Custom Battery Allowance (Apa)
Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
You can, under conditions of age and loss of autonomy, obtain theApa: titleContent. The Apa is used to pay (in whole or in part) for expenses necessary to stay at your home (Apa at home), or the dependency rate of the medical-social institution (example: Ehpad: titleContent) where you live (Apa in an establishment).
At home
The Apa is used to pay (in whole or in part) the expenses necessary to allow you to stay at home.
It is paid by the department's services.
Video: What is the Apa?
Vidéo - CNSA - Apa
Lucien feels difficulties in his daily tasks. He applies for an APA (personalized autonomy allowance). A professional from the departmental council comes to assess his needs and his situation at home.
You must meet the following conditions:
Age condition
You must be at least 60 years old.
Condition of loss of autonomy
You must be in a situation of loss of autonomy (need help to perform everyday acts, or health condition requiring constant supervision).
The loss of autonomy is measured using the grid Act: titleContent. This grid defines several degrees of loss of autonomy, ranging from Gir 1 (greatest loss of autonomy) to Gir 6 (smallest loss of autonomy).
Only the person classified as Gir 1, Gir 2, Gir 3, or Gir 4 can get the Apa.
Residence requirement
You must be a stable and regular resident of France:
- Either at your home
- Or at the home of a person who is hosting you
- Either at a family friendly
- Either in a self-contained residence (formerly called home)
If you are a foreigner, you must have a residence card or a residence permit.
Benefits not cumulable with the Apa
The Apa cannot be combined with the following:
- Simple allocation social assistance for the elderly
- Aid from pension funds
- Financial assistance to compensate a home help
- Disability Compensation Benefit (DCP)
- Surcharge for constant assistance from a third party
- Third-party recourse top-up benefit (PCRTP). However, the person who is the recipient of the PCRTP can file an Apa application in order to then be able to choose between these two allocations the one which suits him best.
Depending on your department, you can apply online or with a form.
To find out, enter your state number or postal code:
How do I apply for assisted living at home based on my department of residence?
If you have changed your department for less than 3 months, or if you live in a self-contained residence, or if you live with a family-friendly host, you must apply at your former residence.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
If your department allows online inquiry, you must use the following online service:
With a form
If your department allows you to apply with a form, you must use the cerfa n°16301:
You must provide the following proof:
- Photocopy of your identity card (front and back), passport or family booklet, or, if you are a foreigner outside EU, EEE and Switzerland, photocopy of your valid residence card or residence permit
- Photocopy of your last income tax or non-income tax notice
- Bank identity statement (Rib)
- Address voucher or address for service (if you are homeless)
- Photocopy of your last property tax assessment notice (in some cases)
- Annual Life Insurance Statement (in some cases)
- Medical certificate (in some departments)
Please note
the Apa application package also allows for a simplified application to be made by Mobility Inclusion Card (CMI).
Department services have 10 days to acknowledge receipt of your file. If your file is incomplete, the department services will ask you for the missing documents.
If your situation is of a medical or social emergency nature (change in health status, social environment...), the flat-rate Apa can be assigned to you urgently and temporarily. It's from €971.75.
To find out what you need to do, ask the department's services.
Assessment of loss of autonomy
Once your file is complete, a professional from your department's medical and social services team (EMS) travels to your home.
During this visit, the professional determines your degree of loss of autonomy based on the grid Act: titleContent. This grid defines several degrees of loss of autonomy, ranging from Gir 1 (greatest loss of range) to Gir 6 (least loss of range).
The professional also assesses your situation and your needs. If necessary, it also assesses the situation and needs of your caregiver.
Video: How is autonomy evaluated?
Vidéo - CNSA - Autonomy Evaluation
Video title: How is autonomy evaluated?
Description: In her living room, Jacqueline plays cards with her daughter, Sophie. On his perch, Coco, Jacqueline's parrot.
Voice-over: Sophie applied for an APA for her mother, Jacqueline. The APA is the custom autonomy allowance.
Image Description: 'APA' is displayed in the image. Someone's knocking on the door.
