Creating an Association (Form 13973*04)
Ministry of the Interior - Cerfa n° 13973*04
Vous pouvez aussi utiliser :
This form must be accompanied by the list of directors and, in the case of a union or federation of associations, by the list of member associations.
this form does not apply to Alsace-Moselle.
Go to the online administrative form
To whom shall I send this form ?
Cerfa n°13971*03
Form to be attached to the declaration of the association :
Declaration of the list of persons responsible for administering an association
Cerfa n°13969*01
Form to be attached to the declaration of the association if it is a union or a federation of associations :
Declaration of the list of member associations of a union or federation of associations
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
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Verified 02 March 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)