Availability of the official

Verified 01 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Availability allows you to temporarily stop working to deal with certain situations while remaining a public servant. We present you the conditions to obtain an availability and its effects on your career. The rules differ depending on whether you are in the State (SOE) or Territorial (FPT) Public Service or Hospital (HPF) Public Service.


If you are permanent official, you can request availability for the following reasons.


  • If you are a probationary public servant, you do not have the right to take an availability
  • If you are contractual, you may be granted unpaid leave for reasons similar to those which allow a regular official to be made available.

You can request availability to raise a child under the age of 12.

How long is the availability to raise a child?

Availability to raise a child is granted for a maximum of 3 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

At the end of a period of up to 3 years, the availability is renewable in a period of up to 3 years until the child is 12 years old.

How do you request availability to raise a child?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A sample letter is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is advisable to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability to raise a child under the age of 12 is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is there a fee for being available to raise a child?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

You can see the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.

What are the effects on your career of being available to raise a child?


If you are or have been on standby to raise a child since august 8, 2019, you shall retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for a maximum of 5 years.

If you were on standby to raise a child before August 8, 2019, your standby periods were not considered for advancement.

As of August 8, 2019, if you have or have had child-rearing and parental leave during your career, you will retain your promotion rights for up to 5 years over all periods of child-rearing and parental leave.

Please note

Periods of availability to raise a child are never taken into account for internal promotion.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave

Social protection

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).


Periods of availability for raising a child, born or adopted on or after 1er january 2004, are taken into account in the calculation of your number of pension insurance quarters, up to 3 years per child.

How are you reintegrated when you are ready to raise a child?

At least 3 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

Your reintegration is by right, i.e. your administration cannot refuse it if you meet the following 2 conditions:

  • Your duties require special health conditions and you are fit
  • You have respected during your availability obligations which are binding on a staff member even outside the service

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

If you are fit to resume your duties

You must be reinstated to 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the job offered to you, you are reinstated on one of the first 3 vacancies in your grade.

If you apply for early reinstatement before your original scheduled end date of availability, you will be kept on standby until 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the job offered to you, you are reinstated on one of the first 3 vacancies in your grade.

If you turn down 3 job offers in succession, you can be dismissed after the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you are unable to resume your duties

You are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

You can request availability to provide care to a loved one with a disability requiring the presence of a third person or following an accident or serious illness.

It must be a dependent child, your spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent or a ascendant.

How long is the availability to care for a loved one?

Availability to care for a loved one is granted for up to 3 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

At the end of a period of up to 3 years, availability is renewable in a period of up to 3 years as long as the presence of a third person with your loved one is necessary.

How do you request availability to provide care to a loved one?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A sample letter is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is advisable to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability to care for a loved one is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is the availability of care for a loved one remunerated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

When available to provide care to a dependent child, you can collect the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.

When available to provide care to a ascendant who perceives the Apa or the PCH, you can, under certain conditions, use this benefit to pay you.

While you are available, you can also pursue a professional activity if this activity enables you to provide normal care for your sick or disabled family member.

The professional activity may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.

This may be a contract activity in the public service (with an employer administration other than your employer administration as a public servant) or an activity in the private sector.

If the activity is carried out in the private sector, you must inform your employer administration.

This activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

What are the effects on your career of being available to care for a loved one?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.

However, if you are or have been on standby to provide care to a loved one since september 7, 2018 and if you are or have been in a professional activity, you retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for up to 5 years if one of the following 2 conditions is met:

  • If you are in paid employment (in the private or public sector), it represents a working time of at least 600 hours per year
  • If you are self-employed, it provides you with an annual gross income of at least €6,990

If you were on leave to provide care to a loved one before September 7, 2018, your periods of leave were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must submit to your administration the supporting documents for your activity by 31 May of each year following 1er the day you lay off.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Employed activity

You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

Self-employed activity

You must submit the following documents to your administration:

  • Proof of registration of your activity in the National company Register or in theUrssaf: titleContent
  • A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

If the advancement in your rank is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or to the prior exercise of certain functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable in nature or level of responsibility to those jobs and functions.

It's the special status your body which defines the conditions under which this professional activity can be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave

Social protection

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You are not engaged in any other activity or you are engaged in unpaid activity

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).

You are engaged in another paid activity

If you are gainfully employed, you are covered by the social protection scheme of your new occupation.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

However, if you are engaged in another gainful occupation while you are available, you will acquire pension rights from the pension scheme under which that occupation is carried out.

How are you reinstated at the end of availability to give care to a loved one?

At least 3 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

Your reintegration is by right, i.e. your administration cannot refuse it if you meet the following conditions:

  • Your duties require special health conditions and you are fit
  • You have respected during your availability obligations which are binding on a staff member even outside the service

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

If you are fit to resume your duties

You must be reinstated to 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the job offered to you, you are reinstated on one of the first 3 vacancies in your grade.

If you apply for early reinstatement before your original scheduled end date of availability, you will be kept on standby until 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the job offered to you, you are reinstated on one of the first 3 vacancies in your grade.

If you turn down 3 job offers in succession, you can be dismissed after the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

You can request an availability to follow your spouse (spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent) if he finds himself obliged to reside, for professional reasons, in a place far from your administrative residence.

How long is the availability to follow your spouse?

