Long-term leave (LTU) of the official

Verified 01 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

As a public servant, you may be placed on long-term leave (LTW) if you have cancer, severe and acquired immunodeficiency, mental illness, tuberculosis or polio. We present the rules applicable to the CLD. They vary according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).


If you are in activity or secondment, you can apply to be placed on long-term leave (LTD) if you suffer from one of the following diseases and are unable to perform your duties:

  • Cancerous disorder
  • Immunodeficiency serious and acquired
  • Mental illness
  • Tuberculosis
  • Poliomyelitis.

You can be placed in CLD, whether you are a full-time public servant or a trainee.


Your CLD implementation may also be involved at the request of your employer administration if, on the basis of a certificate from the occupational doctor or a report from your superiors, your state of health could justify your leave of absence.

The CLD is assigned at the end of 1re year of long-term sick leave (LSW) fully paid.

However, if you have exhausted your full-year paid entitlement to a CLM, you can be placed directly in a CLD.

At the end of 1re year of a CLM paid at full salary, you can also apply to be kept in CLM. The administration grants you an extension of your CLM or a CLD after the medical advice.

If you get your CLM extension, then you can no longer benefit from a CLD for the same pathology until you have resumed your duties at least 1 year between the end of your CLM and the start of the CLD.

If you are placed in CLD at the end of your 1re full-salary CLM year, this 1re CLM year is reconsidered as a CLD year.

The duration maximum of the CLD is set to 5 years.

The CLD can be used from continuous or discontinuous.

The CLD is granted or renewed by periods of 3 to 6 months.

Its duration shall be fixed by the administration on a proposal from the medical council.

You cannot get multiple 5-year CLDs during your career for the same category of conditions.

If you have received a CLD for one of the 5 categories of conditions for which you are entitled, you can be placed again in a CLD for a condition of the same category as if you have not exhausted the maximum duration of 5 years of CLD.

If you acquire a new condition, different from the one that led to your CLD, you are entitled to a new 5-year CLD in its entirety.

First request

You must send your employer administration a request for a CLD, accompanied by a medical certificate from your treating physician.

Your CLD setting is pronounced after opinion of the medical council.

Your treating physician addresses the Secretariat of the medical advice a summary of their observations and any supporting documentation.

Procedure for investigation by the medical council

During the investigation of your file, the medical council can call on the expertise of a licensed doctor.

An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.

At least 10 working days before the date of the medical council meeting, the medical council secretariat informs you of this date and of your following rights:

  • Consult your file
  • Provide written submissions and medical certificates
  • Be accompanied or represented, if desired, by a person of your choice at all stages of the procedure.

The Medical Council Secretariat will also inform you of the possible avenues of challenge before the higher medical council.

You and your employer administration can have the doctor of your choice heard by the medical council.

The medical council may ask to hear you if it deems it useful.

The working doctor of your administration is informed of the meeting of the medical council. They can ask for your medical records and can make written submissions or attend the meeting without voting.

The medical council sends its opinion to you and also to your administration.

Request for renewal

The renewal of your CLD is not subject to the opinion of the medical council as long as you are entitled to your full salary.

You must submit an application accompanied by a medical certificate from your doctor stating that the leave initially granted must be extended and specifying the duration of this extension.

When you ask for the extending your CLD beyond the full-salary paid period, the extension of your CLD is decided after the opinion of the medical council.

Your administration should be examined by an accredited doctor at least once a year. If you refuse to submit to these examinations, your remuneration is no longer paid.

If you or your employer authority disagrees with the medical officer's opinion, you may enter the medical advice.

The different elements of remuneration are paid to you under the following conditions:

Tableau - Conditions of remuneration of State official in CLD

Compensation Elements

Conditions for payment

Index treatment

100% for 3 years, then 50% the next 2 years

Residence allowance

100% throughout the CLD

Family Treatment Supplement (FTS)

100% throughout the CLD

New Index Enhancement (NBI)

It is no longer paid

Premiums and allowances

They are no longer paid

If you are placed in CLD as a result of a request made during a long-term sick leave (LSW) or a sick leaveHowever, the premiums and allowances paid to you during your CLM or sick leave will remain with you.


