Having a dog or a cat: What are the rules?

Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Are you planning to buy or adopt a dog or cat or are you going to have kittens or puppies? Here is the information to know beforehand.

The situation differs if you buy (free or paid) the animal or if it is a birth (scope of your animal).

Purchase or adoption

You can buy a cat or a dog near a breeder or a salesman.

You can adopt a cat or a dog near a association or a animal protection foundation.

You can buy a cat or a dog near a individual, only if adult animal.


An individual who owns a breeding female and sells his puppies or kittens is automatically considered a breeder and subject to breeders' obligations.

In all cases, the animal must be identified before it can be sold or adopted.


A minor may acquire (for payment or free of charge) a cat or dog only with the consent of his parents or persons exercising the right toParental authority.

Detention of a watchdog and defense dog (said of 2e category) or an attack dog (called 1)re category) is subject to special conditions.

What is a breeder?

A breeder is any person who has at least 1 female breeder and who sells at least 1 puppy or 1 kitten born from this female.

One dog or cat breeder must be registered in the register Sirene: titleContent and lay out consequently a siren number and a siret number.

However, a breeder who declares his animals to the official herd-book of the species and who fulfills the following three conditions is not required to be registered to the Sirene Directory:

  • It produces only purebred dogs or cats entered in herd-books (LOF - Book of Origins French - or LOOF - Official Book of Cat Origins)
  • And he doesn't sells no more than one litter of puppies or kittens per year and per tax household
  • And he declares to the herd books all litters from the dogs or cats he holds and each scope has a specific number.

You can check if a rancher is registered in the SIRENE Directory from an online service:

Company Directory: Find all information in a company

Always verify that the siret number corresponds to a breeding activity.

If there is no serial number, check registration in herd books :

Verifying an LOF Scope Number

Checking a LOOF Scope Number

What is a seller?

A seller is any person who sells (for a fee) a pet (dog, cat or other) without holding the female breeding animal from which it was obtained.

A pet shop is not entitled to to present the animals it offers for sale visible display case of a street open to public traffic.


From 1er January 2024, the sale of cats and dogs in pet shops is prohibited.

In partnership with animal protection foundations or associations, pet shops may present cats and dogs belonging to these foundations or associations for adoption. These are cats and dogs that have been born of abandonments or whose former owners have not been identified.

These presentations are made in the presence of volunteers from foundations or associations.

What are the animal protection associations or foundations?

Animal welfare associations or foundations are not-for-profit organizations, i.e. they do not make a profit.

However, the adoption of an animal with a registered association or foundation is generally accompanied by a financial contribution corresponding in whole or in part to the sums that the association or foundation has committed to support the animal before its adoption.

Any association or foundation shall be the subject of a declaration to the JOAFE: titleContent.

You can find the coordinates of an association from the following online service:

View announcements from associations and foundations

What are the rules applicable to individuals?

An individual cannot sell punctually only one adult dog or cat without being declared to the SIRENE Directory.


An individual who sells a puppy or kitten of which he holds the mother is automatically regarded as breeder and is therefore subject to the legal obligations applicable to farmers.

Any offer of assignment (sale or adoption, paid or free) shall contain the following information :

  • Scientific and vernacular names of the species, breed and variety to which the animal belongs
  • Sex of animal
  • Place of birth
  • Number of breeding females on the farm and number of litters of these females in the past year
  • Animal identification number
  • Age of the animal
  • Entry or absence of entry of the animal in a herd book (LOOF or LOF), and if applicable: identification number of the female giving birth to the proposed animal and number of animals in the litter
  • ‘breed’ indication if the animal is entered in a herd book or ‘does not belong to a breed’. In this 2e In this case, the mention “appearance” followed by the name of a breed may be used when the seller can guarantee the morphological appearance of this breed in adulthood
  • Siren and Siret numbers of the breeding operation, or if the breeder is not subject to the obligation to declare in the Sirene register, the entry number of the scope in the breeding book to which the proposed animal belongs
  • Animal price or free donation

Only breeders and sellers can post advertisements on the Internet to offer cats and dogs for sale (for payment).

