What are the fees of notaries for inheritance?

Verified 29 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You use a notary to settle an estate and you want to know what fees you will have to pay him? Here's the information you need to know.

The situation differs if you are in metropolis or overseas.


The fees of notaries in matters of succession consist of regulated tariffs (emoluments) and unregulated tariffs (disbursements, duties and taxes, such as registration fees due to the public purse, VAT).

The unregulated rates vary according to the services provided.

The fee is the amount you have to pay to the notary for a regulated service.

Its amount is the same regardless of the notary you choose.

Depending on the type of service, the fee may be fixed (in particular for a well-known act) or proportional (in particular for a declaration of succession).

Proportional emoluments are calculated as a percentage of the gross inheritance assets, where the act relates to the whole of the estate (declaration of succession and division of the estate).

Otherwise, they are calculated as a percentage of the value of the property.

Fees for making a declaration of succession are calculated on the common property of the deceased and his/her spouse, unless they were married under the separation of property.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Since January 2021

Tableau - Estates since January 1, 2021


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€56.60(67.92 TTC)


€75.46 (€90.55 TTC)

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€15.09 (€18.11 TTC)

Greater than €3,120

0.484% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

1.935% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.064% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.726% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.532% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,548 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

0,851 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,580 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,426 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

4,837 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,995 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,330 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

0,998 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.935% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.064% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.726% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.532% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

0.967% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.532% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.363% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.266% before tax of the value of the property

Services performed between 1 May 2016 and 31 December 2020

These rates apply to one of the following services:

  • Service performed prior to January 2021 that has not yet been paid
  • Service that resulted in the payment by the client of a deposit or provision before March 2020
  • Service that resulted in costs incurred by a notary before March 2020.
Tableau - Inheritance fees between May 1, 2016 and December 31, 2020


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€57.69 (€69.23 TTC)


€76.92 (€92.31 TTC)

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€15.38 (€18.46 TTC)

Greater than €3,120

0.493% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

1.972% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,085% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.740% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0,542 % HT of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,578 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

0,868 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,592 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,434 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

4.931% HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2.034% HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1.356% HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1.017% HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.972% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,085% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.740% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0,542 % HT of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

0.986% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0,542 % HT of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.370% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.271% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 20%.


The fees of notaries in matters of succession consist of regulated tariffs (emoluments) and unregulated tariffs (disbursements, duties and taxes, such as registration fees due to the public purse, VAT).

The unregulated rates vary according to the services provided.

The fee is the amount you have to pay to the notary for a regulated service.

Its amount is the same regardless of the notary you choose.

Depending on the type of service, the fee may be fixed (in particular for a well-known act) or proportional (in particular for a declaration of succession).

Proportional emoluments are calculated as a percentage of the gross inheritance assets, where the act relates to the whole of the estate (declaration of succession and division of the estate).

Otherwise, they are calculated as a percentage of the value of the property.

Fees for making a declaration of succession are calculated on the common property of the deceased and his/her spouse, unless they were married under the separation of property.

The amount of the fees varies according to your department.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement


Since March 1, 2024
Tableau - Estates since March 1, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€69.62 HT


€92.82 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€18.56 HT

Greater than €3,120

0,595 % HT of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2,380% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.309% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.893% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.654% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,904 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,047 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,713 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,524 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

5,949 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,454 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,636 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,228 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2,380% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.309% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.893% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.654% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.189% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.654% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.713% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.327% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.

Between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024
Tableau - Estate emoluments between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€70.75 HT


€94.32 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€18.86 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.605% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2,419% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.330% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.907% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.665% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,935 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,064 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,725 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,532 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,046 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,494 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,662 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,247 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2,419% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.330% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.907% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.665% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.209% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.665% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.454% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.332% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.

Services performed between 1 May 2016 and 31 December 2020

These rates apply to one of the following services:

  • Service performed prior to January 2021 that has not yet been paid
  • Service that resulted in the payment by the client of a deposit or provision before March 2020
  • Service that resulted in costs incurred by a notary before March 2020.
Tableau - Inheritance fees between May 1, 2016 and December 31, 2020


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€72.11 HT


€96.15 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€19.22 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.616% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2.465% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.356% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.925% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.677% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,972 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,085 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,740 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,542 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,046 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,494 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,662 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,247 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2.465% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.356% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.925% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.667% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.232% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.677% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.462% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.339% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.


Since March 1, 2024
Tableau - Estates since March 1, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€70.18 HT


€93.57 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€18.71 HT

Greater than €3,120

0,600 % HT of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2,399% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.319% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,900 % HT of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.659% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,919 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,055 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,719 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,528 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

5,998 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,474 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,649 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,237 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2,399% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.319% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,900 % HT of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.659% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.199% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.659% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.450% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.330% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.

Between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024
Tableau - Estate emoluments between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€70.75 HT


€94.32 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€18.86 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.605% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2,419% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.330% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.907% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.665% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,935 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,064 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,725 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,532 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,046 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,494 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,662 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,247 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2,419% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.330% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.907% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.665% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.209% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.665% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.454% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.332% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.

