Application for authorization of a timed motorized sports event on the public highway (Form 15847*01)
Ministry of Sports - Cerfa n° 15847*01
To apply for authorization to organize a timed motor vehicle sporting event on a public road or on a non-permanent circuit or an approved permanent circuit in a discipline different from that provided for in the approval.
To be addressed to the prefect(s) of the department(s) where the event is taking place (and to the Ministry of the Interior if the number of departments crossed is at least 20).
Go to the online administrative form
Verified 11 February 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
To whom shall I send this form ?
- Prefecture
If the event is planned in Paris
Paris Police DepartmentIf the protest crosses at least 20 departments
Office of Associations and Foundations - Ministry of the Interior
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
J'ai réalisé une démarche administrative
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