What happens if you don't pay for C2S?

Verified 12 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you have low resources, the complementary health solidarity (C2S) helps you with your health care expenses.

It complements Social Security repayments.

She's free or paid depending on your income level.

If it is paid, you must pay your share of C2S (less than €1 per day per person).

If you do not pay all or part of the amount of the financial contribution corresponding to 2 consecutive monthly installments, your entitlement will be suspended within 30 days.

Thus, at the end of that 30-day period, the suspension shall be pronounced in the event of:

  • Non-payment of the full amount due
  • Or the absence of an agreement between you and the managing body on the terms of payment.

However, you have a new 30-day period to pay the amount you owe.

After these 30 days, you no longer benefit from the refund of the additional share. The additional protection shall be terminated. This means that your health expenses are not reimbursed only through Social Security.

Please note

If you make a request for renewal from the right to C2S or new admissions, you must have paid the amounts requested.

If not, you cannot be assigned C2S for 2 years.

However, these rules do not apply if you have benefited from:

  • Help with the payment of your contributions
  • Forgiveness or even partial reduction of your debt
  • A payment schedule.

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