Services performed between 1 May 2016 and 31 December 2020

These rates apply to one of the following services:

  • Service performed prior to January 2021 that has not yet been paid
  • Service that resulted in the payment by the client of a deposit or provision before March 2020
  • Service that resulted in costs incurred by a notary before March 2020.
Tableau - Inheritance fees between May 1, 2016 and December 31, 2020


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€72.11 HT


€96.15 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€19.22 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.616% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2.465% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.356% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.925% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.677% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,972 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,085 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,740 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,542 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,046 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,494 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,662 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,247 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2.465% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.356% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.925% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.667% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.232% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.677% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.462% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.339% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.


Since March 1, 2024
Tableau - Estates since March 1, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€67.92 HT


€90.55 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€18.11 HT

Greater than €3,120

0,581 % HT of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2.322% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.277% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.871% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.638% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,858 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,021 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,696 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,511 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

5,804 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,394 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,596 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,198 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2.322% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.277% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.871% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.638% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.160% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.638% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.436% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.319% before tax of the value of the property

Between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024
Tableau - Estate emoluments between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€69.62 HT


€92.82 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€18.56 HT

Greater than €3,120

0,595 % HT of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2,380% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.309% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.893% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.654% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,904 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,047 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,713 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,524 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

5,949 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,454 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,636 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,228 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2,380% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.309% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.893% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.654% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.189% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.654% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.713% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.327% before tax of the value of the property

Services performed between 1 May 2016 and 31 December 2020

These rates apply to one of the following services:

  • Service performed prior to January 2021 that has not yet been paid
  • Service that resulted in the payment by the client of a deposit or provision before March 2020
  • Service that resulted in costs incurred by a notary before March 2020.
Tableau - Inheritance fees between May 1, 2016 and December 31, 2020


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€72.11 HT


€96.15 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€19.22 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.616% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2.465% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.356% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.925% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.677% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

1,972 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,085 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,740 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,542 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,046 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,494 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,662 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,247 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2.465% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.356% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.925% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.667% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.232% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.677% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.462% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.339% before tax of the value of the property


Since March 1, 2024
Tableau - Estates since March 1, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€76.98 HT


€102.62 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€20.52 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.658% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2,632% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.447% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.987% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.723% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

2,105 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,157 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,789 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,575 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,578 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,713 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,809 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,357 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2,632% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.447% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.987% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.723% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.315% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.987% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.494% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.362% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.

Between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024
Tableau - Estate emoluments between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€77.54 HT


€103.38 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€20.67 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.663% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2,651% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.458% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.995% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.729% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

2,121 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,166 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,795 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,584 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,627 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,733 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,822 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,367 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2,651% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.458% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.995% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.729% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.325% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.729% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.497% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.364% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.

Services performed between 1 May 2016 and 31 December 2020

These rates apply to one of the following services:

  • Service performed prior to January 2021 that has not yet been paid
  • Service that resulted in the payment by the client of a deposit or provision before March 2020
  • Service that resulted in costs incurred by a notary before March 2020.
Tableau - Inheritance fees between May 1, 2016 and December 31, 2020


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€80.77 HT


€107.69 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€21.53 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.690% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2.761% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,519% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

1.036% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.759% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

2,209 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,215 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,829 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,608 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,772 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,793 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,862 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,397 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2.761% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,519% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

1.036% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.759% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1,380% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.759% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,518 % HT of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.379% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.


Since March 1, 2024
Tableau - Estates since March 1, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€76.98 HT


€102.62 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€20.52 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.658% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2,632% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.447% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.987% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.723% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

2,105 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,157 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,789 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,575 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,578 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,713 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,809 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,357 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2,632% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.447% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.987% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.723% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.315% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.987% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.494% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.362% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.

Between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024
Tableau - Estate emoluments between January 1, 2021 and February 29, 2024


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€77.54 HT


€103.38 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€20.67 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.663% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2,651% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.458% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.995% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.729% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

2,121 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,166 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,795 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,584 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,627 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,733 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,822 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,367 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2,651% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.458% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.995% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.729% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1.325% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.729% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0.497% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.364% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.

Services performed between 1 May 2016 and 31 December 2020

These rates apply to one of the following services:

  • Service performed prior to January 2021 that has not yet been paid
  • Service that resulted in the payment by the client of a deposit or provision before March 2020
  • Service that resulted in costs incurred by a notary before March 2020.
Tableau - Inheritance fees between May 1, 2016 and December 31, 2020


Value of the property

Trim Slices


Act of notoriety

€80.77 HT


€107.69 HT

Certificate of Ownership

Less than €3,120

€21.53 HT

Greater than €3,120

0.690% before tax of the value of the property

Proof of ownership

(notarial certificate)

From €0 to €6,500

2.761% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,519% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

1.036% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.759% before tax of the value of the property

Declaration of succession

From €0 to €6,500

2,209 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,215 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,829 % HT of gross assets

More than €30,000

0,608 % HT of gross assets

Division of succession

From €0 to €6,500

6,772 % HT of gross assets

From €6,500 to €17,000

2,793 % HT of gross assets

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,862 % HT of gross assets

More than €60,000

1,397 % HT of gross assets

Issuance of bequests with discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

2.761% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1,519% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

1.036% before tax of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.759% before tax of the value of the property

Issuance of bequests without discharge, discharge or acceptance

From €0 to €6,500

1,380% before tax of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.759% before tax of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €30,000

0,518 % HT of the value of the property

More than €30,000

0.379% before tax of the value of the property

Please note

the VAT rate on emoluments is 8.5%.

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