family residence if you have no dependent child | €10,000 |
Rental of a separate accommodation from your family residence | €12,500 |
Change of family residence if you have at least 1 dependent child | €15,000 |
If your spouse, partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent or cohabiting partner may collect the premium for the same service restructuring as you, only one of you eligible for the premium in its entirety.
The beneficiary is one of you whom you designate by mutual agreement.
The other member of your couple only perceives the share of the premium that depends on the distance between the old and the new administrative residence.
The service restructuring premium is paid in one go, at the time of taking up your post.
You can ask for it to be paid to you in 2 times over 2 consecutive years.
You can also benefit from the allowance for change of residence if you meet the award conditions.
Obligations of the official receiving the restructuring premium
If you mutate within 12 months after taking office, you must repay the premium service restructuring.
However, you don't have to pay back your bonus if you are transferred to one of the following reasons :
- Appointment to a vacant post for which no applications were submitted or for which none of the applications submitted was accepted
- Grade progression or internal promotion
- Appointment to a post at the end of a period of secondment for traineeship or schooling
- Application of the mobility obligations provided for by the special status of your home body
If you leave office as a result of removal of frames (retirement, revocation, dismissal), the reimbursement takes place in proportion to the time spent in your duties.
The service restructuring premium may be supplemented by a spouse's mobility allowance.
This allowance can be paid if your husband or your partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent is obliged to cease his professional activity because of your transfer or your move.
The cessation of activity must take place at least 3 months before and at the latest 1 year after your transfer or move.
Conditions for granting the spouse's mobility aid allowance
The spouse's mobility aid may be applied for as soon as the spouse or Civil partnership partner has ceased to be employed.
It may also be requested from the moment it is laid off.
Amount of the spouse's mobility aid allowance
The amount of the spouse's mobility aid allowance shall be €7,000
Obligations of an official in receipt of the spouse's mobility allowance
If you mutate within 12 months after taking office, you must repay the allowance mobility assistance for the spouse.
However, you don't have to pay back your allowance if you are transferred to one of the following reasons :
- Appointment to a vacant post for which no applications were submitted or for which none of the applications submitted was accepted
- Grade progression or internal promotion
- Appointment to a post at the end of a period of secondment for traineeship or schooling
- Application of the mobility obligations provided for by the special status of your home body
If you leave office as a result of removal of frames (retirement, revocation, dismissal), the reimbursement takes place in proportion to the time spent in your duties.
Conditions for the award of the accompanying supplement
You benefit from the additional support payment if the annual gross remuneration that you perceived in your original job is higher than your host job.
The accompanying compensation supplement is cumulable with the service restructuring premium and the spouse's mobility aid allowance.
The decree which lays down the restructuring of the service giving entitlement to the restructuring premium lists the posts giving entitlement to the accompanying supplement.
Amount of the accompanying compensation supplement
The amount of the accompanying supplement shall be equal to the difference between the annual gross remuneration that you have perceived in your original job during the 12 months prior to your reassignment and the annual gross salary of your new job.
The following compensation elements shall not be taken into account in the calculation of the gross annual remuneration of origin and of reception:
- Residence allowance and allowance for residence abroad
- Family treatment supplement
- Reimbursement of expenses
- Surcharges and indexing payments in the event of overseas illness
- Premiums and allowances linked to a change of residence, first assignment, geographical mobility and restructuring
- Teaching or jury allowances and other allowances not directly related to your original or host job
- Exceptional or occasional payments related to individual or collective assessment of how to serve
- Exceptional or occasional payments of premiums and allowances in respect of a single chargeable event
- Premiums and allowances linked to the organization of work
If you have a official housing in your home or host job, the amount of the premiums and allowances taken into account is the amount that would be due to you, if you did not have this accommodation.
Before you move, your host administration sends your home administration a certificate stating what your annual gross remuneration will be. Your home administration informs you by post of the amount of the accompanying supplement.
Payment and reassessment of the accompanying supplement
The accompanying compensation supplement is paid monthly for the same restructuring for 3 years, renewable once.
It is paid to you by your host administration, which is reimbursed by your home administration.
At the end of 1re For a period of three years, the difference between your salary in your host job and that of your original job is reassessed under the same conditions as when you changed assignment.