Voice-over: Valentin, a professional of the departmental council, comes to make a visit to assess the needs of the situation and Jacqueline. It will also assess its level of autonomy, called the GIR. It does this by using the evaluation grid common to all departments.
Description: From documents in hand, Valentin asks Jacqueline questions, under the attentive gaze of the parrot. They are successively in 3 different rooms: the bathroom, the kitchen, and the bedroom.
Voice-over: There are 6 GIRs.
Image Description: Range 'GIR 1, 2, 3, 4' appears in the image, followed by an arrow and the 'APA'
Voice-over: If you are in GIR1, GIR2, 3 or 4, you need a lot of help in everyday life. You are therefore entitled to have the APA to cover all or part of the costs.
Description of the image: Previous entries are cleared and replaced by:
‘GIR 5, 6 ‘ followed by an arrow of ‘Pension Fund’
Voice-over: If you are in GIR 5 or GIR 6, you can eventually get help from your pension fund.
Description: Valentin says goodbye to Jacqueline and Sophie, as well as to the parrot who greets her with her wing. Everybody smiles.
Voice-over: Isn't that Coco?
Proposal of the medical and social team (EMS)
The response to your request depends on your degree of loss of autonomy, as assessed by the medical and social team (EMS) professional.
the loss of autonomy is evaluated on the basis of the grid Act: titleContent. This grid defines several degrees of loss of autonomy, ranging from Gir 1 (greatest loss of range) to Gir 6 (least loss of range).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You are classified as Gir 1, Gir 2, Gir 3 or Gir 4
The EMS professional offers you a help plan.
The aid plan may provide, for example, for the following benefits:
- Remuneration of a home care worker or a family friendly
- Aid for transport, delivery of meals
- Technical aids and housing adaptation measures
- Temporary reception (in an institution or host family)
The amount of the APA you receive may cover all or part of the aid provided for in the aid plan.
The EMS professional may also recommend other support measures (for the purpose of prevention or support to your caregivers) not supported by the Apa.
You have 10 days to accept the proposed aid plan or to request changes.
You are classified as Gir 5 or Gir 6
You can't get the Apa at home.
But you can ask for help from your pension fund.
Award decision
after the staff of the medical-social team have proposed a plan of help, you have 10 days to accept it or to request modifications.
The allocation of the Apa is granted by the department. The department's decision is yours notified after your acceptance of the aid plan.
Please note
the decision of the department must be made within 2 months of the date of receipt of your application file (complete).
Maximum Monthly Amount
The Home Apa cannot exceed a maximum monthly amount, which depends on your Gir: titleContent :
if the Home Apa is less than €34.96No, it's not paid.
Surcharge in the case of a necessary caregiver
Surcharge for respite devices for the caregiver
The maximum monthly amount may be increased if the caregiver He needs a break.
To do this, the caregiver must be indispensable. This is the case when the following 2 conditions are met:
- You would be in danger without the supervision of the caregiver
- No other person (except a professional) can replace the caregiver
This increase is used to finance respite arrangements (day care, temporary accommodation, etc.).
The maximum amount of the increase shall be fixed for one year at €548.54.
Surcharge in case of hospitalization of the caregiver
The maximum monthly amount may be increased on an ad hoc basis in the case of hospitalization of the caregiver .
To do this, the caregiver must be indispensable. This is the case when the following 2 conditions are met:
- You would be in danger without the supervision of the caregiver
- No other person (except a professional) can replace the caregiver
This increase is used to finance relay solutions (home help, temporary help, etc.).
The maximum amount of the mark-up is €1,089.81 by hospitalization.
Financial contribution of the beneficiary
The Home Apa is the amount of the portion of the assistance plan you use, minus any amount remaining at your expense (also known as your financial contribution).
This amount depends on your income and the amount of your assistance plan.
Conditions for payment
The Apa is paid to you as follows:
- The part used to pay regular aid is paid every month.
The 1er Payment shall be made in the month following the month in which the award decision is taken and shall include payment of the Apa due from the date on which the rights are paid. - The part used to pay for technical aids, accommodation adaptation and temporary reception or respite-at-home services may be paid on a one-off basis.
