Appeals to the Administrative Judge

Verified 19 October 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You have a dispute with a public body and you want to take the case to court? The administrative justice system is responsible for examining such cases. You must bring the matter before the competent administrative court depending on the dispute. But first we have to check whether or not there is a compulsory prior administrative appeal or mandatory mediation.


If the administrative decision you wish to challenge in court is subject to a Rapo: titleContent, this is specified in its notification.

In this case, it is imperative that you exercise the Rapo: titleContent.

Otherwise, the administrative judge will reject your application without considering the merits of the case.

Mediation required

If the administrative decision you wish to challenge in court is subject to mandatory mediation, this is specified in its notification.

In this case, you must perform the mediation.

Otherwise, the administrative judge will reject your application without considering the merits of the case.

The competent court depends on the subject matter of the dispute:

Tableau - Jurisdiction having jurisdiction according to the subject-matter of the dispute

Subject matter of the dispute


Unfavorable administrative decision

Administrative court within the jurisdiction (territory) of which the administration which took the decision is situated

Real estate (land consolidation, city planning, expropriation, building permits, etc.)

Administrative Court of the place where the property is located

Administrative policy measure (e.g. operating license)

Administrative Court of the place where you resided on the date of the measure

Professional activity

Administrative Court where the activity in dispute is located

Public contract or administrative contract

Administrative court where the contract or contract is performed

Retirement pension for civil servants

Administrative Tribunal where the public person to whom you reported at the time of your retirement is located

Labor conflict in the public service

Court where you are posted on the date of the contested decision (where the author of the decision is located if it concerns several staff members)

Claim for compensation

Administrative Tribunal where the event which caused the damage occurred

Recognition of certain qualifications (e.g., veteran status)

Administrative Court of your place of residence


Administrative Court of Nantes

Entry visa to France

Administrative Court of Nantes

Disputes arising from more than one administrative tribunal

Administrative Court of Paris

Dispute not involving any identifiable administrative tribunal

Administrative Court of Paris

Order and regulation of a Minister

Council of State

Decision of a national administrative authority

(Cnil: titleContent for example)

Council of State

Regional and European elections

Council of State

Deliberation of an Overseas Departmental or Regional Council or Overseas Community

Council of State

Social assistance

Administrative Court or Administrative Court of Appeal, after a Rapo: titleContent

Military Disability Pension

Administrative Tribunal, after a Rapo: titleContent to the invalidity appeal board

Granting of refugee status

National Court of Asylum

Compensation for returnees

Dispute Commission for the Compensation of Overseas Returnees (National Office of War Veterans and Victims)


disputes with social security do not fall within the jurisdiction of the administrative judge and are dealt with by specific instances.

The method of filing an application with the administrative court varies according to the jurisdiction competent for the dispute.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Administrative Court, Administrative Court of Appeal and Council of State

You can submit your request online via the online service Remedy citizens.

Citizens' teleappeal (appeal to the administrative court)

You can also submit the request on-site or send it by mail to graft of the court, preferably by RAR: titleContent.

Please note

if you are represented by a lawyer, he must use the application Remedy to forward your request.

Other jurisdictions

The request may be deposited or addressed to the graft of the court by post preferably with RAR: titleContent.

The situation varies depending on the jurisdiction that has jurisdiction over your dispute.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Administrative Tribunal

You don't have to hire a lawyer to appeal to the administrative tribunal, unless the dispute is about a sum of money or a contract.

However, in some disputes involving a sum of money or a contract, the use of a lawyer is not not required. This is disputes relating to:

  • Highways tickets (e.g. unauthorized installation of parasols on the beach)
  • Direct contributions, turnover taxes and similar taxes
  • Individual decisions concerning public officials
  • Pensions, benefits, allowances or entitlements allocated for social assistance, housing or for workers deprived of employment, reserved employment and compensation for returnees
  • Decisions of a local authority or a public institution under the authority of the local authority
  • Application for enforcement of a final judgment

To finance legal fees, you can ask to benefit from legal aid.

Who shall I contact

Council of State

You have to hire a lawyer to be able to appeal to the Council of State, except in :

Only lawyers called counsel to the board may represent you before the Council of State.

Other administrative jurisdiction

You don't have to hire a lawyer to appeal to other administrative jurisdictions.

In order for your appeal to be considered, the conditions of admissibility are filled in.

First of all, the dispute must fall within the jurisdiction of the administrative justice system.

Next, the appeal must be lodged before the competent administrative court depending on the subject-matter of the dispute and the place where the case is taking place.

The court will also check whether you have lodged the appeal within the time limit.

In order to calculate the time limits, the date on which the court registers the appeal is taken into account (and not the date of dispatch). However, if the decision you are challenging does not mention the time limits for appeal, you cannot be accused of acting out of time.

Finally, you must attach to the appeal a copy of the decision of the administration that you are challenging.

Jurisdiction of administrative justice.

Jurisdiction of the administrative court seised


Need for an administrative decision

This depends on whether you file the appeal online via the Remedy online service or if you do it in paper form.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Electronic file

If you wish to file the appeal via the Citizens Remedy online service, it is advisable to consult the brochure explaining the procedure to be followed and the documents to be provided.

You must submit the following electronically:

  • Query: Identification in the Telemedicine application is equivalent to identification in the query and signature
  • Signature of the other applicants, if you file the application on behalf of several persons
  • Warrant entered in the Telemedicine application, if you make the request on behalf of a third party
  • Attachment files: One file per attachment, with a label that includes a serial number
  • Attachment Inventory, with a title that clearly and explicitly describes the contents of each attachment, unless you are using the Automatic Remedy online service Inventory.

Paper file

Your folder should contain the following parts and copies:

Tableau - Composition of the dossier

Documents in the file

Number of copies

Your request or request

1 copy

Contested decision or a copy of the application sent to the administration with the acknowledgement of receipt where the administration has failed to reply (implied decision)

1 copy

All the supporting documents required to be produced, except where their number, volume or characteristics prevent them from being produced

1 copy

Detailed inventory of supporting documents

In cases where the law provides that the judge shall decide without submitting certain documents to debate: memoir  a separate statement explaining the reasons for the refusal to transmit to the other parties (the submission will be forwarded to the other parties)

1 copy

Where the refusal to supply documents is the subject of the dispute: separate statement explaining the reasons for transmission to the other parties (the statement will be sent to the other parties)

1 copy

The application is in French on free paper. It may be handwritten (perfectly legible) or, preferably, typed.

The query must include the following information:

  • Name, signature and address of the parties
  • Statement of Facts
  • Statement of pleas (legal arguments). You have to prove that the contested act is unlawful.
  • Statement of Findings (what you are asking the judge to do). For example, annulment of the contested decision, award of damages, etc. In the case of a claim for compensation, the amount must be precise and detailed.

If you are challenging several decisions, you must establish one application per decision.

If more than one person makes the same request without a lawyer, they must appoint a single representative. Otherwise, the court or tribunal shall address itself to the first person on the list.

The fact of bringing an action before the administrative court does not prevent the contested decision from applying.

To avoid serious, irreversible or irreparable effects of the decision, you can ask the judge to take an emergency precautionary interim measure, via the interim proceedings.

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