One individual can't run an ad on the internet to sell a dog or cat, young or adult.

An individual can only offer free pets on the internet.

Websites that post offers for the sale of pets (cat, dog, other) must post them in a pet-specific heading.

The website which authorizes the distribution of offers to sell dogs, cats and ferrets may publish an offer to sell only after its service has been labeled.

To be labeled, the website must verify that the mandatory information mentioned above is included in the advertisement.

It must also verify the identity of the owner of the animal and the compliance of the mandatory information in the advertisement with the entries recorded in the national identification file for domestic carnivores (Icad).

The advertisement must include the verified listing.

The website must it is mandatory to include the following 2 awareness and information messages :

  • 1er message : "Don't be complicit in animal trafficking: if you are looking for a dog, cat or ferret, always make sure the ad reads "verified ad", never agree to pay fees that are not clearly announced in the initial offer.
    Identification of dogs, cats and ferrets is mandatory before the sale or donation of the animal. Find out!
    When acquiring a dog, cat, ferret, rabbit or equine, you must present your signed certificate of commitment and knowledge.
    The acquisition of a non-domestic animal (parrots, snakes, turtles, others...) may be subject to declaration or prior authorization. Always check in advance with your departmental department responsible for protecting populations or the ministry responsible for ecology.
    For more information, visit the Ministry of Agriculture website: https://agriculture.gouv.fr/conseils-et-reglementation-tout-savoir-sur-les-animaux-de-compagnie.’
  • 2e message : "An animal is a sentient being. You are responsible for the health and well-being of your pet for its entire life. For more information, visit the Ministry of Agriculture website: https://agriculture.gouv.fr/conseils-et-reglementation-tout-savoir-sur-les-animaux-de-compagnie.’

The offers which do not meet these criteria may be reported to the DGCCRF: titleContent and to the DDPP: titleContent.

Failure to comply with these obligations exposes the advertiser to a fine of €750.

Who shall I contact

Minimum age of the animal

If you buy a puppy or kitten, it must be at least 8 weeks old (2 months).

A younger acquired animal is separated from its mother too soon.

They may have health problems and/or behavioral problems due to early withdrawal.

This minimum age requirement applies regardless of the method and place of purchase, whether you buy it for a fee or free of charge from a breeder, a seller (pet shop), an animal protection association or an individual.

Identification of the animal

The cat or dog, whether a puppy or kitten or an adult animal, must must be identified by electronic chip or tattoo to the national identification file for domestic carnivores (Icad).

A dog or cat cannot be given away without being identified.

This identification obligation applies regardless of the method and place of purchase, whether you purchase it for a fee or free of charge from a breeder, a seller, an animal protection association or an individual.

Identification must be made by the owner who transfers the animal, at his own expense.

The identification shall enable the animal to be given a unique number and the name and address of its owner to be recorded in the national register for the identification of domestic carnivores.

The identification of your pet allows you to identify and contact you if your pet is found after being lost or stolen. It is also a guarantee of its origin and a means of combating trafficking.

The owner who transfers the animal to you must issue you with a document attesting to the identification at the time of transfer.

And it must send within 8 days to the national domestic carnivore identification database (Icad) the document proving the change of ownership.

You will then receive an animal identification card from Icad in your name.

Please note

If your contact information changes (address, telephone number), please inform the Icad to stay in touch in case of loss or theft of your pet.

Certificate of Commitment and Knowledge

You must sign and give to the person giving you the animal a certificate of commitment and knowledge of the specific needs of the species.

The Certificate of Commitment and Knowledge shall be valid only 7 days after the date of issue, time to give you a cooling-off period after reading the information in the certificate.

At the end of this period only, you will be able to acquire your pet if you feel you will be able to meet its needs throughout its life.

