Request for the implementation of measures imposed by the Debt Relief Commission (Model document)

Allows the over-indebted to make a request for the over-indebtedness commission to impose certain measures, when no agreement to be reached with the creditors has been reached.

Secretariat of the Debt Relief Commission of [department]

Banque de France [town]

[address of the commission]

By letter from [date of receipt of the letter of notification] the Debt Relief Commission of [address of the secretariat to the Banque de France] has informed me that no agreement has been reached with my creditors.

I, the undersigned [surname, forenames, profession, address] asks you to impose all or part of the measures provided for in Articles L733-1 and L733-9 of the Consumer Code.

My application was reviewed by the debt relief commission under number [file number] .

I am at your disposal to provide you with any further information.

Done at [town] , on [date] .


Verified 12 March 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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