Can a European divorce in France?
Verified 13 December 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
Yes, you can divorce in France if you are citizen of a member country of the European Union (EU).
You can request the divorce or a body separation.
You can file your application with a french court if you are in any of the following situations:
- You reside in France with your spouse
- Your last habitual residence was in France and one of you still resides there
- The spouse against whom you want to divorce has his or her habitual residence in France
- You are applicant in divorce proceedings, your habitual residence is in France and you lived there for at least 1 year immediately before filing the application
- You are applying for a joint divorce and you or your spouse reside in France
The court competent to decide on divorce may also decide on matters relating to the parental responsibility if the child lives in France.