Unemployment: what are the categories of jobseekers?

Verified 25 October 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Jobseekers are registered in Pôle emploi in 5 categories: A, B, C, D and E.

Tableau - Classification of jobseekers


Job seekers concerned


Unemployed person, having to perform positive job-search acts, looking for a job regardless of the type of contract (DTA: titleContent,CSD: titleContent, full-time, full-time partial, temporary or seasonal)


Person with reduced activity of 78 hours maximum per month, required to perform positive acts of job search


A person who has worked a reduced activity of more than 78 hours per month, required to perform positive job-seeking activities


Unemployed person, who is not immediately available, and who is not required to perform positive job-seeking activities (jobseeker in training, sickness, etc.)


A person who has a job, and who is not required to perform positive acts of job-seeking