New Index Enhancement (NBI) in the Public Service

Verified 06 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Some public service jobs that involve a particular responsibility or technique are eligible for a so-called top-up new index enhancement (NBI). The NBI is the allocation of additional premium points. We'll give you the information you need to remember.

You can collect the new index rebate (NBI) if you are civil servant (trainee or incumbent) and hold a job with a liability or one special technical requirements.

NBI-eligible jobs are listed in each public service by ministerial order or decree.

Example :

A territorial child care official with managerial functions is entitled to a NBI of 19 points.

An employee employed as a pool manager in a municipal pool is entitled to a 15-point NBI.


If you are contractualHowever, you cannot collect the NBI even if you hold a job listed as eligible. However, if you are recruited under the special provisions on access to the civil service for disabled personsYes, you can take advantage of it.

If you want to know if you are entitled to an NBI and considering the very large number of texts setting the conditions for the allocation of the NBI in the different categories of employer administrations, we suggest you to ask your Human Resources department or to carry out a search on using in particular the following keywords:

  • Conditions of award
  • New index subsidy
  • Name of your administration
  • Title of your job

In each civil service, the number of index points increased granted is fixed by decree for each job qualifying for it.

In the State civil service, for civil servants exercising senior management, managerial or expert functions, an overall amount of index points increased shall be fixed, for each ministerial department, by decree.

This aggregate amount of increased index points is divided, in each ministerial department, between central government, decentralized administrations and public institutions under supervision.

A Ministerial Order sets the maximum amounts of NBI that can be allocated to the jobs concerned.

The NBI is paid monthly.

The point value is set to €4.92.

It shall continue to be paid, in the same proportion as index salary, during the following leave periods:

The NBI is reduced in the same proportion as the index treatment in case of part-time work or if you are working a non-full-time or incomplete employment.

If you have multiple NBIs in your job, you are assigned the NBI with the highest points plus.

The NBI ceases to be payable when you no longer perform the duties for which it is payable.

It shall cease to be paid in the event of long-term leave (CLD) or leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis).

Index treatment

NBI is added to your index treatment for the calculation of the residence allowance and the family treatment supplement (FTS).

Example :

If you are remunerated on the basis of the index plus 485 and receive an NBI of 10 points, your residence allowance and SFT are calculated on the basis of the index 495.

NBI is added to your index salary for the calculation of premiums or allowances as a percentage of index salary but is not included in the calculation of hourly allowances for additional work (IHTS).

The NBI is in addition to the index salary for the calculation of salary increases or residential allowances that are granted to you if you are serving in a department or a overseas collectivity (Com).


The NBI is subject to contributions to the basic pension scheme (SRE: titleContent if you are a public servant or CNRACL: titleContent if you are a territorial or hospital official).

Periods during which you receive the NBI entitle you to a pension supplement in addition to your main pension.