October Pink

Breast cancer: who can benefit from free screening?

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

October Rose, the annual breast cancer campaign, focuses on organized screening. You are between 50 and 74 years of age and you have no apparent symptoms or special risk factors: an organized breast cancer screening program is for you! But you wonder what that is, if there's a risk, where to do it.... Service-Public.fr responds with the National Cancer Institute (NCICa).

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Image 1Crédits: © Voyagerix - Fotolia.com

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in France and is the main cause of death due to this disease.

The INCa estimates that 80% of breast cancers occur after the age of 50. It is at this age that regular repeat screening is most effective in increasing the chance of recovery from illness.

Detected early, breast cancer is cured in 90% of cases!

The mechanism

From the age of 50 and every two years (in the absence of symptoms and high risk), you will receive a letter inviting you to perform breast cancer screening at home. A list of registered radiologists is attached to this invitation and you can freely choose the one you wish to consult or make an appointment with a registered radiologist outside your department of residence.

Screening consists of a physical examination of the breasts (done directly on the patient) and mammography (radiologic examination). As part of the organized screening program, a second systematic reading of mammograms deemed normal is ensured, for safety reasons, by a second experienced radiologist. This organized screening is 100% covered by the Health Insurance.

For people who are under 50 and have no particular risk factors, routine screening is not recommended. For people over age 74, breast cancer screening should be discussed with the treating physician.

Do you have any questions?

The INCa answers all your questions about the screening program on its website, such as:

  • I didn't receive my invitation, who should I address?
  • I've had breast cancer, am I going to get an invitation?
  • I have breast implants, is that a problem?
  • Does mammography detect all cancers that may be present?
  • Does mammography hurt?
  • How am I informed of the results?
  • What if an anomaly is detected?
  • What if I decide not to get tested?

Please note

every October, the association Ruban Rose organizes a campaign against breast cancer (the 29the in 2022) to inform, dialog and mobilize: this is the operation

October Pink