Availability to follow one's Civil partnership or partner is granted for up to 3 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

At the end of a period of up to 3 years, availability is renewable in a period of up to 3 years as long as your Civil partnership or partner remains obliged to reside in a location away from your administrative residence.

How to make your request for availability to follow your spouse?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability to follow your spouse is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is the availability to follow one's spouse remunerated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

However, you can carry out a professional activity, while you are available.

The professional activity may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.

This may be a contract activity in the public service (with an employer administration other than your employer administration as a public servant) or an activity in the private sector.

If the activity is carried out within private sector, you must inform your employer administration.

This activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

What are the effects on your career of being available to follow your spouse?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.

However, if you are or have been on standby to follow your spouse since september 7, 2018and if you are or have been in a professional activity, you retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for up to 5 years if one of the following 2 conditions is met:

  • If you are in paid employment (in the private or public sector), it represents a working time of at least 600 hours per year
  • If you are self-employed, it provides you with an annual gross income of at least €6,990

If you were on standby to follow your spouse before September 7, 2018, your standby periods were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must submit to your administration the supporting documents for your activity by 31 May of each year following 1er the day you lay off.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Employed activity

You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

Self-employed activity

You must submit the following documents to your administration:

  • Proof of registration of your activity in the National company Register or in theUrssaf: titleContent
  • A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

If the advancement in your rank is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or to the prior exercise of certain functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable in nature or level of responsibility to those jobs and functions.

It's the special status your body which defines the conditions under which this professional activity can be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave

Social protection

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are not engaged in any other activity or you are engaged in unpaid activity

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).

You are engaged in another paid activity

If you are gainfully employed, you are covered by the social protection scheme of your new occupation.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

However, if you are engaged in another gainful occupation while you are available, you will acquire pension rights from the pension scheme under which that occupation is carried out.

How are you reinstated at the end of availability to follow your spouse?

At least 3 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

Your reintegration is by right, i.e. your administration cannot refuse it if you meet the following conditions:

  • Your duties require special health conditions and you are fit
  • You have respected during your availability obligations which are binding on a staff member even outside the service

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

If you are fit to resume your duties

You must be reinstated to 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the job offered to you, you are reinstated on one of the first 3 vacancies in your grade.

If you apply for early reinstatement before your original scheduled end date of availability, you will be kept on standby until 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the job offered to you, you are reinstated on one of the first 3 vacancies in your grade.

If you turn down 3 job offers in succession, you can be dismissed after the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

If you have an approval issued by anAse: titleContent, you can request an availability to go to a Drom: titleContent, a overseas collectivity, in New Caledonia or abroad to adopt one or more children.

How long is the availability for adoption?

Availability for adoption is granted for a maximum of 6 weeks per approval.

No text sets a minimum duration.

How do I request availability for adoption?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability for adoption is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is availability for adoption paid?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

What are the effects of availability for adoption on your career?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave

Social protection

In case of sickness or maternity, you continue to receive daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).


Your period of availability is not taken into account for your retirement.

How are you reinstated upon availability for adoption?

You are reassigned to your previous job regardless of whether you request your reinstatement on time or early.

You can request availability for personal convenience.


If you are subject to an undertaking to serve in the Public Service for a minimum period and you plan to exercise, while you are available, a professional activity, whether employed or not, in the private sector, you must have a minimum length of service.

This minimum length of service is set at 4 years since your tenure in the corps for which you made this commitment to serve.

How long is the availability for personal convenience?

Availability for personal convenience is granted for a maximum of 5 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

Availability is renewable up to a maximum of 10 years for your entire career.

However, since march 29, 2019if you spend 5 consecutive years on personal leave, you can only renew your leave if you first return to the public service for at least 18 months.


Accumulation of availability for company creation or takeover with availability for personal convenience cannot exceed 5 years if it is 1re period of availability.

How to make your request for availability for personal convenience?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

Your employer authority can only object to your request for lay-off because of the service requirements or, where appropriate, an opinion delivered by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life.

However, it may require you to respect a period of notice of 3 months before leaving on leave.

If your administration does not reply to your request for lay-off within 2 months of the date of receipt of your request, it shall be deemed to have been accepted.

Is availability for personal convenience compensated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

However, you can carry out a professional activity while you are available.

The professional activity may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.

This may be a contract activity in the public service (with an employer administration other than your employer administration as a public servant) or an activity in the private sector.

If the activity is carried out in the private sector, you must inform your employer administration.

This activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

What are the effects of availability for personal convenience on your career?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.

However, if you are or have been on standby for personal convenience since september 7, 2018 and if you are or have been in a professional activity, you retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for up to 5 years if one of the following 2 conditions is met:

  • If you are in paid employment (in the private or public sector), it represents a working time of at least 600 hours per year
  • If you are self-employed, it provides you with an annual gross income of at least €6,990

If you were on personal leave prior to September 7, 2018, your leave periods were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must submit to your administration the supporting documents for your activity by 31 May of each year following 1er the day you lay off.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Employed activity

You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

Self-employed activity

You must submit the following documents to your administration:

  • Proof of registration of your activity in the National company Register or in theUrssaf: titleContent
  • A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

If the advancement in your rank is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or to the prior exercise of certain functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable in nature or level of responsibility to those jobs and functions.

It's the special status your body which defines the conditions under which this professional activity can be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are not engaged in any other activity or you are engaged in unpaid activity

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).

