Reading at school

Operation "A Book for the Holidays": in 2023, "The Odyssey"!

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For the summer of 2023, all CM2 students will carry Homer's famous epic in their suitcase, The Odyssey ! reminds you of what the operation is

A book for holidays


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The operation

A book for holidays

, an iconic cultural action marking the national commitment to reading, allows all schoolchildren to receive, at the end of their elementary school cycle, a book illustrated by a renowned illustrator to accompany them during the summer holidays. A way to pave the way for future students to read. This year, the choice was about The Odyssey.

An original creation

At the end of the school year, all students of CM2 will receive a new edition of the book, adapted for this operation by an author specialized in children's literature in the field of mythology, Muriel Szac, and by the illustrator Catel.

This original and contemporary creation is the result of a special partnership between the publisher Réunion des musée nationales-Grand Palais and the Ministry of Education and Youth. It takes up the tradition of the orality specific to the poetic epic and the illustrations follow the pictorial representation of the adventures of Ulysses, which has peppered the history of art. The theme of women and their role throughout the story is also widely discussed, with figures of goddesses and mermaids.

Accompany students towards independent reading

While the mastery of fundamental knowledge, reading, writing, counting, is brought back to the forefront in 2023 by the Minister of National Education,

reading is essential because it is necessary for the acquisition of all other knowledge


The development of taste and interest in reading is one of the school's main tasks, which is to encourage children to get to know quality literary works, adapted to their age and abilities.

CM2 teachers are invited to distribute the book before the summer break and to allow time for presentation

to arouse the interest and desire to read of each student


Please note

Adapted to children's age and reading abilities, this new edition offers lexical explanations over the course of texts, allowing them to read independently.

Upon arrival at the college, students will be encouraged to use the treasures of the book in French, art history, moral and civic education, and artistic instruction.


An educational package for teachers will be proposed in June 2023. It will be available on the website
