Compensatory benefit 

Verified 18 July 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Following a divorce, to compensate for the difference in standard of living, one spouse may have to pay the other a compensatory benefit. It can be paid in various forms. The amount may be fixed by the spouses or the family judge. In the event of non-payment, it can be recovered by various means. The amount may be revised under certain conditions. In the event of the death of one of the ex-spouses, it may be due as part of the estate.

Divorce may create a significant change in standard of living. The compensatory benefit is the payment of an amount intended to compensate this situation.

Its amount is determined according to the needs of the spouse to whom it is paid and the resources of the other.

It may be due during a divorce by mutual consent or a judicial divorce.

The judge may refuse to pay a compensatory benefit where the divorce is granted exclusively to the husband who claims it. Marriage breakdown must have occurred in specific circumstances (for example, domestic violence).

In principle, it is paid capital the amount of which is fixed by the judge or by the spouses in a convention.


the compensatory benefit can only be claimed in the event of divorce. Concubines and Civil partnership partners only have the option of asking the Family Court Judge (Jaf) for damages in case of an abusive break-up (for example, throwing the partner out without warning).

A spouse who considers himself or herself disadvantaged as a result of the divorce must apply for a compensatory benefit.

It is imperative that the request be made during divorce proceedings.

Once the divorce has become final, it is no longer possible to claim a compensatory benefit.

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Divorce by mutual consent

The compensatory benefit must be included in the convention divorce by the spouses and each of their lawyers.

The agreement must provide for the amount and conditions of payment. It may also indicate the conditions for revising or abolishing the compensatory benefit.

It is no longer possible to apply for this benefit when the divorce is registered by the notary.

Judicial Divorce

Benefit fixed by the judge

The application must be made by the lawyer in assignment in divorce proceedings before the court or in the course of proceedings when conclusions.

The Jaf: titleContent rule on that request in the judgment. It shall determine the amount and the conditions of payment.

Service fixed by agreement

Where the spouses agree on the compensatory benefit, they may establish a convention. It shall fix the amount and the terms of payment. It may also indicate when it should be revised or deleted.

The Convention is certified by the Jaf: titleContent and annexed to the divorce judgment.


for compensatory benefits established by convention, it is possible to provide that payments will cease as from the occurrence of a specific event (for example, in the event of remarriage).

The compensatory benefit shall be fixed on the basis of the difference in the current and future standard of living of the spouses, according to the needs of the spouse to whom it is due and the resources of the spouse who pays it.

In order to determine the amount of the compensatory benefit payable by one of the spouses to the other, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Length of marriage
  • Age and health status of spouses
  • Professional qualifications and status
  • Total income of each spouse
  • Consequences of a spouse's professional choices during the common life for the education of children (part-time, bracketed career...) or to promote the career of his spouse
  • Estimated or foreseeable assets of the spouses, both in capital and income, after the liquidation of the matrimonial property regime
  • Existing and foreseeable entitlements (early retirement, birth of a child for the spouse creditor...)
  • Predictable retirement pensions in light of reduced pension entitlements for spouses who have made professional sacrifices to support spouses' careers or children's education

The spouses shall establish a declaration of honor the accuracy of their resources, income, wealth and living conditions (e.g. unemployment).

In case of difficulty, the Jaf: titleContent or the spouses may have the assets of each of them assessed. This assessment can be made by any qualified professional (e.g. a notary, a forensic expert).

The compensatory benefit becomes due from the moment the divorce is final, i.e. when it is no longer possible to exercise a remedy (call or appeal in cassation).

If the spouses have signed an acknowledgement of the decision (i.e. they accept the judgment and waive the right to appeal), it is due on the date of signature of the decision.

As part of a divorce by mutual consent, it becomes chargeable when the agreement is registered with the notary.

The compensatory benefit may be paid in:

  • Capital (sum of money)
  • Assignment of property in property, a temporary right (e.g. a time-limited right to live) or life of use and habitation or of usufruct
  • As a life annuity
Payment of capital

The compensatory benefit is paid, in principle, in the form of capital.

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One-off payment

As part of a convention, the spouses must provide for the date of payment of the capital.

Where it is the judge who determines the amount of the compensatory benefit, he must indicate in his judgment the date on which it is paid.

The payment of the compensatory benefit is not linked to the liquidation of the community.

Periodic Payments

Where it is not possible to pay the capital at one time, the judgment or the convention sets the terms of payment in the form of periodic payments.

Payments may be monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual.

They are indexed according to the applicable rules maintenance payments.