You are engaged in another paid activity

If you are gainfully employed, you are covered by the social protection scheme of your new occupation.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

However, if you are engaged in another gainful occupation while you are available, you will acquire pension rights from the pension scheme under which that occupation is carried out.

How are you reinstated after availability for personal convenience?

At least 3 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

Your reintegration is by right, i.e. your administration cannot refuse it if you meet the following conditions:

  • Your duties require special health conditions and you are fit
  • You have respected during your availability obligations which are binding on a staff member even outside the service
If you are fit to resume your duties

You must be reinstated to one of the first 3 vacancies corresponding to your grade.

If you apply for early reinstatement before the date on which your availability was originally scheduled to end, you shall be kept on standby until your reinstatement at one of the first three vacancies corresponding to your grade.

If you turn down 3 job offers in turn, you can be dismissed after the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

You can request availability to create or resume a company.

The proposed activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.


If you are subject to a commitment to serve in the public service for a minimum period of time, you must have a minimum period of service.

This minimum length of service is set at 4 years since your tenure in the corps for which you made this commitment to serve.

How long is the availability for company creation or recovery?

Availability to create or take over a company is granted for up to 2 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

How do I request availability for company creation or takeover?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Your employer authority can only object to your request for lay-off because of the service requirements or, where appropriate, an opinion delivered by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life.

However, it may require you to respect a period of notice of 3 months before leaving on leave.

If your administration does not reply to your request for lay-off within 2 months of the date of receipt of your request, it shall be deemed to have been accepted.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is availability for company creation or takeover remunerated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

What are the effects on your career of being available to start or take over a company?


If you are or have been on standby to create or resume a company since september 7, 2018, you shall retain your rights to advancement in step and grade during your availability.

If you were on standby to create or resume a company before September 7, 2018, your standby periods were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must provide your administration with proof of registration of your activity in the national company register, or in theUrssaf: titleContent.

If the advancement in your rank is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or functions, your period of service may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable to those jobs and functions in terms of the nature of the business or the level of responsibility exercised.

It's the special status your body which defines the conditions under which this professional activity can be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

You are covered by the social protection scheme of your professional activity.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

But you acquire pension rights from the pension plan under which you operate.

How are you reinstated when your company is no longer available for creation or recovery?

At least 3 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

Your reintegration is by right, i.e. your administration cannot refuse it if you meet the following conditions:

  • Your duties require special health conditions and you are fit
  • You have respected during your availability obligations which are binding on a staff member even outside the service
If you are fit to resume your duties

You must be reinstated to one of the first 3 vacancies corresponding to your grade.

If you apply for early reinstatement before the date on which your availability was originally scheduled to end, you shall be kept on standby until your reinstatement at one of the first three vacancies corresponding to your grade.

If you turn down 3 job offers in turn, you can be dismissed after the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.


If you are permanent official, you can request availability for the following reasons.


  • If you are a probationary public servant, you do not have the right to take an availability
  • If you are contractual, you may be granted unpaid leave for reasons similar to those which allow a regular official to be made available.

You can request availability to raise a child under the age of 12.

How long is the availability to raise a child?

Availability to raise a child is granted for a maximum of 3 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

At the end of a period of up to 3 years, the availability is renewable in a period of up to 3 years until the child is 12 years old.

How do you request availability to raise a child?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A sample letter is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is advisable to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability to raise a child under the age of 12 is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is there a fee for being available to raise a child?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

You can see the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.

What are the effects on your career of being available to raise a child?


If you are or have been on standby to raise a child since august 8, 2019, you shall retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for a maximum of 5 years.

If you were on standby to raise a child before August 8, 2019, your standby periods were not considered for advancement.

As of August 8, 2019, if you have or have had child-rearing and parental leave during your career, you will retain your promotion rights for up to 5 years over all periods of child-rearing and parental leave.

Please note

Periods of availability to raise a child are never taken into account for internal promotion.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).


Periods of availability for raising a child, born or adopted on or after 1er january 2004, are taken into account in the calculation of your number of pension insurance quarters, up to 3 years per child.

How are you reintegrated when you are ready to raise a child?

3 months, at least before the end of your current period of availability, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original employment.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

If your availability did not exceed 6 months, you must be reassigned to the job you held before your lay-off.

If your availability lasted more than 6 months, you are reassigned to 1re vacancy or job creation corresponding to your rank in your home community.

If you refuse the proposed job, you will be kept on standby until a job corresponding to your grade is vacant or created.

If at the end of your availability of more than 6 months, no job is vacant, you are kept in surplus for 1 year in your home community.

During this one-year period, your home community will provide you with a priority for any job created or vacant that matches your rank.

Your community is also looking at the possibility of detaching yourself or integrating you directly into its services on a job in another job setting, equivalent to your previous job.

And it examines the possibilities of assignment to a job corresponding to your grade or an equivalent job in one of 3 public functions.

Your home community, the CNFPT: titleContent and the management center shall examine the possibilities of reclassification.

At the end of the one-year overstay period, if you have not been reinstated, you are taken care of by the management center or the NCTF in the same manner conditions an official whose employment is terminated.

If you turn down 3 proposals for posts in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

You can request availability to provide care to a loved one with a disability requiring the presence of a third person or following an accident or serious illness.

It must be a dependent child, your spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent or a ascendant.

How long is the availability to care for a loved one?