The owner of the animal you are about to purchase must verify that you have signed this Certificate of Commitment and Knowledge before handing over the animal to you.

It also verifies that this certificate has been issued to you for at least 7 days.

This obligation to sign a commitment certificate and the 7-day period apply regardless of the method and place of acquisition, whether you purchase it for payment or free of charge, from a breeder, a seller, an animal protection association or an individual.

The certificate of commitment and knowledge must contain a handwritten statement by which you expressly agree to respect the needs of the animal.

This certificate shall specify the physiological, behavioral and medical needs of the animal.

It recalls the obligations relating to the identification of the animal.

It shall specify the financial and logistical implications of meeting the physiological, behavioral and medical needs of the animal throughout its life.

Please note

The certificate of commitment and knowledge must be issued by a person who holds the Acaced or one of its equivalents.

What documents must be given to you at the time of acquisition?

When purchasing a cat or dog, the following documents must be given to you:

  • Certificate of Assignment
  • Veterinary certificate of less than 3 months issued by a veterinarian in the light of the information brought to his knowledge and an examination of the dog or cat
  • Information document on the characteristics and needs of the animal, including, if necessary, educational advice, if you have already acquired an animal of the same species and presented your certificate of commitment and knowledge for this previous acquisition

This obligation applies whether you purchase it for a fee or free of charge from a breeder, a seller (pet shop), an animal protection association or an individual.

The veterinary certificate shall contain the following information:

  • Identity, address and business name of the transferor if it is a breeder, seller or animal welfare association
  • Document justifying the identification of the animal to the national identification register for domestic carnivores (Icad)
  • If the animal has a European pet passport, the passport number
  • If the animal is sterilized, veterinary certificate of sterilization
  • If the animal is vaccinated, vaccinations carried out
  • In the case of a purebred dog or cat, a copy of the birth declaration entered in the herd-book (LOF - Book of Origins French - or LOOF - Official Book of Cat Origins)
  • In the case of a dog, the date and result of the last behavioral assessment if it was performed
  • If it is a 1st or 2nd category dog, the category to which the dog belongs

In order to draw up this certificate, the veterinarian shall examine the apparent state of health of the dog or cat.

It shall verify the consistency between the morphology and the breed indicated in the animal identification document.

If the seller does not have a copy of the birth declaration entered in the herd-book, the veterinarian indicates on the certificate that the dog or cat does not belong to a breed.

The mention appearance followed by a race name can be entered on the basis of the information given by the assignor.

If the veterinarian cannot establish that the dog does not belong to 1re In this category, he mentioned that a morphological determination would have to be carried out when the dog was between 8 and 12 months old.

The veterinarian shall enter this information on the veterinary certificate.

It may specify the breed of the dog or cat on the basis of the copy of the birth declaration entered in the herd-book.

He shall state the date of the examination and shall stamp and sign it.

If the breed is not consistent with the breed specified on the identification document, the veterinarian shall indicate this on the certificate.

Every animal is a sentient being.

It must be placed in conditions compatible with the biological requirements of its species.

It is forbidden to abuse a pet.

Attacks on animal welfare shall be punished by a fine and/or imprisonment.

You must provide your cat or dog with enough food suitable for its species to maintain it in good health. Ask a professional.

It is imperative that you keep a supply of fresh, clean water available to your pet at all times.

This water must be renewed as necessary and protected from frost in winter.

Food and water bowls should always be clean.

It shall be prohibited to confine a dog or cat in conditions incompatible with its physiological needs, in particular in a room without ventilation or light or with insufficient heating.

In all circumstances, the animal must have sufficient space and shelter from the elements.

If the dog is placed in an enclosure, the enclosure must be adapted to its size, and never less than 5 m².

The enclosure must have a shaded area.

The animal's niche, enclosure or living area must always be kept clean.

Excretion should be done daily.

The niche or shelter must be waterproof, protected from winds and, in summer, from heat.

The doghouse must be standing, made of wood or any other insulating material, lined with litter in winter.

