Civil service: permanent posts

Verified 23 October 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You're a public official. In some cases, your administration may require you to do permanent work. We explain who may be affected and how tenure is paid.

State Civil Service (EPF)

Permanency is a period of time during which the administration requires you to service requirement, to be at your place of work or at a specific place, outside the periods of actual work.

Tenure can take place at night, on Saturday, on Sunday or on public holidays.

Any staff member (civil servant, trainee or holder, contract staff) may take up permanent posts.

The list of posts concerned and the conditions for the organization of permanent staff shall be laid down by decree, after consulting the Ministerial Technical Committee.

Example :

In the National Police, the permanent staff cover only certain categories of personnel: officials of the three active bodies, technical and scientific administrative staff (Pats), deputy security contractors (ADS) and other national police contractors.

And the permanent services are organized on a weekly basis.

Permanent services shall be:

  • Or, a rest period to compensate for the hours of rest completed, called compensating rest
  • Or for compensation.

The conditions for compensatory rest (in particular its duration) or compensation (in particular its amount) shall be fixed by decree, after consulting the Ministerial Social Administrative Committee (SAC).

No compensation or compensatory rest shall be payable where the staff member is provided with official accommodation or a new index enhancement (NBI) for the exercise of senior management functions.

Please note

Permanent allowances shall not be cumulated with stand-by allowances.

Territorial (FPT)

Permanency is a period of time during which the administration requires you to service requirement, to be at your place of work or at a specific place, outside the periods of actual work.

Tenure can take place at night, on Saturday, on Sunday or on public holidays.

An official (trainee or holder) may make permanent appointments.

A contract staff member in DTA: titleContent who is performing technical functions may also perform permanent duties.

The list of posts concerned and the conditions governing the organization of permanent staff shall be determined by deliberation, after consulting the Territorial Social Committee.

Agents in the technical sector

Tenure shall be compensated unless the staff member is provided with official accommodation or a new index enhancement (NBI) for the exercise of senior management functions.

The gross amount of the allowance is as follows, depending on whether the duty is on Saturday, Sunday or public holidays:

€112.20 on saturdays

€139.65 on Sundays or public holidays

These amounts shall be increased by 50% when you are notified less than 15 free days before the start of permanence.

Please note

Permanent allowances shall not be cumulated with stand-by allowances.

Other agents

Permanent services shall be:

  • Or at a rest, called compensating rest, to compensate for the hours of duty completed
  • Or for compensation.

The compensating rest period is equal to the duration of tenure plus 25%.

The gross amount of compensation varies depending on whether tenure is half-day or full-day, Saturday or Sunday, or a holiday.

Tableau - Amount of tenure compensation according to its duration and the day of completion


Full day





Sunday or public holiday



No compensation or compensatory rest shall be payable if the staff member is provided with official accommodation or new index enhancement (NBI) for the exercise of senior management functions.

Please note

Permanent allowances shall not be cumulated with stand-by allowances.

Hospital (FPH)

A period of tenure is a period during which the administration requires a professional to be at his place of work, outside periods of actual work.

The purpose of the duty station is to ensure the safety of patients who are hospitalized or admitted as emergencies and the continuity of care at night, on Saturday afternoons, on Sundays or public holidays.

It shall be organized either for the whole establishment or by sectors common to one or more activities.

Only practitioners are involved.

Compensation for on-the-spot continuing care is subject to variable compensation depending on the practitioner's status.

Please note

Continuity allowances shall not be cumulated with home-based stand-by allowances