File of perpetrators of sexual or violent offenses (Fijais)
Verified 17 December 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
What is it? Finnish: titleContent ? This is a file that lists people questioning or sentenced for a infringement sexual or violent. This file is used to facilitate the identification of authors offenses or crimes and to prevent the recurrence of such offenses. Individuals who are registered can access them and request the rectification or erasure of their information. We present you with the information you need to know.
There are different rules depending on who is registered in the Finnish: titleContent is major or minor.
Alone certain decisions made against a person questioning or convicted of committing some infringements may result in a subscription to the Finnish: titleContent.
Offenses leading to registration in Fijais
Offenses which may give rise to registration in the Finnish: titleContent are:
- Murder or assassination of a minor or recidivism
- Torture and barbaric acts
- Rape
- Sexual assault
- Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault
- Trafficking in human beings in respect of a minor
- Pimping on minor
- Prostitution
- Bribery of minors
- Violence Causing Serious Injury to a Minor Under 15
- Sexual proposal made to a minor under 15 using an electronic means of communication (e.g. social networks)
- Recording, acquisition, possession or offering of pornographic images or representations of a minor
- Usual or paid consultation of a website disseminating pornographic images or representations of a minor
- Manufacture, transport, dissemination or trade in violent or pornographic messages which can be seen or perceived by a minor
- Incitement of a minor to undergo or commit sexual mutilation
- Incitement to commit a crime crime or a offense on a minor
- Sexual abuse of a domestic animal, tamed or held in captivity.
Decisions entailing registration in Finnish
You are registered to Finnish: titleContent if you're convicted, even if you're not definitive, for committing a crime or an offense punishable by a penalty greater than or equal at 5 years old.
If the prison sentence is less than 5 years, the decision shall not be entered in Fijais. However, the court or tribunal public prosecutor may decide otherwise.
If the victim of the offense is minor, the decision shall be entered in Fijais regardless of the length of the sentence, unless the judge or the prosecutor expressly decides otherwise.
The sentencing court or, in some cases, the public prosecutor may decide that you will not be registered in the Finnish: titleContent if you have committed an offense that carries a penalty equal five years in prison.
This decision must be specially reasoned.
The following decisions shall also entail the inclusion in the Finnish: titleContent :
- Decision of criminal irresponsibility on account of mental disorder
- Executing a penal composition
- Indictment (for a crime, registration unless otherwise decided by the examining magistrate ; for a offense, entry only by express decision of the investigating judge).
Registration is notified orally or by post RAR: titleContent to your last declared address.
One document concerning the obligations to be fulfilled is delivered to you or sent against receipt.
The following information shall be recorded in the Finnish: titleContent :
- Identity : surname, forename, sex, date and place of birth, nationality, parentage, successive addresses of residence, etc.
- Nature and date of the decision to register : jurisdiction, nature of the offense committed, date and place of the facts, sentences handed down, etc.
- Miscellaneous Information : periodicity of the obligation to appear to declare an address, decisions to correct entries in the register, etc.
If you are registered with the Finnish: titleContent, you must declare your successive addresses and inform the competent authorities of any change of address.
The way you report differs depending on the sentence you face or have been sentenced to.
General case
You must meet the following obligations:
- Indicate one 1re time your address in the 15 days following the notification of your obligations. You need a proof of domicile less than 3 months (example: rent receipt, electricity bill, etc.)
- Enter your address every year
- Declare all change address within 15 days of this change.
You must make these representations to the police station or the gendarme of your domicile. You can travel in person or send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
If you live abroad, these formalities may be done by letter RAR: titleContent transmitted to file manager service. All the documents you provide must contain the signature of the foreign authorities, the embassy or the consulate.
Finnish Management Service
A person registered in the Sexual or Violent Offenders Index (Fijais) must regularly inform of his or her address.
If she resides abroad, it must do so by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Fijais management service, in Nantes.
By mail
Finnish Management Service
Ministry of Justice
BP 22406
Please note
Failure to comply with these obligations carries a penalty of 2 years of prison and €30,000 of fine.
Sentence of at least 10 years in prison
Obligations concerning primary offenders are different from those provided for persons in a legal recidivism.
Primary Offender
You must meet the following obligations:
- Specify a 1re times your skill in the 15 days following the notification of your obligations. You need a proof of domicile less than 3 months (example: rent receipt, electricity bill, etc.)