The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.

Time spent on long-term leave is ineffective on your rights to advancement (step and grade) and internal promotion.

It is also no effect on your retirement.

Time spent on long-term leave does not reduce your entitlement to other leave, including:


If you are unable to take vacation leave because of your long-term leave, some of your vacation leave may be postponed.

Periods of long-term leave do not give you not entitled to RTT.

If you are a probationary public servant, long-term leave extends the duration of your internship.

You can request a training or a skills assessment or to engage in an activity that promotes your rehabilitation or retraining. Your request is subject to the favorable opinion of the medical council.

During your long-term leave, you must meet the following obligations:

  • Cease all paid work (except medically ordered and supervised activities for your rehabilitation to employment)
  • Inform your administration of any change of residence
  • Inform your administration of any absence from your home of more than 2 weeks (except in case of hospitalization) and indicate your dates and places of stay.

In the event of non-compliance with these obligations, your remuneration is no longer paid until you meet the relevant obligation.

The length of time your pay is interrupted counts towards the LTB period.

To resume your duties at the end of your CLD, you must provide a medical certificate of fitness for take-back.

When you have been in CLD for the duration up to 5 years, your resumption of functions is subject tofavorable opinion of the medical council.

The same applies if you are performing duties that require special health conditions or if you have been placed in a CLD at the request of your administration.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are fit to resume your previous duties

You are reassigned to a position corresponding to your rank.

When you were placed in CLD, you were replaced on your position. At the end of your CLD, if there is no vacancy corresponding to your grade, you are reinstated in excess until 1re vacancy in your grade.

Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.

During the entire procedure before the medical council, you continue to receive your half-treatment until the date of the decision to resume service.

In case of refusal of the proposed post if there is no valid reason relating to your state of health, you may be dismissed after obtaining the opinion of the Joint Administrative Commission.

You are unfit to resume your former duties

Your situation varies depending on whether you are a public servant or a trainee:

You're incumbent

You can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job that is compatible with your health.

If your health does not allow you to return to work, you can be placed in office availability if the medical council deems that your health will develop favorably.

If you are found to be permanently unfit for employment, you can be laid off disability pension no matter your age and no matter how many quarters of pension insurance you have.

Throughout the procedure before the medical council, you continue to receive your half-treatment until the date of the decision of reclassification, lay-off or admission to retirement.

In case of refusal of the proposed post if there is no valid reason relating to your state of health, you may be dismissed after obtaining the opinion of the Joint Administrative Commission.

You're an intern

If your health does not allow you to return to work, you can be placed in unpaid leave for a period of time up to one year if the medical council deems that your health will develop favorably.

Such unpaid leave may be renewed 2 times.

Leave without pay and its renewal shall be granted after consulting the medical council.

If you are declared permanently unfit at the end of any employment, long-term sick leave or unpaid leave, you are licensee.

If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for traineeship is terminated and you are made available to your home administration.

In your home administration, your situation is examined in accordance with the rules applicable to the permanent official.


If you are in activity or secondment, you can apply to be placed on long-term leave (LTD) if you suffer from one of the following diseases and are unable to perform your duties:

  • Cancerous disorder
  • Immunodeficiency serious and acquired
  • Mental illness
  • Tuberculosis
  • Poliomyelitis.

You can be placed in CLD, whether you are a full-time public servant or a trainee.


Your CLD implementation may also be involved at the request of your employer administration if, on the basis of a certificate from the occupational doctor or a report from your superiors, your state of health could justify your leave of absence.

The CLD is assigned at the end of 1re year of long-term sick leave (LSW) fully paid.

However, if you have exhausted your full-year paid entitlement to a CLM, you can be placed directly in a CLD.

At the end of 1re year of a CLM paid at full salary, you can also apply to be kept in CLM. The administration grants you an extension of your CLM or a CLD after the medical advice.