Availability to care for a loved one is granted for up to 3 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

At the end of a period of up to 3 years, availability is renewable in a period of up to 3 years as long as the presence of a third person with your loved one is necessary.

How do you request availability to provide care to a loved one?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A sample letter is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is advisable to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability to care for a loved one is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is the availability of care for a loved one remunerated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

When available to provide care to a dependent child, you can collect the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.

When available to provide care to a ascendant who perceives the Apa or the PCH, you can, under certain conditions, use this benefit to pay you.

While you are available, you can also pursue a professional activity if this activity enables you to provide normal care for your sick or disabled family member.

The professional activity may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.

This may be a contract activity in the public service (with an employer administration other than your employer administration as a public servant) or an activity in the private sector.

If the activity is carried out in the private sector, you must inform your employer administration.

This activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

What are the effects on your career of being available to care for a loved one?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.

However, if you are or have been on standby to provide care to a loved one since september 7, 2018 and if you are or have been in a professional activity, you retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for up to 5 years if one of the following 2 conditions is met:

  • If you are in paid employment (in the private or public sector), it represents a working time of at least 600 hours per year
  • If you are self-employed, it provides you with an annual gross income of at least €6,990

If you were on leave to provide care to a loved one before September 7, 2018, your periods of leave were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must submit to your administration the supporting documents for your activity on a date fixed by your administration and at the latest by 1er January of each year following the 1ster the day you lay off.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Employed activity

You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

Self-employed activity

You must submit the following documents to your administration:

  • Proof of registration of your activity in the National company Register or in theUrssaf: titleContent
  • A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

If the advancement of your grade in your job is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or the prior exercise of certain functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable in nature or level of responsibility to those jobs and functions.

It's the special status your employment framework which defines the conditions under which this professional activity may be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are not engaged in any other activity or you are engaged in unpaid activity

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).

You are engaged in another paid activity

If you are gainfully employed, you are covered by the social protection scheme of your new occupation.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

However, if you are engaged in another gainful occupation while you are available, you will acquire pension rights from the pension scheme under which that occupation is carried out.

How are you reinstated at the end of availability to give care to a loved one?

3 months, at least before the end of your current period of availability, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original employment.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

If your availability did not exceed 6 months, you must be reassigned to the job you held before your lay-off.

If your availability lasted more than 6 months, you are reassigned to 1re vacancy or job creation corresponding to your rank in your home community.

If you refuse the proposed job, you will be kept on standby until a job corresponding to your grade is vacant or created.

If at the end of your availability of more than 6 months, no job is vacant, you are kept in surplus for 1 year in your home community.

During this one-year period, your home community will provide you with a priority for any job created or vacant that matches your rank.

Your community is also looking at the possibility of detaching yourself or integrating you directly into its services on a job in another job setting, equivalent to your previous job.

And it examines the possibilities of assignment to a job corresponding to your grade or an equivalent job in one of 3 public functions.

Your home community, the CNFPT: titleContent and the management center shall examine the possibilities of reclassification.

At the end of the one-year overstay period, if you have not been reinstated, you are taken care of by the management center or the NCTF in the same manner conditions an official whose employment is terminated.

If you turn down 3 proposals for posts in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

You can request an availability to follow your spouse (spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent) if he finds himself obliged to reside, for professional reasons, in a place far from your administrative residence.

How long is the availability to follow your spouse?

Availability to follow one's Civil partnership or partner is granted for up to 3 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

At the end of a period of up to 3 years, availability is renewable in a period of up to 3 years as long as your Civil partnership or partner remains obliged to reside in a location away from your administrative residence.

How to make your request for availability to follow your spouse?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability to follow your spouse is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is the availability to follow one's spouse remunerated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

However, you can carry out a professional activity, while you are available.

The professional activity may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.

This may be a contract activity in the public service (with an employer administration other than your employer administration as a public servant) or an activity in the private sector.

If the activity is carried out in the private sector, you must inform your employer administration.

This activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

What are the effects on your career of being available to follow your spouse?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.

However, if you are or have been on standby to follow your spouse since september 7, 2018and if you are or have been in a professional activity, you retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for up to 5 years if one of the following 2 conditions is met:

  • If you are in paid employment (in the private or public sector), it represents a working time of at least 600 hours per year
  • If you are self-employed, it provides you with an annual gross income of at least €6,990

If you were on standby to follow your spouse before September 7, 2018, your standby periods were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must submit to your administration the supporting documents for your activity on a date fixed by your administration and at the latest by 1er January of each year following the 1ster the day you lay off.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Employed activity

You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

Self-employed activity

You must submit the following documents to your administration:

  • Proof of registration of your activity in the National company Register or in theUrssaf: titleContent
  • A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

If the advancement of your grade in your job is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or the prior exercise of certain functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable in nature or level of responsibility to those jobs and functions.

It's the special status your employment framework which defines the conditions under which this professional activity may be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are not engaged in any other activity or you are engaged in unpaid activity

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).

You are engaged in another paid activity

If you are gainfully employed, you are covered by the social protection scheme of your new occupation.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

However, if you are engaged in another gainful occupation while you are available, you will acquire pension rights from the pension scheme under which that occupation is carried out.

How are you reinstated at the end of availability to follow your spouse?

3 months, at least before the end of your current period of availability, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original employment.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

If your availability has not exceeded 6 months, you must be reinstated to your job and reassigned to your previous job.