Payments must be made within a maximum period of 8 years.

At any time, the husband debtor to the possibility to settle outstanding capital if he is financially able to do so (e.g. inheritance, salary increase).

Blended payment

In a convention or by decision of the judge, it is possible to combine a paid-in capital immediately and a staggered capital.

Installments must be made within a maximum period of 8 years.

They are indexed according to rules applicable to maintenance.

Assignment of property

Exceptionally, by judgment or by convention, property may be allocated to the spouse receiving the compensatory benefit. The compensatory benefit must not be paid in the form of capital.

It may be movable property (e.g. a vehicle) or real estate corresponding to the value of the compensatory benefit. This property can be a property of the community, a property in division or a clean property.

The husband's agreement debtor is required for the ownership of property received by him by succession or gift.

The property may be allocated by:

  • Full ownership
  • Right of use and residence
  • Usufruct

The value of the property awarded as a compensatory benefit must be determined by a qualified professional (e.g. a notary, a forensic expert).

Payment in the form of life annuity

The compensatory benefit may be paid as a life annuity. This is possible only in exceptional cases where the age or state of health of the spouse who can benefit from it does not allow him to support himself.

When requested before the Jaf: titleContent, the latter must give reasons for its decision.

This life annuity is indexed to keep pace with the cost of living.

The payment is not limited in time.

The amount of the pension may be revised, suspended or abolished depending on the evolution of the resources or the needs of the former spouses (e.g. retirement). It may not exceed the amount initially fixed.


the compensatory benefit may be paid as a life annuity and capital.

Payment in the form of a fixed-term annuity

In a divorce by mutual consent, the spouses may provide that the compensatory benefit be paid in the form of an annuity for a fixed period.

Payments of this annuity cease after a number of years fixed by the spouses (e.g. 10 years) or on the occasion of a planned event (e.g. retirement of the spouse) debtor).

It is not the staggering of capital.

In the event of non-payment of the compensatory benefit, it is possible to engage recovery procedures.

You have to go to a commissioner of justice (former bailiff and judicial auctioneer).

The ex-husband creditor has a 10-year period to get it back when it's paid in the form of paid-in capital in one installment. The time limit shall start as soon as the divorce decision has become final.

For the compensatory benefit paid in the form of deferred capital or an annuity, it is possible to request payment of arrears the last five years.

The Commissioner of Justice may implement:


the compensatory benefit paid in capital may not be the subject of a direct payment procedure.

If the Commissioner of Justice is unable to recover the compensatory benefit, the former creditor spouse may file a complaint with the Caf: titleContent which collects only if the maintenance of a child and the compensatory benefit is not paid.

When the Commissioner of Justice fails to recover the compensatory benefit or the conditions are not met to appeal to the Caf: titleContent, it may be recovered by the State Treasury.

In the event of non-payment of the compensatory benefit, the former creditor spouse may file a complaint. It is an offense of abandonment of family punishable by 2 years of imprisonment and €15,000of fine.

If the ex-husband's bad faith debtor causes prejudice to the former spouse who is the creditor, the latter may bring the matter before the Jaf: titleContent in order to seek the fixing of compensatory damages.

In case of significant change in the resources or needs of either former spouse, the compensatory benefit may be revised.

If the ex-spouses agree, the modification may be made by convention which is to be approved by the Jaf: titleContent.

In the absence of an agreement between the former spouses, the Jaf may be seized by subpoena.

These procedures require ex-spouses to each have a lawyer.

The Jaf of the ex-husband's home creditor is competent.

Who shall I contact

If one of the ex-spouses does not have sufficient income, he may apply for legal aid to cover the costs of the procedure (lawyer, commissioners of justice, expert opinion...).

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Capital compensatory benefit

Review requested by the former creditor spouse

The ex-husband creditor may not request a review of the amount or forms of capital payment.

Review requested by the debtor ex-spouse

The ex-husband debtor which justifies a significant change in his situation cannot request that the amount of payments be revised or staggered. The initial amount of the capital fixed by the divorce judgment (or agreement) may not be altered.

Exceptionally, the judge may authorize the capital payment for a period of more than eight years (for example, in the event of loss of employment, health difficulties, additional family expenses).

If he is financially able to do so (e.g. inheritance, salary increase), he may decide to pay all outstanding capital when it is paid in installments. There is no need to enter the Jaf: titleContent for this change.

Compensatory benefit paid in the form of an annuity

The review of the compensatory benefit can be requested by the 2 ex-spouses.

It is possible to ask for the replacement of an annuity by capital.