- The part used to pay a home-based employee, a foster family or an authorized home help service may be paid in the form of a Cesu pre-financed.
Exceptions are possible:
- Part of the Apa can be paid directly to the home care service you have chosen.
- A portion can be paid directly to the person or organization that provides you with technical assistance, arranges the accommodation or provides temporary reception or respite at home.
Payment of the Home Apa may be suspended in any of the following cases:
- If you do not report your home care worker or your host family, within one month of notification Apa attribution. To make this declaration to the department services, you must use the form cerfa no. 10544.
- If you do not provide the proof of expenses requested by the department, within one month following this request
- If you don't pay your participation
- If the medico-social team finds that the service provided is not the one prescribed or that it poses a risk to your health, safety or physical or moral well-being
- If you are hospitalized for more than 30 days. Suspension starts on 31e day of hospitalization.
Repayment of overpayment
If the amount of Apa you receive is in fact not due to you (in whole or in part), you must refund it. This refund shall be made:
- Or by monthly deductions from the amount of future allowances (up to a maximum of 20 % of the monthly amount of the allowance)
- Or, if you can no longer receive the Apa because your situation has changed, in one or more installments
Overpayment of an amount less than or equal to €34.96 You're not being asked.
Recovery from succession
After the death of the elderly person, the amount of the Apa that he received is not to be refunded. This amount is therefore not recoverable from the estate, nor from a legatee, a donee, or a beneficiary of a life insurance contract.
Within one month of notification of the award decision, you must fill out the cerfa form n°10544, indicating the employee(s) hired or the home help service you use.
Declaring a Custom Autonomy Allowance
This form must then be sent to the department's services.
if your situation changes (move, hospitalization, change of family situation or employee, change of your income...), you must report this change to the department's services.
You can request a reassessment of your needs (revision of your assistance plan and accordingly of the amount of your Apa), in case of modification:
- Either your personal or financial situation
- The personal situation of your caregiver
This request may be made:
- Either by yourself
- Either by your legal representative
- Either by a caregiver
Depending on the circumstances, your application may be considered either urgently or within the time limits set for a 1re request.
To find out how to apply, please contact:
General case
In Paris
Who shall I contact
You can challenge any decision regarding the Apa: denial of award, proposed amount, suspension of payment or reduction of its amount.
You have to go to a friendly remedy first and then you can go to a litigation remedy.
Compulsory prior administrative appeal (Rapo)
If you challenge a decision on the Apa, you can make a compulsory prior administrative appeal by contacting the department by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
You must make this appeal within 2 months of notification of the decision you are challenging.
Who shall I contact
You can appeal the decision made under the compulsory prior administrative appeal.
To do this, you must file a contentious appeal before the administrative court.
Who shall I contact
You must make this appeal within 2 months of the notification of the decision you are challenging.
Then, if you wish, you can challenge the decision of the administrative tribunal by a appeal to the Council of State.
In an establishment
If you are housed in a medical-social institution (for example, a Ehpad: titleContent or USLD: titleContent), theApa: titleContent covers part of the dependency rate set by the establishment.
There are a number of conditions. They are related to age, loss of independence, residence and income.
Age condition
You must be at least 60 years old.
Condition of loss of autonomy
You must be in a situation of loss of autonomy (need help to perform everyday acts, or health condition requiring constant supervision).
The loss of autonomy is measured using the grid Act: titleContent. This grid defines several degrees of loss of autonomy, ranging from Gir 1 (greatest loss of autonomy) to Gir 6 (smallest loss of autonomy).
Only the person classified as Gir 1, Gir 2, Gir 3, or Gir 4 can get the Apa.
Residence requirement
Your host institution must be located in France and accommodate at least 25 dependent elderly people. If this establishment has less, you must ask the Apa at home.
Non-cumulative revenue with Apa
The Apa cannot be combined with the following:
- Simple allocation social assistance for the elderly
- Aid from pension funds
- Financial assistance to compensate a home help
- Disability Compensation Benefit (DCP)
- Surcharge for constant assistance from a third party
- Third-party recourse top-up benefit (PCRTP). However, the person who is the recipient of the PCRTP can file an Apa application in order to then be able to choose between these two allocations the one which suits him best.