The accompanying supplement is reassessed accordingly and maintained for a 2e three-year period if there is always a difference between the remuneration of your host job and that of your original job.
Contractor in CDI
In case of restructuring of your service, you can collect a service restructuring premium.
A service restructuring is a reorganization which leads to the elimination or merger of services with possible changes in geographical location.
A restructuring of service shall result in a Ministerial Order which shall fix the scope of the services concerned and the duration of the restructuring.
Service restructuring operations giving rise to entitlement to the premium shall be determined by ministerial decree.
This restructuring premium may be supplemented by a spouse's mobility allowance if your spouse or partner Civil partnerships: titleContent must cease his professional activity because of your change of assignment.
You can benefit from the service restructuring bonus if you are moved to another administrative residence as part of the restructuring of the department in which you carry out your duties.
Amount and payment of the service restructuring premium
The total amount of the service restructuring premium includes 2 items :
- An amount that depends on the distance between your old and your new administrative residence
- And an amount that depends on your personal situation
The amount that depends on the distance between your old and your new administrative residence shall be fixed as follows:
Distance between old and the new administrative residence | Amount |
Less than 10 km | €1,250 (paid only if the distance between your new administrative residence and your family residence increased) |
Between 10 and 19 km | €2,500 |
Between 20 and 29 km | €5,000 |
Between 30 and 39 | €7,500 |
Between 40 and 79 km | €9,000 + €3,000 if you have at least 1 dependent child and if you do not change your family residence |
Between 80 and 149 km | €12,000 + €3,000 if you have at least 1 dependent child and if you do not change your family residence |
From 150 km | €15,000 |
The distance between the old and the new administrative residence or between the new administrative residence and the family residence corresponds to the shortest route by road.
The amount that depends on your personal situation shall be fixed as follows:
Personal situation of the staff member | Amount |
Change of family residence if you have no dependent child | €10,000 |
Rental of accommodation separate from the family residence | €12,500 |
Change of family residence if you have at least 1 dependent child | €15,000 |
If your spouse, partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent or cohabiting partner may collect the premium for the same service restructuring as you, only one of you eligible for the premium in its entirety.
The beneficiary is one of you whom you designate by mutual agreement.
The other member of your couple only perceives the proportion of the premium that depends on the distance between the old and the new administrative residence.
The service restructuring premium is paid in one go, at the time of taking up your post. You can ask for it to be paid to you in 2 times over 2 consecutive years.
You can also benefit from the allowance for change of residence if you meet the award conditions.
Obligations of the staff member receiving the restructuring premium
If you change jobs within 12 months after taking office, you must repay the premium service restructuring.
However, you don't have to pay back your bonus if you change jobs to one of the following reasons:
- Appointment to a vacant post for which no applications were submitted or for which none of the applications submitted was accepted
- Appointment to a post at the end of a period of secondment for traineeship or schooling
- Application of the mobility obligations laid down for your job
If you leave office as a result of withdrawal of staff (retirement, dismissal), the reimbursement takes place in proportion to the time spent in your duties.
The service restructuring premium may be supplemented by a spouse's mobility allowance.
This allowance can be paid if your husband or your partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent is forced to stop working because of your change of job.
The cessation of activity must take place at least 3 months before and at the latest 1 year after your trip.
Conditions for granting the spouse's mobility aid allowance
The spouse's mobility allowance can be claimed as soon as your spouse or Civil partnership partner has ceased working.
It may also be applied for from the date of his leave without pay.
Amount of the spouse's mobility aid allowance
The amount of the spouse's mobility aid allowance shall be €7,000
Obligations of staff members in receipt of the spouse's mobility allowance
If you change jobs within 12 months after taking office, you must repay the allowance mobility assistance for the spouse.
However, you do not have to repay your allowance if you change jobs to one of the following reasons :
- Appointment to a vacant post for which no applications were submitted or for which none of the applications submitted was accepted
- Appointment to a post at the end of a period of secondment for traineeship or schooling
- Application of the mobility obligations laid down for your job
If you leave office as a result of withdrawal of staff (retirement, dismissal), the reimbursement takes place in proportion to the time spent in your duties.
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Ministry of Public Service