If you get your CLM extension, then you can no longer benefit from a CLD for the same pathology until you have resumed your duties at least 1 year between the end of your CLM and the start of the CLD.

If you are placed in CLD at the end of your 1re full-salary CLM year, this 1re CLM year is reconsidered as a CLD year.

The duration maximum of the CLD is set to 5 years.

The CLD can be used from continuous or discontinuous.

The CLD is granted or renewed by periods of 3 to 6 months.

Its duration shall be fixed by the administration on a proposal from the medical council.

You cannot get multiple 5-year CLDs during your career for the same category of conditions.

If you have received a CLD for one of the 5 categories of conditions for which you are entitled, you can be placed again in a CLD for a condition of the same category as if you have not exhausted the maximum duration of 5 years of CLD.

If you acquire a new condition, different from the one that led to your CLD, you are entitled to a new 5-year CLD in its entirety.

First request

You must send your employer administration a request for a CLD, accompanied by a medical certificate from your treating physician.

Your CLD setting is pronounced after opinion of the medical council.

Your treating physician addresses the Secretariat of the medical advice a summary of their observations and any supporting documentation.

Procedure for investigation by the medical council

During the investigation of your file, the medical council can call on the expertise of a licensed doctor.

An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.

At least 10 working days before the date of the medical council meeting, the medical council secretariat informs you of this date and of your following rights:

  • Consult your file
  • Provide written submissions and medical certificates
  • Be accompanied or represented, if desired, by a person of your choice at all stages of the procedure.

The Medical Council Secretariat will also inform you of the possible avenues of challenge before the higher medical council.

You and your employer administration can have the doctor of your choice heard by the medical council.

The medical council may ask to hear you if it deems it useful.

The working doctor of your administration is informed of the meeting of the medical council. They can ask for your medical records and can make written submissions or attend the meeting without voting.

The medical council sends its opinion to you and also to your administration.

Request for renewal

The renewal of your CLD is not subject to the opinion of the medical council as long as you are entitled to your full salary.

You must submit an application accompanied by a medical certificate from your doctor stating that the leave initially granted must be extended and specifying the duration of this extension.

When you ask for the extending your CLD beyond the full-salary paid period, the extension of your CLD is decided after the opinion of the medical council.

Your administration should be examined by an accredited doctor at least once a year. If you refuse to submit to these examinations, your remuneration is no longer paid.

If you or your employer authority disagrees with the medical officer's opinion, you may enter the medical advice.

The different elements of remuneration are paid to you under the following conditions:

Tableau - Conditions of remuneration of the territorial official in CLD

Compensation Elements

Conditions for payment

Index treatment

100% for 3 years, then 50% the next 2 years

Residence allowance

100% throughout the CLD

Family Treatment Supplement (FTS)

100% throughout the CLD

New Index Enhancement (NBI)

It is no longer paid

Premiums and allowances

The conditions for suspending or maintaining premiums shall be determined by deliberation


The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.

During your long-term leave, you must meet the following obligations:

  • Cease all paid work (except medically ordered and supervised activities for your rehabilitation to employment)
  • Inform your administration of any change of residence
  • Inform your administration of any absence from your home of more than 2 weeks (except in case of hospitalization) and indicate your dates and places of stay.

In the event of non-compliance with these obligations, your remuneration is no longer paid until you meet the relevant obligation.

The length of time your pay is interrupted counts towards the LTB period.

Time spent on long-term leave is ineffective on your rights to advancement (step and grade) and internal promotion.

It is also no effect on your retirement.

Time spent on long-term leave does not reduce your entitlement to other leave, including:


If you are unable to take vacation leave because of your long-term leave, some of your vacation leave may be postponed.

Periods of long-term leave do not give you not entitled to RTT.

If you are a probationary public servant, long-term leave extends the duration of your internship.

You can request a training or a skills assessment or to engage in an activity that promotes your rehabilitation or retraining. Your request is subject to the favorable opinion of the medical council.