Once you have chosen the establishment where you will be staying (Ehpad: titleContent or USLD: titleContent), you will have to ask the management of this establishment for instructions.
Please note
the on-site staff can assist you with your Apa request.
If your situation is urgent of a medical or social nature (change in health status, social environment, etc.), the flat-rate Apa can be assigned to you urgently and temporarily.
To find out what to do, ask your department:
Your request is then considered. It's a question of how much you lose autonomy. This assessment is made by the host institution.
If, at the end of the assessment, you are categorized as one of the groups 1 to 4 of grid Act: titleContentHowever, you can get the Apa in an institution.
The Apa is then due to you from the date of submission of your complete application file.
the award decision shall be taken by the department's departments. The department's services must make their decision within 2 months of receiving your complete application file.
The Apa is used to pay the dependency tariff the host establishment charges you.
But, depending on your income, the Apa may not cover the entire dependency tariff. In this case, a financial contribution stay at your charge.
Conditions for payment
The 1er payment shall take place in the month following that of the award decision.
The allowance is paid to you each month, no later than the 10th of the month to which it relates.
The Apa is paid directly to the institution or, if you request it, to your bank account.
Emergency allocation
In the event of a certified medical or social emergency, you can receive the Apa on a temporary basis, for a maximum of 2 months from the date of filing the application.
In this case, you receive an advance equal to half of the dependency tariff whether your host institution charges a resident classified in Gir 1 or Gir 2 of the grid Act: titleContent. This advance will be withdrawn from the Apa amounts that will be paid to you afterwards.
Repayment of overpayment
If the amount of Apa you receive is in fact not due to you (in whole or in part), you must refund it. This refund shall be made:
- Or by monthly deductions from the amount of future allowances (up to a maximum of 20 % of the monthly amount of the allowance)
- Or, if you can no longer receive the Apa because your situation has changed, in one or more installments
Overpayment of an amount less than or equal to €34.96 You're not being asked.
Recovery from succession
After the death of the elderly person, the amount of the Apa that he received is not to be refunded. This amount is therefore not recoverable from the estate, nor from a legatee, a donee, or a beneficiary of a life insurance contract.
You can request a reassessment of your needs (revision of your assistance plan and accordingly of the amount of your Apa), in case of modification:
- Either your personal or financial situation
- The personal situation of your caregiver
This request may be made:
- Either by yourself
- Either by your legal representative
- Either by a caregiver
Depending on the circumstances, your application may be considered either urgently or within the time limits set for a 1re request.
To find out how to apply, please contact:
General case
In Paris
Who shall I contact
You can challenge any decision regarding the Apa: denial of award, proposed amount, suspension of payment or reduction of its amount.
You have to go to a friendly remedy first and then you can go to a litigation remedy.
Compulsory prior administrative appeal (Rapo)
If you challenge a decision on the Apa, you can make a compulsory prior administrative appeal by contacting the department by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
You must make this appeal within 2 months of notification of the decision you are challenging.
Who shall I contact
You can appeal the decision made under the compulsory prior administrative appeal.
To do this, you must file a contentious appeal before the administrative court.
Who shall I contact
You must make this appeal within 2 months of the notification of the decision you are challenging.
Then, if you wish, you can challenge the decision of the administrative tribunal by a appeal to the Council of State.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
General principles
Conditions of award
Application processing (Apa at home)
Investigation procedure and conditions for payment
Help plan surcharge (Apa at home)
Maximum amount (Apa at home)
Periodic review (Article L232-14) - Amicable remedy (Article L232-20) - Non recovery from succession (L232-19)
Suspension Apa at home (L232-22) - Non-cumulative income with Apa (L232-23)
Revision on request (R232-28)
Model Application File and List of Supporting Documents (Home and Institutional Apa)
Litigation: Article L134-2 paragraph 1
Online service
Online service
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)