General case
In principle, there is no right to defer paid leave.
Paid leave not taken before the end of the maintenance period is lost.
However, the carry-over of accrued leave not taken during the period of leave, from 1er may to october 31 of the year, is possible in the event of an agreement between the employer and the employee.
Unless agreed or company use providing for a postponement of these days, the employer is not obliged to accept the request for a postponement of leave.
If leave carry-over is not possible, untaken days are not lost if treaty provisions provide for it.
Please note
in the event of a return of maternity leave or a adoption leave, the employee shall be entitled to carry over his untaken paid leave. Deferral is also possible when leave could not be taken because of the employee's illness.
Annualized working time
If the employee has an annualized contract of employment and in the event of a change in the duration of his working time, convention or a collective company agreement or a extended branch agreement may provide for the postponement of vacation days.
In this case, leave carry-overs may be made up to December 31 the year following the year in which the period of such leave commenced.