If your availability was more than 6 months and less than 3 years, you're reassigned to 1re vacancy or job creation corresponding to your rank in your home community

If you refuse the proposed job, you will be kept on standby until a job corresponding to your grade is vacant or created.

If you apply for reinstatement before the scheduled end date of your availability, you shall, in the absence of a vacancy, be kept on standby until your reinstatement.

If there is no vacant job at the end of your availability, you are kept in surplus for 1 year in your home community.

During this one-year period, your community offers you any job of your rank as a priority.

She also explores the possibility of detaching or integrating you directly into an equivalent job in another job cadre or in another public service.

At the end of the oversupply year, if you have not been reinstated, you are taken care of by the management center or the CNFPT: titleContentin the same conditions an official whose employment is terminated.

If you turn down 3 positions in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent.

If your availability has been greater than 3 years, you are reinstated to one of the first 3 job vacancies in your community.

If you turn down 3 proposals for posts in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

If you hold an approval issued by anAse: titleContent, you can request an availability to go to a Drom: titleContent, a overseas collectivity, in New Caledonia or abroad to adopt one or more children.

How long is the availability for adoption?

Availability for adoption is granted for a maximum of 6 weeks per approval.

No text sets a minimum duration.

How do I request availability for adoption?

You must request your lay-off by mail at least 2 weeks before your departure.

You must make your request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

Your request should indicate the start date and expected duration of your availability.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability for adoption is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is availability for adoption paid?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

What are the effects of availability for adoption on your career?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

In case of sickness or maternity, you continue to receive daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).


Your period of availability is not taken into account for your retirement.

How are you reinstated upon availability for adoption?

You are reassigned to your previous job regardless of whether you request your reinstatement on time or early.

You can request availability for personal convenience.

How long is the availability for personal convenience?

Availability for personal convenience is granted for a maximum of 5 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

Availability is renewable up to a maximum of 10 years for your entire career.

However, since march 29, 2019if you spend 5 consecutive years on personal leave, you can only renew your leave if you first return to the public service for at least 18 months.


Accumulation of availability for company creation or takeover with availability for personal convenience cannot exceed 5 years if it is 1re period of availability.

How to make your request for availability for personal convenience?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

Your employer authority can only object to your request for lay-off because of the service requirements or, where appropriate, an opinion delivered by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life.

However, it may require you to respect a period of notice of 3 months before leaving on leave.

If your administration does not reply to your request for lay-off within 2 months of the date of receipt of your request, it shall be deemed to have been accepted.

Is availability for personal convenience compensated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

However, you can carry out a professional activity while you are available.

The professional activity may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.

This may be a contract activity in the public service (with an employer administration other than your employer administration as a public servant) or an activity in the private sector.

If the activity is carried out in the private sector, you must inform your employer administration.

This activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

What are the effects of availability for personal convenience on your career?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.

However, if you are or have been on standby for personal convenience since september 7, 2018 and if you are or have been in a professional activity, you retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for up to 5 years if one of the following 2 conditions is met:

  • If you are in paid employment (in the private or public sector), it represents a working time of at least 600 hours per year
  • If you are self-employed, it provides you with an annual gross income of at least €6,990

If you were on personal leave prior to September 7, 2018, your leave periods were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must send the supporting documents for your activity to your administration no later than 1er January of each year following the 1ster the day you lay off.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Employed activity

You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

Self-employed activity

You must submit the following documents to your administration:

  • Proof of registration of your activity in the National company Register or in theUrssaf: titleContent
  • A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

If the advancement in your rank is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or to the prior exercise of certain functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable in nature or level of responsibility to those jobs and functions.

It's the special status your body which defines the conditions under which this professional activity can be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are not engaged in any other activity or you are engaged in unpaid activity

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).

You are engaged in another paid activity

If you are gainfully employed, you are covered by the social protection scheme of your new occupation.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

However, if you are engaged in another gainful occupation while you are available, you will acquire pension rights from the pension scheme under which that occupation is carried out.

How are you reinstated after availability for personal convenience?

3 months, at least before the end of your current period of availability, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original employment.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

If your availability has not exceeded 3 years, you are reinstated to one of the first 3 vacancies corresponding to your rank in your home community.

Your community must justify its refusal to reinstate you on the first 2 holidays on grounds of interest of the service.

The job proposals made by your community must be firm and specific about the nature of the job and the pay.

If your availability has lasted more than 3 years, you must be reinstated within a reasonable time.

If you turn down 3 proposals for posts in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

You can request availability to create or resume a company.

The proposed activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

How long is the availability for company creation or recovery?

Availability to create or take over a company is granted for up to 2 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

How do I request availability for company creation or takeover?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Your employer authority can only object to your request for lay-off because of the service requirements or, where appropriate, an opinion delivered by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life.

However, it may require you to respect a period of notice of 3 months before leaving on leave.

If your administration does not reply to your request for lay-off within 2 months of the date of receipt of your request, it shall be deemed to have been accepted.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is availability for company creation or takeover remunerated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

What are the effects on your career of being available to start or take over a company?


If you are or have been on standby to create or resume a company since september 7, 2018, you shall retain your rights to advancement in step and grade during your availability.

If you were on standby to create or resume a company before September 7, 2018, your standby periods were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must provide your administration with proof of registration of your activity in the national company register, or in theUrssaf: titleContent.