In winter and inclement weather, you must take the necessary steps to ensure that your pet does not suffer from humidity and temperature, especially during periods of freezing or excessive heat.

The niche must be sufficiently ventilated.

When the niche is placed on dry land, your pet must have at least 2 m² of hard and waterproof material or grating to prevent it from trampling in the mud.

This surface shall be sufficiently steep for the removal of urine and storm water.

Grating must not injure the animal, in particular the ends of the legs.

If your dog needs to be temporarily tied up or enclosed in a pen, it must be able to have permanent access to a doghouse or shelter protecting it from the elements.

The collar and chain must be proportionate to the size and strength of the animal, must not be excessively heavy and must not impede its movements.

The animal may be attached only by means of a chain sliding on a horizontal cable or fixed to another attachment point so as to prevent the animal from being wound up and immobilized.

When the animal is attached by means of a chain sliding on a horizontal cable, the height of the cable carrying the chain must enable the animal to move freely and to lie down.

The collar must not consist of the chain itself, nor of a collar or strangler.

The length of the chain shall be at least 2,50 meters for a sliding chain and 3 meters for a chain attached to another point of attachment.


It is forbidden to tie up a dog that is not an adult.

It is forbidden to lock an animal in the trunk of a car without an effective ventilation system, both when stationary and when running.

When an animal stays inside a vehicle in extended parking, you must ensure that the animal has enough air.

In hot or sunny weather, the vehicle should be parked in a shaded area.


When an animal is locked in a vehicle in direct sunlight, it is possible to intervene without being the subject of a complaint for damage to property belonging to another provided certain conditions are met.

As the owner of an animal, you are responsible for any damage it may cause, whether it is in your custody or whether it has gone astray or escaped.

It is forbidden to let your pet ramble.

A dog is considered to be wandering if it is in one of the following situations:

  • He is no longer under the effective supervision of his master
  • It is out of the range of its master's voice or any sound instrument allowing its recall
  • It is more than 100 meters away from its owner or the person responsible for it

Any abandoned dog, left to its own instinct, is in a state of rambling, unless it participated in a hunt and if its owner demonstrates that he undertook everything to find it and recover it, including after the end of the hunt.

A cat is considered to be rambling if it is in one of the following situations:

  • It is unidentified and is more than 200 meters from the houses
  • It is more than 1,000 meters from his owner's home and is not under his supervision
  • Its owner is not known and the cat is seized on the street or on the property of others

Stray cats have a shortened life expectancy and cause many litters of abandoned kittens, so it is recommended that you have your cat sterilized as soon as possible.

Letting a dog ramble can be punished with a fine of €150.

The court may also decide to entrust the animal definitively to an animal protection foundation or association.

Owners who leave their animal's waste on public roads are fined €135 if caught red-handed.

If you are planning to travel abroad with your pet, you should ask about sanitary conditions for the entry of a pet in the country concerned.


Identification is mandatory for dogs over 4 months of age and for cats over 7 months of age.

Identification shall be carried out by an authorized veterinarian or tattoo artist.

It includes, on the one hand, the marking of the animal by electronic chip (or tattoo) and, on the other hand, the entry in the national identification file for domestic carnivores (Icad).

The identification allows the animal to be assigned a unique number and your name and address to be recorded in the national file for the identification of domestic carnivores (Icad).

The identification of your pet allows you to identify and contact you if your pet is found after being lost or stolen.

The veterinarian who carries out the identification shall immediately issue you with a provisional certificate of identification.

It shall also inform the national file for the identification of domestic carnivores (Icad) of this identification within 8 days.

The national file for the identification of domestic carnivores (Icad) establishes and transmits to you the definitive identification card of your animal.

If you change your address (or phone number), you must inform the national domestic carnivore identification file (Icad) to remain reachable in case your pet is lost or stolen.

Holding an unidentified dog or cat born after 1er january 2012 may be punished with a fine of €750.

