Real estate wealth tax (IFI) - Declaration and payment
Verified 06 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Do you have real estate wealth subject to real estate wealth tax (IFI)? The annual declaration depends on your family situation. The payment of taxes is done online or through a traditional payment method. You may be penalized for late filing or payment, but also for any inaccuracy or omission in your return. We present you with the information you need to know.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You live as a couple
If you live as a couple to 1er january 2024, you are the subject of a joint taxation for all your property, be it common or clean.
If you married or made a Civil partnership in 2023, the wealth to be reported is the couple's, even if you have opted to tax your income separately for the whole of 2023.
You're married, but live apart
If you are married under the separation of property and no longer live under the same roof on 1er january 2024, you declare your own property individually.
If you're going through a divorce and you have a judicial authorization to live separately, you're taxed separately.
You divorced or broke up your Civil partnership in 2023
You must report your personal taxable net assets separately if they exceed €1 300 000.
The person you were living with as a couple died in 2023
You report your assessed taxable net wealth as of the 1er January 2023.
You report your IFI with your reported income for the year.
For example, in 2024, you report your IFI with your 2023 revenues.
The 2024 income tax return for 2023 is complete.
The 2025 2024 Income Tax Return will begin in april 2025.
Tax returns via Internet is required if your principal residence is equipped with internet access and you are able to file your return online.
The IFI's statement comes in the spring, in the same deadlines as the tax return.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You're reporting income
Internet reporting is mandatory if your home is connected to the Internet and you live in France.
2024 Online Income Tax Return 2023
You don't file a personal income tax return
You do not report your income, for example, because you are in one of the following situations:
- Non-resident
- Attached Major to tax shelter of your parents
If your heritage at 1er January 2023 is taxable to the IFI, you must make a personal return for the IFI.
You must file an IFI return and its attachments.
You must use Form 2042-IFI.
You need to add the form n°2042-IFI-COV that allows you to identify yourself.
Real estate wealth tax return (Ifi)
Send it to your tax office:
Who shall I contact
In case of late declaration, a surcharge can be applied at the following rate:
- 10% tax owing if you report your IFI within 30 days of a formal notice from the tax authority,
- 40% beyond that period
the increase in 10% provided for in the event of late declaration shall be increased to 40% if the deposit follows the disclosure of undeclared foreign assets.
Interest on late payment shall also apply. They amount to 0.20% by month of delay.
These default interest shall apply from 1er July of the year in which the return should have been filed, and until the last day of the month in which the return was filed.
If your return is inaccurate (undervalued) or incomplete (omitted from one or more taxable properties), you will pay default interest.
These will be applied to you up to 0.20% by month of delay, or 2.4% per year.
A margin of error of 10% is tolerated if you have undervalued a property by declaring it.
In this case, late payment interest will not be applied to you unless your good faith is called into question by the administration.
Similarly, interest on late payment is not payable if you have stated in writing, when filing your IFI return, the reasons for not declaring an item of your assets or for giving it the declared value.
In any case, if you have deliberately omitted property or reduced its valueHowever, heavier penalties are provided for.
In addition to these sanctions, there may be additional penalty of pwithdrawal of rights to tax reductions and credits on income andIFI: titleContent.
This penalty may be imposed upon conviction in the following cases:
- Aggravated tax evasion
- Receipt of aggravated tax fraud
- Laundering of aggravated tax fraud
It can be applied for a maximum duration of 3 years, from the taxation of income in the year following that of the conviction.
You receive a tax notice indicating the amount of your IFI payable.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Tax less than or equal to € 300
You can pay your IFI by one of the following means:
- Online
- By check
- Transfer
You can use the following online service:
If your tax is less than or equal to €300, you can pay in cash or by credit card at a partner store.
Make sure your tax notice has a "QR code" and "payable to a dealer" written on it.
Who shall I contact
Tax over €300
The IFI payment schedule shall be determined by the tax authorities.
In the event of non-payment of the tax on the property assets before the final date for payment mentioned on the tax assessment notice, an increase of 10% calculated on the tax due applies.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you can request a payment deadline to the tax administration, justifying your situation.
However, you cannot request for remission of IFI.
In case of dispute, you can to bring an amicable action or to lodge a complaint.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
For general information
Tax Information Service
By telephone:
0809 401 401
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 7 pm, excluding public holidays.
Free service + call price
To contact the local service managing your folder
Department in charge of taxes (treasury, tax department...)
Reporting obligations
Control of real estate wealth tax
Interest on late payments
Failure or delay in reporting
Insufficient reporting
Free discount
Online service
Online service
Online service
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Finance