If the advancement of your rank in your job is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable to those jobs and functions in terms of the nature of the business or the level of responsibility exercised.

It's the special status your employment framework which defines the conditions under which this professional activity may be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

You are covered by the social protection scheme of your professional activity.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

But you acquire pension rights from the pension plan under which you operate.

How are you reinstated when your company is no longer available for creation or recovery?

3 months, at least before the end of your current period of availability, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original employment.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

You are reinstated to one of the first 3 vacancies corresponding to your rank in your home community.

Your community must justify its refusal to reinstate you on the first 2 holidays on grounds of interest of the service.

The job proposals made by your community must be firm and specific about the nature of the job and the pay.

If you turn down 3 proposals for posts in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent.

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 3 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 3 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 3 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.


If you are permanent official, you can request availability for the following reasons.


  • If you are a probationary public servant, you do not have the right to take an availability
  • If you are contractual, you may be granted unpaid leave for reasons similar to those which allow a regular official to be made available.

You can request availability to raise a child under the age of 12.

How long is the availability to raise a child?

Availability to raise a child is granted for a maximum of 3 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

At the end of a period of up to 3 years, the availability is renewable in a period of up to 3 years until the child is 12 years old.

How do you request availability to raise a child?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A sample letter is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is advisable to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability to raise a child under the age of 12 is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is there a fee for being available to raise a child?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

You can see the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.

What are the effects on your career of being available to raise a child?


If you are or have been on standby to raise a child since august 8, 2019, you shall retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for a maximum of 5 years.

If you were on standby to raise a child before August 8, 2019, your standby periods were not considered for advancement.

As of August 8, 2019, if you have or have had child-rearing and parental leave during your career, you will retain your promotion rights for up to 5 years over all periods of child-rearing and parental leave.

Please note

Periods of availability to raise a child are never taken into account for internal promotion.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).


Periods of availability for raising a child, born or adopted on or after 1er january 2004, are taken into account in the calculation of your number of pension insurance quarters, up to 3 years per child.

How are you reintegrated when you are ready to raise a child?

At least 2 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

In the absence of such a request, you will be removed from the executive ranks on the date of your availability, that is to say, you will lose your status as a public servant.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

If your availability is less than 3 years, you must be reinstated to the 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the proposed job, you are kept on standby until a new job is vacant or created.

If there is no vacancy, you will be kept on standby until you are reinstated and at the latest until 3 positions have been offered to you.

If your availability is more than 3 years, you do not have the right to reinstatement from 1re vacancy in your grade.

However, you are entitled to have 3 positions offered to you within a reasonable period of time from the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you turn down 3 positions in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent .

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 2 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 2 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 2 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

You can request an availability to provide care to a loved one following an accident or a serious illness or a disability requiring the presence of a third person.

This must be a dependent child, your spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent or a ascendant.

How long is the availability to care for a loved one?

Availability to care for a loved one is granted for up to 3 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

At the end of a period of up to 3 years, availability is renewable in a period of up to 3 years as long as the presence of a third person with your loved one is necessary.

How do you request availability to provide care to a loved one?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A sample letter is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is advisable to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability to care for a loved one is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is the availability of care for a loved one remunerated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

When available to provide care to a dependent child, you can collect the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.

When available to provide care to a ascendant who perceives the Apa or the PCH, you can, under certain conditions, use this benefit to pay you.

While you are available, you can also pursue a professional activity if this activity enables you to provide normal care for your sick or disabled family member.

The professional activity may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.

This may be a contract activity in the public service (with an employer administration other than your employer administration as a public servant) or an activity in the private sector.

If the activity is carried out in the private sector, you must inform your employer administration.

This activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

What are the effects on your career of being available to care for a loved one?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.

However, if you are or have been on standby to provide care to a loved one since september 7, 2018 and if you are or have been in a professional activity, you retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for up to 5 years if one of the following 2 conditions is met:

  • If you are in paid employment (in the private or public sector), it represents a working time of at least 600 hours per year
  • If you are self-employed, it provides you with an annual gross income of at least €6,990

If you were on leave to provide care to a loved one before September 7, 2018, your periods of leave were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must submit to your administration the supporting documents for your activity by 31 May of each year following 1er the day you lay off.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Employed activity

You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

Self-employed activity

You must submit the following documents to your administration:

  • Proof of registration of your activity in the National company Register or in theUrssaf: titleContent
  • A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

If the advancement in your rank is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or to the prior exercise of certain functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable in nature or level of responsibility to those jobs and functions.

It's the special status your body which defines the conditions under which this professional activity can be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are not engaged in any other activity or you are engaged in unpaid activity

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).

You are engaged in another paid activity

If you are gainfully employed, you are covered by the social protection scheme of your new occupation.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

However, if you are engaged in another gainful occupation while you are available, you will acquire pension rights from the pension scheme under which that occupation is carried out.

How are you reinstated at the end of availability to give care to a loved one?

At least 2 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

In the absence of such a request, you will be removed from the executive ranks on the date of your availability, that is to say, you will lose your status as a public servant.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

If your availability is less than 3 years, you must be reinstated to the 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the proposed job, you are kept on standby until a new job is vacant or created.

If there is no vacancy, you will be kept on standby until you are reinstated and at the latest until 3 positions have been offered to you.

If your availability is more than 3 years, you do not have the right to reinstatement from 1re vacancy in your grade.