- Enter your address every 6 months, or every month by decision of the court or application of sentences judge
- Report any change of address within 15 days of this change.
To do this, you must travel in person to police station or the gendarme of your domicile.
If you live abroad, these formalities may be done by letter RAR: titleContent transmitted to file manager service. All the documents you provide must contain the signature of the foreign authorities, the embassy or the consulate.
Finnish Management Service
A person registered in the Sexual or Violent Offenders Index (Fijais) must regularly inform of his or her address.
If she resides abroad, it must do so by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Fijais management service, in Nantes.
By mail
Finnish Management Service
Ministry of Justice
BP 22406
Please note
Failure to comply with these obligations carries a penalty of 2 years of prison and €30,000 of fine.
Legal recidivism
You must meet the following obligations:
- Specify a 1re time your address in the 15 days following the notification of your obligations. You need a proof of residence of less than 3 months (example: rent receipt, electricity bill, etc.)
- Enter your address every month
- Report any change of address within 15 days of this change.
To do this, you must travel in person to police station or the gendarme of your domicile.
If you live abroad, these formalities may be done by letter RAR: titleContent transmitted to file manager service. All the documents you provide must contain the signature of the foreign authorities, the embassy or the consulate.
Finnish Management Service
A person registered in the Sexual or Violent Offenders Index (Fijais) must regularly inform of his or her address.
If she resides abroad, it must do so by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Fijais management service, in Nantes.
By mail
Finnish Management Service
Ministry of Justice
BP 22406
Please note
Failure to comply with these obligations carries a penalty of 2 years of prison and €30,000 of fine.
Yes, depending on your situation, you can request a change in your obligations.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Obligation to report every 6 months to justify the address
You can request to reduce this frequency to 1 time per year.
The request is made by letterRAR: titleContent or by declaration to graft.
It must be addressed to the public prosecutor of the the last court whose decision resulted in your being entered in the Finnish: titleContent.
If it is a court of appeal, you must contact the public prosecutor of the seat of the Court of Appeal.
Example :
You have been sentenced twice with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Tribunal correctionnal de Saintes in 2022, then by the Tribunal de Paris in 2024. In this case, you must contact the public prosecutor of the Paris court.
You have been sentenced with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Court of Appeal of Rennes. You must contact the public prosecutor of the Court of Justice of Rennes.
The public prosecutor has 2 months to answer you (4 months if he orders an expertise).
You receive a registered letter with a request for notice of receipt.
Who shall I contact
Requirement to report monthly to justify address
You can request to reduce this frequency to Once every 6 months.
The request is made by letterRAR: titleContent or by declaration to graft.
It must be addressed to the public prosecutor of the the last court whose decision resulted in your being entered in the Finnish: titleContent.
If it is a court of appeal, you must contact the public prosecutor of the seat of the Court of Appeal.
Example :
You have been sentenced twice with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Tribunal correctionnal de Saintes in 2022, then by the Tribunal de Paris in 2024. In this case, you must contact the public prosecutor of the Paris court.
You have been sentenced with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Court of Appeal of Rennes. You must contact the public prosecutor of the Court of Justice of Rennes.
The public prosecutor has 2 months to answer you (4 months if he orders an expertise).
You receive a registered letter with a request for notice of receipt.
Who shall I contact
The following people can visit the Finnish: titleContent more or less extensively :
- Judicial authority
- Judicial Police Officer (OPJ) as part of an investigation for a infringement leading to registration in Fijais or a breach of Fijais obligations
- Prefect and authorized agent of certain administrations for recruitment to certain posts (example: departmental services of national education)
- Authorized officer of a penitentiary registry to monitor the obligations of a person on the register.
The information shall be kept:
- 30 years for a crime or a offense punished by at least 10 years in prison
- 20 years in other cases.
In principle, that period shall run from notification of the decision to enter the Finnish: titleContent. However, if you are in prison, the delay starts to run from your release from prison.
The information are withdrawn earlier of the Finnish: titleContent in the following cases:
- Death
- Decision of non-suit, of relaxation or of acquittal
- Decision of the public prosecutor to erase your data.
You must contact the public prosecutor from your home.
You have to prove your identity.
The information shall be communicated to you orally. No written documents are provided.
