Request for correction of civil status from INSEE (Online service)

Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Dila) - Prime Minister

The National Personal Identification Register (NPIR) includes the following information:

  • Civil status records of persons born in France
  • Registration number (Nir) corresponding to the social security number

This information is used for certain procedures: taxes, vital card, census, elections...

If you notice a error concerning your identity, you can to request a correction to theInsee: titleContent who manages the NPRI.

For example, an error in your last name, first names, gender, date or place of birth.

The corrections requested must be in accordance with the information contained in the birth certificate.

Prepare the following to make the on-line rectification request :

  • Full Copy recent the birth certificate of the person concerned by the request for rectification
  • Identification number of the register (social security number) if the application concerns an adult


the online service concerns the rectification of the information of a person born in metropolitan France, in a overseas department (Dom) or in certain overseas communities. If you are born abroad or in New Caledonia, contact a social security organization: Cnav: titleContentMutual... In the event of a civil registration error on your electoral map, you can contact your local registration authority.

Go to the online procedure

Verified 23 March 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

For details, please use the practical information sheets :

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