However, you are entitled to have 3 positions offered to you within a reasonable period of time from the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you turn down 3 positions in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent .

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 2 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 2 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 2 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

You can request an availability to follow your spouse (spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent) if he finds himself obliged to reside, for professional reasons, in a place far from your administrative residence.

How long is the availability to follow your spouse?

Availability to follow one's Civil partnership or partner is granted for up to 3 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

At the end of a period of up to 3 years, availability is renewable in a period of up to 3 years as long as your Civil partnership or partner remains obliged to reside in a location away from your administrative residence.

How to make your request for availability to follow your spouse?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability to follow your spouse is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is the availability to follow one's spouse remunerated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

However, you can carry out a professional activity, while you are available.

The professional activity may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.

This may be a contract activity in the public service (with an employer administration other than your employer administration as a public servant) or an activity in the private sector.

If the activity is carried out in the private sector, you must inform your employer administration.

This activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

What are the effects on your career of being available to follow your spouse?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.

However, if you are or have been on standby to follow your spouse since september 7, 2018and if you are or have been in a professional activity, you retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for up to 5 years if one of the two conditions is met:

  • If you are in paid employment (in the private or public sector), it represents a working time of at least 600 hours per year
  • If you are self-employed, it provides you with an annual gross income of at least €6,990

If you were on standby to follow your spouse before September 7, 2018, your standby periods were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must submit to your administration the supporting documents for your activity by 31 May of each year following 1er the day you lay off.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Employed activity

You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

Self-employed activity

You must submit the following documents to your administration:

  • Proof of registration of your activity in the National company Register or in theUrssaf: titleContent
  • A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

If the advancement in your rank is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or to the prior exercise of certain functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable in nature or level of responsibility to those jobs and functions.

It's the special status your body which defines the conditions under which this professional activity can be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are not engaged in any other activity or you are engaged in unpaid activity

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).

You are engaged in another paid activity

If you are gainfully employed, you are covered by the social protection scheme of your new occupation.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

However, if you are engaged in another gainful occupation while you are available, you will acquire pension rights from the pension scheme under which that occupation is carried out.

How are you reinstated at the end of availability to follow your spouse?

At least 2 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

In the absence of such a request, you will be removed from the executive ranks on the date of your availability, that is to say, you will lose your status as a public servant.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

If your availability is less than 3 years, you must be reinstated to the 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the proposed job, you are kept on standby until a new job is vacant or created.

If there is no vacancy, you will be kept on standby until you are reinstated and at the latest until 3 positions have been offered to you.

If your availability is more than 3 years, you do not have the right to reinstatement from 1re vacancy in your grade.

However, you are entitled to have 3 positions offered to you within a reasonable period of time from the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you turn down 3 positions in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent .

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 2 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 2 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 2 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

If you hold an approval issued by anAse: titleContent, you can request an availability to go to a Drom: titleContent, a overseas collectivity, in New Caledonia or abroad to adopt one or more children.

How long is the availability for adoption?

Availability for adoption is granted for a maximum of 6 weeks per approval.

No text sets a minimum duration.

How do I request availability for adoption?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Availability for adoption is granted by right, that is, the administration cannot refuse you.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is availability for adoption paid?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

What are the effects of availability for adoption on your career?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

In case of sickness or maternity, you continue to receive daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).


Your period of availability is not taken into account for your retirement.

How are you reinstated upon availability for adoption?

You are reinstated in your previous job, or if this is not possible, in 1re vacancy.

You can request availability for personal convenience.


If you are subject to an undertaking to serve in the Public Service for a minimum period and you plan to exercise, while you are available, a professional activity, whether employed or not, in the private sector, you must have a minimum length of service.

This minimum length of service is set at 4 years since your tenure in the corps for which you made this commitment to serve.

How long is the availability for personal convenience?

Availability for personal convenience is granted for a maximum of 5 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

Availability is renewable up to a maximum of 10 years for your entire career.

However, since march 29, 2019if you spend 5 consecutive years on personal leave, you can only renew your leave if you first return to the public service for at least 18 months.


Accumulation of availability for company creation or takeover with availability for personal convenience cannot exceed 5 years if it is 1re period of availability.

How to make your request for availability for personal convenience?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

Your employer authority can only object to your request for lay-off because of the service requirements or, where appropriate, an opinion delivered by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life.

However, it may require you to respect a period of notice of 3 months before leaving on leave.

If your administration does not reply to your request for lay-off within 2 months of the date of receipt of your request, it shall be deemed to have been accepted.

Is availability for personal convenience compensated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

However, you can carry out a professional activity while you are available.

The professional activity may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.

This may be a contract activity in the public service (with an employer administration other than your employer administration as a public servant) or an activity in the private sector.

If the activity is carried out in the private sector, you must inform your employer administration.

This activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.

What are the effects of availability for personal convenience on your career?


While you are available, you cease to enjoy your rights to advancement in step or grade.

However, if you are or have been on standby for personal convenience since september 7, 2018 and if you are or have been in a professional activity, you retain your rights to advancement in step and grade for up to 5 years if one of the following 2 conditions is met:

  • If you are in paid employment (in the private or public sector), it represents a working time of at least 600 hours per year
  • If you are self-employed, it provides you with an annual gross income of at least €6,990

If you were on personal leave prior to September 7, 2018, your leave periods were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must submit to your administration the supporting documents for your activity by 31 May of each year following 1er the day you lay off.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Employed activity

You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

Self-employed activity

You must submit the following documents to your administration:

  • Proof of registration of your activity in the National company Register or in theUrssaf: titleContent
  • A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.

