Primary school advice (kindergarten and elementary)
Verified 11 May 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The school board is the assembly that makes the important decisions about the organization of the school. Rules and regulations It meets, for example, to vote on the school's draft and adopt the school project. The school board is made up of school staff and representatives of the parents of pupils.
Rules and regulations The school board shall draw up and vote on the school's standard rules on the basis of the departmental standard rules.
It shall participate in the preparation and adopt the school project.
He gives his opinion on matters of interest to the life of the school, including:
- Educational and pedagogical actions
- Use of resources allocated to schools
- Conditions for the integration of children with disabilities
- Activities extracurricular
- School catering
- School hygiene
- Protection and safety of children at school and after-school
- Respect and implementation of the values and principles of the Republic.
It agrees to the organization of complementary educational, sporting or cultural activities.
It defines the schedule of meetings between teachers and parents of pupils.
At the end of the school year, the school director shall forward to the members of the school board a report, in particular on the completion of the school project, and on the action taken on the opinions he has given.
The school board may forward a draft organization of the school week to the Dasen: titleContent, after obtaining the opinion of the inspector of national education. If the school board's plan for organizing school time is different from that of the mayor, the national education inspector sets up a consultation process to bring the two projects closer together. In the end, it is the Dasen who chooses the organization of the school time of the schools concerned.
Voting Members
The school board is composed of the following members:
- Director of the school, who chairs the board
- All the teachers assigned to the school
- Mayor
- Municipal councilor or president of the intercommunality
- Elected representatives of parents of pupils (as many representatives as the school has classes)
- Departmental Education Delegate responsible for visiting schools
All of these members have the right to vote.
the school board may be held even if no representative of the parents of pupils could be elected or appointed (for example, if there were no candidates).
Additional Members
The National Education Inspector of the constituency and alternates for representatives of the parents of pupils may attend the council.
Some people may also attend the council when they have issues on the agenda.
These include:
- Persons responsible for sports and cultural activities
- Persons participating in preventive and psychological assistance actions
- School medical team
- Social workers
- ATSEM: titleContent
These additional members shall not have the right to vote.
The members of the school board are elected or appointed for a school year.
The council meets at least once a quarter, and must meet within one month of the election of representatives of the parents of pupils.
The agenda shall be sent to the members of the Board at least 8 days before the Board meetings.
After counseling, the school principal prepares a report that will be posted in a place accessible to parents of students.
Role of parents of pupils in school
Organization and functioning of the school board (Articles D411-1 to D411-6)
Ministry of Education