
Seasonal influenza vaccination: campaign extended until 29 February

Publié le 25 janvier 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The seasonal influenza vaccination campaign is being extended until February 29, 2024. This decision by the health authorities comes in a context of high circulation of the various respiratory viruses in the majority of regions.

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Influenza affects between 2 and 6 million people every winter, particularly the frail, and is responsible for hospitalizations and even deaths. A vaccination campaign is organized every year by the Ministry of Health and the High Health Authority, which set the dates for the vaccination.

The 2023-2024 vaccination campaign began on October 17, 2023 and will end on February 29, 2024 (instead of the original 31 January).

Because the virus evolves each year, annual vaccination is recommended to protect people at risk of developing severe influenza, who are also those at risk of severe COVID-19 infection. It is possible to be vaccinated against both diseases at the same time.

Priority Audience: Who is concerned?

People eligible for influenza vaccination include the following:

  • persons aged 65 years and over;
  • persons under 65 years of age, including children from six months of age, suffering from certain chronic diseases;
  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from obesity (BMI 40 or more);
  • persons staying in a residential care facility or in a medical-social facility irrespective of their age.

In addition, in order to ensure indirect protection, vaccination is recommended for other populations:

  • healthcare professionals and any professional in regular and prolonged contact with persons at risk of severe influenza;
  • carers of infants less than 6 months of age at risk of a serious complication of influenza, and carers of immunocompromised persons;
  • home care workers of vulnerable employers.

Professionals exposed to swine and avian influenza viruses are also advised to be vaccinated to avoid transmission of human influenza viruses to animals.

Please note

in 2023, following a recommendation from the High Authority of Health (HAS), vaccination against seasonal influenza can now be offered (without being mandatory) to children aged 2 to 17 years without chronic disease. This recommendation does not apply to children under 2 years of age.

Who can benefit from the free vaccine?

The influenza vaccine is fully reimbursed by Health Insurance for people at riskfor patients with long-term illness (LTD) for whom the vaccine is recommended or as part of maternity insurance.

If you are concerned, you receive an invitation from your cash register and a care voucher in order to withdraw the vaccine free of charge from the pharmacist on presentation of this voucher, and to have you vaccinated by the professional of your choice.

The vaccine is free of charge for:

  • persons aged 65 years and over;
  • persons under 65 years of age suffering from certain chronic diseases;
  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from obesity;
  • those around infants at risk of severe influenza and those who are immunocompromised;
  • home care workers of vulnerable employers who are beneficiaries of exemptions;
  • professionals exposed to avian and porcine influenza viruses.

If you are eligible but could not be identified and invited by the Health Insurance, talk to your doctor, midwife or pharmacist, who can provide you with a care voucher that allows you to get the vaccine free of charge.

What if you're not one of the priority audiences?

The vaccine and injection are not covered by Health Insurance.

However, you can purchase your vaccine at the pharmacy without a prescription and have it administered by the healthcare professional of your choice.

Who can vaccinate you against the flu?

  • doctors;
  • nurses;
  • midwives (for pregnant women and those around infants at risk);
  • pharmacists.

Please note

pharmacists can prescribe and give the seasonal influenza vaccine to all people 11 years of age and older, whether or not they are targeted by vaccination recommendations.

Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccinations

If you are affected by both vaccinations, you can have both vaccinations given on the same day. Indeed, there is no time to observe between the two vaccinations.

Remember to bring the flu vaccine to the professional who will give you the vaccine, as this vaccine is only available in pharmacies (unlike the COVID-19 vaccine which is available to the healthcare professional).


for everyone, the health insurance recommends a series of simple actions to limit transmission, as soon as the influenza viruses circulate:

  • wash hands regularly, with soap and water or with an alcohol-based solution;
  • coughing or sneezing into the elbow;
  • use a disposable tissue;
  • wear a mask;
  • limiting contact with frail or sick people.