If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.

If the advancement in your rank is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or to the prior exercise of certain functions, your period of activity may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable in nature or level of responsibility to those jobs and functions.

It's the special status your body which defines the conditions under which this professional activity can be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are not engaged in any other activity or you are engaged in unpaid activity

You continue to benefit, for 1 year, in case of sickness or maternity, daily allowances and reimbursement of your medical expenses.

Your administration pays the per diems.

At the end of the one-year period, you must request the universal disease protection (Puma).

You are engaged in another paid activity

If you are gainfully employed, you are covered by the social protection scheme of your new occupation.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

However, if you are engaged in another gainful occupation while you are available, you will acquire pension rights from the pension scheme under which that occupation is carried out.

How are you reinstated after availability for personal convenience?

At least 2 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

In the absence of such a request, you will be removed from the executive ranks on the date of your availability, that is to say, you will lose your status as a public servant.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

If your availability is less than 3 years, you must be reinstated to the 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the proposed job, you are kept on standby until a new job is vacant or created.

If there is no vacancy, you will be kept on standby until you are reinstated and at the latest until 3 positions have been offered to you.

If your availability is more than 3 years, you do not have the right to reinstatement from 1re vacancy in your grade.

However, you are entitled to have 3 positions offered to you within a reasonable period of time from the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you turn down 3 positions in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent .

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 2 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 2 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 2 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.

You can request availability to create or resume a company.

The proposed activity must be compatible with your functions in the previous 3 years.


If you are subject to a commitment to serve in the public service for a minimum period of time, you must have a minimum period of service.

This minimum length of service is set at 4 years since your tenure in the corps for which you made this commitment to serve.

How long is the availability for company creation or recovery?

Availability to create or take over a company is granted for up to 2 years.

No text sets a minimum duration.

How do I request availability for company creation or takeover?

You must request your lay-off by mail. A template is available:

Request for the lay-off of an official

It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must submit your request in advance.

You must attach to your application the necessary documents justifying the situation that allows you to benefit from availability.

Your employer authority can only object to your request for lay-off because of the service requirements or, where appropriate, an opinion delivered by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life.

However, it may require you to respect a period of notice of 3 months before leaving on leave.

If your administration does not reply to your request for lay-off within 2 months of the date of receipt of your request, it shall be deemed to have been accepted.

You must justify at any time that your situation corresponds to the reasons for which you were granted availability.

The administration may carry out investigations.

Is availability for company creation or takeover remunerated?

You are no longer paid by your employer's administration for the duration of your availability.

What are the effects on your career of being available to start or take over a company?


If you are or have been on standby to create or resume a company since september 7, 2018, you shall retain your rights to advancement in step and grade during your availability.

If you were on standby to create or resume a company before September 7, 2018, your standby periods were not considered for advancement.

In order to retain your rights to advancement in step and grade, you must provide your administration with proof of registration of your activity in the national company register, or in theUrssaf: titleContent.

If the advancement in your rank is subject to the prior occupation of certain jobs or functions, your period of service may be taken into account to fulfill this condition.

Your business must be comparable to those jobs and functions in terms of the nature of the business or the level of responsibility exercised.

It's the special status your body which defines the conditions under which this professional activity can be taken into account.


While you are available, you can no longer take the following holidays:

  • Annual leave and enhanced leave
  • Regular, long-term or long-term sick leave
  • Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis)
  • Maternity or adoption leave
  • Leave for birth or adoption
  • Paternity and childcare leave
  • Vocational training leave
  • Leave for validation of professional experience
  • Skills Check Leave
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for union training
  • Parental Leave
Social protection

You are covered by the social protection scheme of your professional activity.


Your periods of availability are not taken into account for your public servant retirement.

But you acquire pension rights from the pension plan under which you operate.

How are you reinstated when your company is no longer available for creation or recovery?

At least 2 months before the end of your current availability period, you must request renewal of your availability or your reintegration into your original body.

In the absence of such a request, you will be removed from the executive ranks on the date of your availability, that is to say, you will lose your status as a public servant.

If you are seeking reinstatement and your duties require special health conditions, your reinstatement is subject to a medical fitness check by a licensed medical practitioner and, if necessary, by the medical advice.

If you are fit to resume your duties

If your availability is less than 3 years, you must be reinstated to the 1re vacancy in your grade.

If you refuse the proposed job, you are kept on standby until a new job is vacant or created.

If there is no vacancy, you will be kept on standby until you are reinstated and at the latest until 3 positions have been offered to you.

If your availability is more than 3 years, you do not have the right to reinstatement from 1re vacancy in your grade.

However, you are entitled to have 3 positions offered to you within a reasonable period of time from the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you turn down 3 positions in succession, you can be dismissed after the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent .

If you are kept on leave because there is no vacant job, you are considered to be involuntarily deprived of employment until your reintegration, provided that you have requested your reintegration at least 2 months in advance.

If you have not applied for reinstatement at least 2 months in advance, you are not considered to be involuntarily unemployed until 2 months after the date of your application for reinstatement.

If you're unfit

If you are unfit to resume your previous duties, you are reclassified on a job adapted to your state of health or office availability or, in the event of permanent incapacity for the performance of any duties, retired.