What are the administrative positions in the civil service?
Verified 18 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You are an official, you can be placed in different administrative positions: activity, secondment, availability, parental leave. We present these different positions to you.
Activity is the position in which you perform the duties of one of the jobs corresponding to your grade.
The activity position is the position you are in by default if you do not ask to be placed in another position.
In an active position, you are entitled to different holidays:
- Annual leave
- Leave of absence disease, of long illness, of long life
- Leave of absence motherhood or of adoption
- Birth leave or 3-day adoption
- Paternity and childcare leave
- Vocational training leave
- Leave for validation of experience
- Skills Check Leave
- Leave for union training
- Family Solidarity Leave
- Representation leave
- Parental leave
- Caregiver leave
- Training leave for youth leaders and youth workers
- Leave to conduct a period of military training or in an operational, civil security or health reserve
If you are made available, you remain in an active position.
The detachment is the position in which you perform your duties outside your body or framework of uses of origin.
Detachment is a form of mobility.
He is delivered at your request, except in the case of a transfer of your activity to a private body (company, association) or to a Epic: titleContent.
You may be seconded to another corps or cadre of jobs in your home public service or to another public service or outside the public service.
Posts accessible by secondment are listed in a text specific to each public service (State, territorial, hospital).
During your secondment, you retain your promotion rights in your original body or job setting.
And if you're seconded to the public service, you also have advancement rights in your body or as part of host jobs.
You are entitled to the same leave as a public servant on active employment:
- Annual leave
- Leave of absence disease, of long illness, of long life
- Leave of absence motherhood or of adoption
- Birth leave or 3-day adoption
- Paternity and childcare leave
- Vocational training leave
- Leave for validation of experience
- Skills Check Leave
- Leave for union training
- Family Solidarity Leave
- Representation leave
- Parental leave
- Caregiver leave
- Training leave for youth leaders and youth workers
- Leave to conduct a period of military training or in an operational, civil security or health reserve
The availability is the position in which you stop temporarily your duties.
Grounds for being placed on standby
Lay-off is pronounced most often, at your request, for one of the following reasons:
- Personal Suitability
- Create or resume a company
- Raising a child under the age of 12
- Provide care to a dependent child, your spouse, your partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent, to a ascendant following an accident or serious illness or a disability requiring the presence of a third person
- Follow your Civil partnership or partner who has to move for business reasons
- To carry out studies or research of general interest
- Traveling overseas or abroad for the adoption of one or more children
You can also be placed ex officio on standby, especially for health reasons when you exhausted sick leave entitlements.
Agent Status During Availability
During an availability, you stay civil servant and are destined to return to a job corresponding to your grade at the end of your availability.
During an availability, you are higher paid by your administration and therefore no longer contribute to your pension fund (SRE: titleContent if you are a public official, CNRACL: titleContent if you are a territorial or hospital official).
You have no more entitlement to leave of which an official in active employment may benefit.
You also no longer enjoy your rights to advancement in step and grade.
However, since September 7, 2018, if you are in a professional activity while you are available or during an availability to raise a child, you can preserve, subject to conditions, your promotion rights step and grade for up to 5 years.
You can work as an employed person (in the private sector or as a contractor in the public service) or as a self-employed person if you have been granted availability for one of the following reasons:
- Personal Suitability
- Follow your Civil partnership or partner who has to move for business reasons
- Studies or research of general interest
- Create or resume a company
- Provide care to a dependent child, your spouse, your partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent, to a ascendant following an accident or serious illness or a disability requiring the presence of a third person
If you are working while on standby, you contribute to the pension fund for that activity.
The parental leave is the position in which you temporarily cease your employment in the public service to raise a child.
You are placed on parental leave at your request.
Parental leave can be granted for a duration varies depending on the number of children born or adopted
Number of children born simultaneously | Maximum duration of parental leave |
1 | Up to 3e child's birthday |
2 | Until children enter kindergarten |
3 or more | Maximum of 5 extensions up to 6e children's birthday |
Number of adopted children | Maximum duration of parental leave |
1 or 2 | 3 years from the date of arrival at the home of the child or children under 3 years 1 year from the date of arrival at the home of the child or children over 3 and under 16 years of age |
3 or more | Maximum of 5 extensions up to 6e birthday of the youngest child |
During parental leave, you are no longer paid by your administration but you can collect the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.
You keep your promotion rights up to 5 years for your entire career.
The time spent on parental leave is taken into account for the calculation of your number of pension insurance quarters up to a maximum of 3 years per child born or adopted after 2003.
During parental leave, you are no longer entitled to the leave available to an active civil servant.
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