
Real estate wealth tax return (Ifi) (Form 15798)

Ministry of Finance - Cerfa n° 15798
Autre numéro : 2042-IFI

Form only in French.

You must attach this IFI return to your paper income tax return if your taxable real estate wealth is more than 1.3 million euros and you do not report online.

Access to form 2042-IFI-COV-K (cerfa n°15864) and package leaflets 2042 IFI-NOT (cerfa n°52210) and 2042-IFI-NOT-BOIS (cerfa n°52213).

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    Émetteur du formulaire administratif : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information

    Verified 17 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)