Who shall I contact
If you believe that certain information about you is not accurate, you can request a correction:
- By registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt
- Or by declaration to the graft.
Your request for rectification must be sent to the public prosecutor of the last court which gave the decision which led to your inclusion in the Finnish: titleContent.
If it is a court of appeal, you must contact the public prosecutor of the seat of the Court of Appeal.
Example :
You have been sentenced twice with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Tribunal correctionnal de Saintes in 2022, then by the Tribunal de Paris in 2024. In this case, you must contact the public prosecutor of the Paris court.
You have been sentenced with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Court of Appeal of Rennes. You must contact the public prosecutor of the Court of Justice of Rennes.
Who shall I contact
The public prosecutor has 2 months to answer you (4 months if he orders an expertise).
You receive a registered letter with a request for notice of receipt.
If your request is accepted, the public prosecutor notifies the Finnish: titleContent. This service corrects the file.
If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision.
Conditions for requesting erasure
You can ask to have your information deleted if you no longer feel it is justified to keep it.
However, erasure is not possible if:
- It concerns information specific to ongoing legal proceedings
- Or if you haven't been rehabilitated
- Or if the measure that prompted your registration Finnish: titleContent has not been deleted from Bulletin No. 1 of criminal record.
Deletion Request
The request is made by letterRAR: titleContent or by declaration to graft.
It must be addressed to the public prosecutor of the the last court whose decision resulted in your being entered in the Finnish: titleContent.
If it is a court of appeal, you must contact the public prosecutor of the seat of the Court of Appeal.
Example :
You have been sentenced twice with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Tribunal de Saintes in 2022 and then by the Tribunal de Paris in 2024. You have to go to the public prosecutor of the court of Paris.
You have been sentenced with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Court of Appeal of Rennes. You must contact the public prosecutor of the Rennes court.
Who shall I contact
The public prosecutor has 2 months to answer you (4 months if he orders an expertise).
You receive a registered letter with a request for notice of receipt.
If your request is accepted, the public prosecutor notifies the Fijais management service. This service performs the erasure of the information concerned.
If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision.
Alone certain decisions made against a person questioning or convicted of committing some infringements may result in a subscription to the Finnish: titleContent.
Offenses leading to registration in Fijais
Offenses which may give rise to registration in the Finnish: titleContent are:
- Murder or assassination of a minor or recidivism
- Torture and barbaric acts
- Rape
- Sexual assault
- Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault
- Trafficking in human beings in respect of a minor
- Pimping on minor
- Prostitution
- Bribery of minors
- Violence Causing Serious Injury to a Minor Under 15
- Sexual proposal made to a minor under 15 using an electronic means of communication (e.g. social networks)
- Recording, acquisition, possession or offering of pornographic images or representations of a minor
- Usual or paid consultation of a website disseminating pornographic images or representations of a minor
- Manufacture, transport, dissemination or trade in violent or pornographic messages which can be seen or perceived by a minor
- Incitement of a minor to undergo or commit sexual mutilation
- Incitement to commit a crime crime or a offense on a minor
- Sexual abuse of a domestic animal, tamed or held in captivity.
Decisions entailing registration in Finnish
Decisions which may result in registration with the Finnish: titleContent are:
- Conviction, even if non-definitiveincluding in the case of waiver of sentence or deferment of sentence
- Educational measure, even if not definitive
- Decision of criminal irresponsibility on account of mental disorder
- Executing a penal composition
- Indictment (for a crime, registration unless otherwise decided by the investigating judge, for a offense, entry only by express decision of the investigating judge).
However, registration is not automatic: it depends on the offense committed by the minor.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Minor sex offender or violent offender
In principle, decisions handed down against a minor who is 13 to 18 years are not registered in the Finnish: titleContent, if he committed a offense.
By way of exception, registration may be ordered by the court which issued the decision or by the public prosecutor.
Juvenile perpetrator of sexual or violent crime
Judgments handed down against a minor who is 13 to 18 years are entered in the Finnish: titleContent, if he committed a sexual or violent crime.
Registration is notified orally or by post RAR: titleContent to your last declared address.
One document concerning the obligations to be fulfilled is delivered to you or sent against receipt.
Your legal representatives or the person to whom your custody has been entrusted shall also be informed.