To resume your duties at the end of your CLD, you must provide a medical certificate of fitness for take-back.

When you have been in CLD for the duration up to 5 years, your resumption of functions is subject tofavorable opinion of the medical council.

The same applies if you are performing duties that require special health conditions or if you have been placed in a CLD at the request of your administration.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are fit to resume your previous duties

You're back in business.

Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.

During the entire procedure before the medical council, you continue to receive your half-treatment until the date of the decision to resume service.

In case of refusal of the proposed post if there is no valid reason relating to your state of health, you may be dismissed after obtaining the opinion of the Joint Administrative Commission.

You are unfit to resume your former duties

Your situation varies depending on whether you are a public servant or a trainee:

You're incumbent

You can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job that is compatible with your health.

If your health does not allow you to return to work, you can be placed in office availability if the medical council deems that your health will develop favorably.

If you are found to be permanently unfit for employment, you can be laid off disability pension no matter your age and no matter how many quarters of pension insurance you have.

Throughout the procedure before the medical council, you continue to receive your half-treatment until the date of the decision of reclassification, lay-off or admission to retirement.

In case of refusal of the proposed post if there is no valid reason relating to your state of health, you may be dismissed after obtaining the opinion of the Joint Administrative Commission.

You're an intern

If your health does not allow you to return to work, you can be placed in unpaid leave during a period ofup to one year if the medical council deems that your health will develop favorably.

Such unpaid leave may be renewed 2 times.

Leave without pay and its renewal shall be granted after opinion of the medical council.

If you are declared permanently unfit at the end of any employment, long-term sick leave or unpaid leave, you are licensee.

If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for traineeship is terminated and you are made available to your home administration.

In your home administration, your situation is examined in accordance with the rules applicable to the permanent official.


If you are in activity or secondment, you can apply to be placed on long-term leave (LTD) if you suffer from one of the following diseases and are unable to perform your duties:

  • Cancerous disorder
  • Immunodeficiency serious and acquired
  • Mental illness
  • Tuberculosis
  • Poliomyelitis.

You can be placed in CLD, whether you are a full-time public servant or a trainee.


Your CLD implementation may also be involved at the request of your employer administration if, on the basis of a certificate from the occupational doctor or a report from your superiors, your state of health could justify your leave of absence.

The CLD is assigned at the end of 1re year of long-term sick leave (LSW) fully paid.

However, if you have exhausted your full-year paid entitlement to a CLM, you can be placed directly in a CLD.

At the end of 1re year of a CLM paid at full salary, you can also apply to be kept in CLM. The administration grants you an extension of your CLM or a CLD after the medical advice.

If you get your CLM extension, then you can no longer benefit from a CLD for the same pathology until you have resumed your duties at least 1 year between the end of your CLM and the start of the CLD.

If you are placed in CLD at the end of your 1re full-salary CLM year, this 1re CLM year is reconsidered as a CLD year.

The duration maximum of the CLD is set to 5 years.

The CLD can be used from continuous or discontinuous.

The CLD is granted or renewed by periods of 3 to 6 months.

Its duration shall be fixed by the administration on a proposal from the medical council.

You cannot get multiple 5-year CLDs during your career for the same category of conditions.

If you have received a CLD for one of the 5 categories of conditions for which you are entitled, you can be placed again in a CLD for a condition of the same category as if you have not exhausted the maximum duration of 5 years of CLD.

If you acquire a new condition, different from the one that led to your CLD, you are entitled to a new 5-year CLD in its entirety.

First request

You must send your employer administration a request for a CLD, accompanied by a medical certificate from your treating physician.

Your CLD setting is pronounced after opinion of the medical council.

Your treating physician addresses the Secretariat of the medical advice a summary of their observations and any supporting documentation.

Procedure for investigation by the medical council

During the investigation of your file, the medical council can call on the expertise of a licensed doctor.

An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.

At least 10 working days before the date of the medical council meeting, the medical council secretariat informs you of this date and of your following rights:

  • Consult your file
  • Provide written submissions and medical certificates
  • Be accompanied or represented, if desired, by a person of your choice at all stages of the procedure.

