Prohibition on the movement of fans
Verified 28 July 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You want to know how the public authorities act to prevent violence between supporters during a sports match? The travel ban is a measure that prevents all supporters of a defined team from traveling to a game. The ban may apply throughout France or within a department.
France as a whole
The measure prohibits you from traveling between several places throughout France to support your team. For example, a trip between Lyon and Paris.
The ban relates to a specific match with a risk of violence between the groups of supporters involved.
The ban may apply to several towns or departments throughout France.
Your presence at airports, ports or train stations may also be prohibited.
The travel ban throughout France is a measure taken by the Minister of the Interior. It takes shape of a decree.
The order sets out the grounds for the prohibition.
Travel ban is a measure taken against all supporters of a designated team.
The travel ban is taken for a short period of time, usually on the day of the game in question.
The police and gendarmerie are responsible for enforcing the ban in the department.
Your actions (group travel) and your clothing (wearing scarves, jerseys...) allow you to identify yourself as a supporter of a team.
You can challenge the move ban by performing a application to the Council of State.
In case of violation of the ban, you risk 6 months in prison, €30,000 fine and 1 year stadium ban.
The measure prohibits you from traveling to locations defined in the department to support your team.
The ban relates to a specific match with a risk of violence between the groups of supporters involved.
The ban may concern access to certain areas (downtown, around the stadium) or to the stadium where the match takes place.
You may be required to use a means of transport and an itinerary to get to the stadium.
The sale of tickets to attend a match can also be supervised.
The ban on travel within the same department is a measure taken by the prefect (the police prefect, in Paris). It takes the form of a stopped.
The order sets out the grounds for the prohibition.
Travel ban is a measure taken against all supporters of a designated team.
The travel ban is taken for a short period of time, usually on the day of the game in question.
The police and gendarmerie are responsible for enforcing the ban in the department.
Your actions (group travel) and your clothing (wearing scarves, jerseys...) allow you to identify yourself as a supporter of a team.
You can challenge the move ban by performing a application to the administrative court.
Who shall I contact
In case of violation of the ban, you risk 6 months in prison, €30,000 fine and 1 year stadium ban.
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For information about a travel ban
PrefectureIn Paris: For information on a travel ban
Paris Police Department
Travel ban throughout France
Prohibition of travel within the same department