The following information shall be recorded in the Finnish: titleContent :
- Identity : surname, forename, sex, date and place of birth, nationality, parentage, successive addresses of residence, etc.
- Nature and date of the decision to register : jurisdiction, nature of the offense committed, date and place of the facts, sentences handed down, etc.
- Miscellaneous Information : periodicity of the obligation to appear to declare an address, decisions to correct entries in the register, etc.
If you are registered with the Finnish: titleContent, you must declare your successive addresses and inform the competent authorities of any change of address.
The reporting requirements differ depending on the sentence you face or have been sentenced to.
General case
You must meet the following obligations:
- Indicate one 1re time your address in the 15 days following the notification of your obligations. You need a proof of domicile of less than 3 months (example: electricity bill)
- Enter your address every year
- Declare all change address within 15 days of this change.
These steps must be taken by your legal representatives or by the person to whom your custody has been entrusted.
The person doing the procedure can travel in person or send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
If you live in France, these steps must be taken with the police station or the gendarme of your domicile.
If you live abroad, these procedures must be carried out with the file manager service. In this case, the supporting documents you provide must contain the signature of the foreign authorities, the embassy or the consulate.
Finnish Management Service
A person registered in the Sexual or Violent Offenders Index (Fijais) must regularly inform of his or her address.
If she resides abroad, it must do so by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Fijais management service, in Nantes.
By mail
Finnish Management Service
Ministry of Justice
BP 22406
Please note
Failure to comply with these obligations shall be punishable by a maximum of 2 years of prison and €30,000 of fine.
Conviction for a crime punishable by at least 20 years in prison
Obligations concerning primary offenders are different from those provided for persons in a legal recidivism.
Primary Offender
You must meet the following obligations:
- Specify a 1re times your skill in the 15 days following the notification of your obligations. You need a proof of domicile of less than 3 months
- Enter your address every 6 months, or every month by decision of the court or application of sentences judge
- Report any change of address within 15 days of this change.
These steps must be taken by your legal representatives or by the person to whom your custody has been entrusted.
In order to complete these formalities, this person must obligatory to report to the police station or gendarmerie from your home.
If you live abroad, these formalities may be done by letter RAR: titleContent transmitted to file manager service. All the documents you provide must contain the signature of the foreign authorities, the embassy or the consulate.
Finnish Management Service
A person registered in the Sexual or Violent Offenders Index (Fijais) must regularly inform of his or her address.
If she resides abroad, it must do so by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Fijais management service, in Nantes.
By mail
Finnish Management Service
Ministry of Justice
BP 22406
Please note
Failure to comply with these obligations shall be punishable by a maximum of 2 years of prison and €30,000 of fine.
With legal recidivism
Committing within a certain period of time, for a person who has already been convicted, a new offense which is the same or similar and which may result in a heavier penalty than that normally imposed.
You must meet the following obligations:
- Specify a 1re time your addressin the 15 days following the notification of your obligations. You need proof of residence of less than 3 months.
- Enter your address every month
- Report any change of address within 15 days of this change.
These steps must be taken by your legal representatives or the person to whom your custody has been entrusted.
In order to complete these formalities, this person must obligatory to report to the police station or gendarmerie from your home.
If you live abroad, these formalities may be done by letter RAR: titleContent transmitted to file manager service. All the documents you provide must contain the signature of the foreign authorities, the embassy or the consulate.
Finnish Management Service
A person registered in the Sexual or Violent Offenders Index (Fijais) must regularly inform of his or her address.
If she resides abroad, it must do so by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Fijais management service, in Nantes.
By mail
Finnish Management Service
Ministry of Justice
BP 22406
Please note
Failure to comply with these obligations shall be punishable by a maximum of 2 years of prison and €30,000 of fine.
Yes, depending on your situation, you can request the modification of your obligations.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Obligation to report every 6 months to justify the address
You can request to reduce this frequency to 1 time per year.
The request is made by letterRAR: titleContent or by declaration to graft.
It must be addressed to the public prosecutor of the the last court whose decision resulted in your being entered in the Finnish: titleContent.
If it is a court of appeal, you must contact the public prosecutor of the seat of the Court of Appeal.
Example :
You have been sentenced twice with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Tribunal correctionnal de Saintes in 2022 and by the Tribunal de Paris in 2024. In this case, you must contact the public prosecutor of the Paris court.