The Medical Council Secretariat will also inform you of the possible avenues of challenge before the higher medical council.

You and your employer administration can have the doctor of your choice heard by the medical council.

The medical council may ask to hear you if it deems it useful.

The working doctor of your administration is informed of the meeting of the medical council. They can ask for your medical records and can make written submissions or attend the meeting without voting.

The medical council sends its opinion to you and also to your administration.

Request for renewal

The renewal of your CLD is not subject to the opinion of the medical council as long as you are entitled to your full salary.

You must submit an application accompanied by a medical certificate from your doctor stating that the leave initially granted must be extended and specifying the duration of this extension.

When you ask for the extending your CLD beyond the full-salary paid period, the extension of your CLD is decided after the opinion of the medical council.

Your administration should be examined by an accredited doctor at least once a year. If you refuse to submit to these examinations, your remuneration is no longer paid.

If you or your employer authority disagrees with the medical officer's opinion, you may enter the medical advice.

The different elements of remuneration are paid to you under the following conditions:

Tableau - Conditions of remuneration of hospital official in CLD

Compensation Elements

Conditions for payment

Index treatment

100% for 3 years, then 50% the next 2 years

Residence allowance

100% throughout the CLD

Family Treatment Supplement (FTS)

100% throughout the CLD

New Index Enhancement (NBI)

It is no longer paid

Special hardship allowance

100% for 3 years, then 50% the next 2 years


The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.

During your long-term leave, you must meet the following obligations:

  • Cease all paid work (except medically ordered and supervised activities for your rehabilitation to employment)
  • Inform your administration of any change of residence
  • Inform your administration of any absence from your home of more than 2 weeks (except in case of hospitalization) and indicate your dates and places of stay.

In the event of non-compliance with these obligations, your remuneration is no longer paid until you meet the relevant obligation.

The length of time your pay is interrupted counts towards the LTB period.

Time spent on long-term leave is ineffective on your rights to advancement (step and grade) and internal promotion.

It is also no effect on your retirement.

Time spent on long-term leave does not reduce your entitlement to other leave, including:


If you are unable to take vacation leave because of your long-term leave, some of your vacation leave may be postponed.

Periods of long-term leave do not give you not entitled to RTT.

If you are a probationary public servant, long-term leave extends the duration of your internship.

You can request a training or a skills assessment or to engage in an activity that promotes your rehabilitation or retraining. Your request is subject to the favorable opinion of the medical council.

To resume your duties at the end of your CLD, you must provide a medical certificate of fitness for take-back.

When you have been in CLD for the duration up to 5 years, your resumption of functions is subject tofavorable opinion of the medical council.

The same applies if you are performing duties that require special health conditions or if you have been placed in a CLD at the request of your administration.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are fit to resume your previous duties

You are reassigned to your position or to a position corresponding to your rank.

You are unfit to resume your former duties

Your situation varies depending on whether you are a public servant or a trainee:

You're incumbent

You can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job that is compatible with your health.

If your health does not allow you to return to work, you can be placed in office availability if the medical council deems that your health will develop favorably.

If you are found to be permanently unfit for employment, you can be laid off disability pension no matter your age and no matter how many quarters of pension insurance you have.

Throughout the procedure before the medical council, you continue to receive your half-treatment until the date of the decision return to service, redeployment, lay-off or retirement.

You're an intern

If your health does not allow you to return to work, you can be placed in unpaid leave during a period dOne year maximum renewable 2 times.

If the medical council deems that your state of health can develop favorably during the 4e year, your unpaid leave can be renewed for a 3e times.

Leave without pay and its renewal shall be granted after obtaining the opinion of the medical council.

If you are declared permanently unfit at the end of any employment, long-term leave or unpaid leave, you are licensee.

If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for traineeship is terminated and you are made available to your home administration.

In your home administration, your situation is examined in accordance with the rules applicable to the permanent official.