Every animal is a sentient being.

It must be placed in conditions compatible with the biological requirements of its species.

It is forbidden to abuse a pet.

Attacks on animal welfare shall be punished by a fine and/or imprisonment.

You must provide your cat or dog with enough food suitable for its species to maintain it in good health. Ask a professional.

It is imperative that you keep a supply of fresh, clean water available to your pet at all times.

This water must be renewed as necessary and protected from frost in winter.

Food and water bowls should always be clean.

It shall be prohibited to confine a dog or cat in conditions incompatible with its physiological needs, in particular in a room without ventilation or light or with insufficient heating.

In all circumstances, the animal must have sufficient space and shelter from the elements.

If the dog is placed in an enclosure, the enclosure must be adapted to its size, and never less than 5 m².

The enclosure must have a shaded area.

The animal's niche, enclosure or living area must always be kept clean.

Excretion should be done daily.

The niche or shelter must be waterproof, protected from winds and, in summer, from heat.

The doghouse must be standing, made of wood or any other insulating material, lined with litter in winter.

In winter and inclement weather, you must take the necessary steps to ensure that your pet does not suffer from humidity and temperature, especially during periods of freezing or excessive heat.

The niche must be sufficiently ventilated.

When the niche is placed on dry land, your pet must have at least 2 m² of hard and waterproof material or grating to prevent it from trampling in the mud.

This surface shall be sufficiently steep for the removal of urine and storm water.

Grating must not injure the animal, in particular the ends of the legs.

If your dog needs to be temporarily tied up or enclosed in a pen, it must be able to have permanent access to a doghouse or shelter protecting it from the elements.

The collar and chain must be proportionate to the size and strength of the animal, must not be excessively heavy and must not impede its movements.

The animal may be attached only by means of a chain sliding on a horizontal cable or fixed to another attachment point so as to prevent the animal from being wound up and immobilized.

When the animal is attached by means of a chain sliding on a horizontal cable, the height of the cable carrying the chain must enable the animal to move freely and to lie down.

The collar must not consist of the chain itself, nor of a collar or strangler.

The length of the chain shall be at least 2,50 meters for a sliding chain and 3 meters for a chain attached to another point of attachment.


It is forbidden to tie up a dog that is not an adult.

It is forbidden to lock an animal in the trunk of a car without an effective ventilation system, both when stationary and when running.

When an animal stays inside a vehicle in extended parking, you must ensure that the animal has enough air.

In hot or sunny weather, the vehicle should be parked in a shaded area.


When an animal is locked in a vehicle in direct sunlight, it is possible to intervene without being the subject of a complaint for damage to property belonging to another provided certain conditions are met.

As the owner of an animal, you are responsible for any damage it may cause, whether it is in your custody or whether it has gone astray or escaped.

It is forbidden to let your pet ramble.

A dog is considered to be wandering if it is in one of the following situations:

  • He is no longer under the effective supervision of his master
  • It is out of the range of its master's voice or any sound instrument allowing its recall
  • It is more than 100 meters away from its owner or the person responsible for it

Any abandoned dog, left to its own instinct, is in a state of rambling, unless it participated in a hunt and if its owner demonstrates that he undertook everything to find it and recover it, including after the end of the hunt.

A cat is considered to be rambling if it is in one of the following situations:

  • It is unidentified and is more than 200 meters from the houses
  • It is more than 1,000 meters from his owner's home and is not under his supervision
  • Its owner is not known and the cat is seized on the street or on the property of others

Stray cats have a shortened life expectancy and cause many litters of abandoned kittens, so it is recommended that you have your cat sterilized as soon as possible.

Letting a dog ramble can be punished with a fine of €150.

The court may also decide to entrust the animal definitively to an animal protection foundation or association.

Owners who leave their animal's waste on public roads are fined €135 if caught red-handed.

If you are planning to travel abroad with your pet, you should ask about sanitary conditions for the entry of a pet in the country concerned.