You have been sentenced with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Court of Appeal of Rennes. You must contact the public prosecutor of the Court of Justice of Rennes.
The public prosecutor has 2 months to answer you (4 months if he orders an expertise).
You receive a registered letter with a request for notice of receipt.
Who shall I contact
Requirement to report monthly to justify address
You can request to reduce this frequency to Once every 6 months.
The request is made by letterRAR: titleContent or by declaration to graft.
It must be addressed to the public prosecutor of the the last court whose decision resulted in your being entered in the Finnish: titleContent.
If it is a court of appeal, you must contact the public prosecutor of the seat of the Court of Appeal.
Example :
You have been sentenced twice with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Tribunal correctionnal de Saintes in 2022, then by the Tribunal de Paris in 2024. In this case, you must contact the public prosecutor of the Paris court.
You have been sentenced with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Court of Appeal of Rennes. You must contact the public prosecutor of the Court of Justice of Rennes.
The public prosecutor has 2 months to answer you (4 months if he orders an expertise).
You receive a registered letter with a request for notice of receipt.
Who shall I contact
The following people can visit the Finnish: titleContent more or less extensively :
- Judicial authority
- Judicial Police Officer (OPJ) as part of an investigation for a infringement leading to registration in Fijais or a breach of Fijais obligations
- Prefect and authorized agent of certain administrations for recruitment to certain posts (example: departmental services of national education)
- Authorized officer of a penitentiary registry to monitor the obligations of a person on the register.
Information is retained for 10 years.
In principle, that period shall run from notification of the decision to enter the Finnish: titleContent.
However, if you are in prison, the delay starts to run from your release from prison.
The information shall be removed earlier from Finnish in the following cases:
- Death
- Decision of non-suit, of relaxation or of acquittal
- Decision of the public prosecutor to erase your data.
You must contact the public prosecutor from your home.
You have to prove your identity.
The information shall be communicated to you orally. No written documents are provided.
Who shall I contact
If you believe that certain information about you is not accurate, you can request a correction:
- By registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt
- Or by declaration to the graft.
Your request for rectification must be sent to the public prosecutor of the last court which gave the decision which led to your inclusion in the Finnish: titleContent.
If it is a court of appeal, you must contact the public prosecutor of the seat of the Court of Appeal.
Example :
You have been sentenced twice with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Tribunal correctionnal de Saintes in 2022, then by the Tribunal de Paris in 2024. In this case, you must contact the public prosecutor of the Paris court.
You have been sentenced with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Court of Appeal of Rennes. You must contact the public prosecutor of the Court of Justice of Rennes.
Who shall I contact
The public prosecutor has 2 months to answer you (4 months if he orders an expertise).
You receive a registered letter with a request for notice of receipt.
If your request is accepted, the public prosecutor notifies the Finnish: titleContent. This service corrects the file.
If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision.
Conditions for requesting erasure
You can ask to have your information deleted if you no longer feel it is justified to keep it.
However, erasure is not possible if:
- It concerns information specific to ongoing legal proceedings
- Or if you haven't been rehabilitated
- Or if the measure that prompted your registration Finnish: titleContent has not been deleted from Bulletin No. 1 of criminal record.
Deletion Request
The request is made by letterRAR: titleContent or by declaration to graft.
It must be addressed to the public prosecutor of the the last court whose decision resulted in your being entered in the Finnish: titleContent.
If it is a court of appeal, you must contact the public prosecutor of the seat of the Court of Appeal.
Example :
You have been sentenced twice with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Tribunal de Saintes in 2022 and then by the Tribunal de Paris in 2024. You have to go to the public prosecutor of the court of Paris.
You have been sentenced with registration to the Finnish: titleContent by the Court of Appeal of Rennes. You must contact the public prosecutor of the Rennes court.
Who shall I contact
The public prosecutor has 2 months to answer you (4 months if he orders an expertise).
You receive a registered letter with a request for notice of receipt.
If your request is accepted, the public prosecutor notifies the Fijais management service. This service performs the erasure of the information concerned.
If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
To be assisted in a procedure related to Fijais
LawyerTo obtain information specific to registration in Fijais
House of Justice and the Law
List of offenses leading to registration in Fijais
Procedure applicable to Finnish