Disabled children attending school: how are transport costs covered?

Verified 16 June 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You may be reimbursed for your transport costs if your child is unable to take public transport to his establishment because of the seriousness of his disability medically established by a doctor.

Transport costs can be covered up to the terminal.

The way in which your transport costs are covered differs depending on whether your child is attending a medical-educational institution (for example, a medical-educational institute) or a school ordinary.

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Establishment of the medical-educational sector

Transportation is organized by the hotel.

The transport costs are therefore covered by the establishment.

Ordinary school

You use your vehicle to accompany your child

Reimbursement of your expenses is based on a rate set by the department's services.

This rate is calculated based on the daily mileage between your home and your child's establishment.

To get your expenses reimbursed, you must apply to your child's school principal.

Who shall I contact

Your request must be made by simple mail. It must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Copy of the doctor’s decision acknowledging the severity of your child’s disability
  • Copy of your child's schedule
  • Self-written statement certifying that you are using your vehicle to drop off your child between your home and school

The director then forwards your request to the department services to reimburse you for your expenses.

You use a carrier to accompany your child (taxi business or school minibus)

Reimbursement of your expenses is based on your expenses.

To get your expenses reimbursed, you must apply to your child's school principal.

Who shall I contact

Your request is by simple mail. It must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Copy of the doctor’s decision acknowledging the severity of your child’s disability
  • Copy of your child's schedule
  • Carrier Quote for School Year

The director then forwards your request to the department services to reimburse you for your expenses.

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