The review, suspension or withdrawal of the annuity may also be requested.

Replacement of an annuity by capital

The ex-husband debtor like the ex-husband creditor may apply to the court for conversion of the life annuity into a capital.

When the former spouse who is the creditor so requests, he must justify that the situation of the former spouse who is the debtor allows this modification (for example if the former spouse who is the debtor has inherited an amount...)

When the former spouse who is the debtor so requests, he must justify that he is no longer able to pay the annuity and that the age or state of health of the former spouse who is the creditor does not oppose this amendment.

The capital due is calculated on the basis of the amount of the indexed annual annuity, the age of the former creditor spouse, his life expectancy and a coefficient.

Example :

For a woman aged 60 and benefiting from a life annuity of €500 per month or €6,000/year, on coefficient applicable is 15,478 so that the amount of the capital substituted is €92,868.

Review, Suspend, or Delete

Both the debtor and the creditor spouse may request the reduction, suspension or withdrawal of the compensatory benefit in the event of a significant change in the resources or needs of one or the other.

The suspension may be for a fixed period only.

A former spouse who is a creditor and whose annuity has been previously reduced may apply for a reinstatement of his or her original amount when the former spouse who is the debtor has returned to a better fortune. In this case, the revision may not have the effect of increasing the annuity to an amount higher than that initially fixed.

On the death of the ex-husband debtor, the payment of the compensatory benefit shall be passed on to the heirs, unless they renounce the estate.

The balance of the compensatory benefit becomes immediately due whether it is paid in capital or in the form of an annuity.

The compensatory benefit shall be deducted from the estate. The heirs are not obliged to pay it out of their own funds.

By notarial deed, the heirs of the former debtor spouse may decide to maintain the settlement conditions set before his or her death. This notarial act must be notified to the former spouse who is the creditor if he is not present when the act is signed by the notary.

In this case, the heirs of the former debtor spouse must pay the benefit out of their personal funds if the estate assets are insufficient. They may at any time release themselves from the balance of the capital outstanding. They may request a revision of the conditions for payment of the compensatory benefit.

In the case of a request for review, the procedure shall be subpoena in front of Jaf: titleContent of the domicile of the former creditor spouse. The lawyer is obligatory.

Each heir can carry out a procedure independently of the others (debt division) for its own share of the compensatory benefit.


if one of the parties does not have sufficient income, it may apply for thelegal aid to cover the costs of the proceedings (lawyer, commissioner of justice, etc.).

The ex-husband creditor who wishes to change the forms of payment of the compensatory benefit may take proceedings against only one of the heirs of the former debtor spouse.

The procedure is by summons before the Jaf: titleContent of the domicile of the former creditor spouse. The lawyer is obligatory for all parties.

For example, the debtor ex-spouse has several heirs from different unions. The former creditor spouse may accept the share of the compensatory benefit due by his or her common child. He can take legal action against another heir (daughter-in-law, son-in-law) of his ex-husband in order to have no further financial relationship with him.


in the event of the death of the debtor ex-spouse, the surviving ex-spouse may receive a survivor's pension. This may be deducted from the compensatory benefit paid in the form of an annuity.

The remarriage, Civil partnerships: titleContent or the cohabitation of the ex-husband creditor may impact their compensatory benefit as their resources change.

At the time of divorce, the former spouses were able to decide by mutual agreement that the payment of the benefit ceases in the event of remarriage, Civil partnerships: titleContent or cohabitation of the beneficiary.

The ex-husband debtor may request its revision by Jaf: titleContent, but only in certain cases:

  • If the compensatory benefit is paid in the form of installment capital, the debtor ex-spouse may only request a revision of the payment deadlines but not of the amount of the initial capital,
  • If the compensatory benefit is paid in the form of an annuity, the former debtor spouse may request its revision or cancelation.


If the compensatory benefit has been paid in capital at one time: it is impossible to revise it or to claim a refund, even partial.

To enter the Jaf: titleContent an application for review or termination of the compensatory benefit, theattorney is required.

The court having jurisdiction shall be that of the domicile of the creditor.

Who shall I contact

If one of the parties does not have sufficient income, it may apply for the benefit of thelegal aid to cover the costs of the proceedings (lawyer, commissioner of justice, etc.).

Depending on the forms of payment of the compensatory benefit, it may or may not be deductible from the tax of the person paying it and may or may not be taxable for the person receiving it.

If the compensatory benefit is paid within 12 months of the judgment, it is not taxable.

When the compensatory benefit is paid in the form of an annuity, it follows the tax scheme for maintenance payments.

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