What are the rights of a foreigner veteran of the French army?
Verified 29 June 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
A foreigner veteran of the French army can get a resident card. It must meet one of the following conditions:
- Served in a combatant unit of the French army or an allied army
- Have spent at least 3 years under contract with the Foreign Legion and have obtained the certificate of good conduct
- Fighting in the ranks of the French Interior Forces (FFI)
He may also acquire French nationality, on a proposal from the Minister of Defense. As a member of the French armed forces, he can be naturalized if he was wounded on a mission during an operational engagement.
However, the foreigner child of a french army veteran has no special rights to obtain an entry visa or a residence permit in France. Nor does it apply to the acquisition of French nationality, with certain exceptions (on a proposal from the Ministry of Defense, for the orphan of a member who died on mission during an operational engagement).
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Article 21-14-1