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Seniors: financial assistance to pay for a home care worker
Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Do you have trouble doing certain everyday things? You can get financial assistance (called household help) to remunerate a person (called home help) who will come to your home to do some household chores (for example, help with meals, cleaning, laundry). To do this, you must meet age and resource requirements. We present you with the information you need to know.
What applies to you ?
The tasks supported depend on your needs.
These are tasks performed by an authorized Help Desk, such as:
- Cleaning your home
- Maintenance of laundry
- Preparation of meals on site.
The help to perform the toilet is generally reserved for persons with a great loss of autonomy, and who can therefore claim to be the Apa.
Video: Activities for which you can be helped at home
Video: Finding a Home Help Service
Vidéo - CNSA - Find a Home Help Service
Annie helps Jean-Paul, her disabled husband, especially for the toilet in the morning. She can no longer reconcile everything between helping her husband and his activities. Together, they decided to call on a home support service to allow Annie to continue doing her own activities.
The duration of the presence of the person working at your home is determined by your department. This duration varies according to your needs. But it cannot exceed 30 hours per month (or 48 hours if each member of the couple is entitled to this assistance).
You must meet conditions of loss of autonomy, resources and age.
Condition of loss of autonomy
You may have difficulty performing the main household tasks. And a home health worker should help you stay at home.
If you meet the conditions for personalized home support allowance (Apa), you shall receive the aid provided for in this framework. They are not stackable with home care benefits.
Resource Condition
The rules are different depending on whether you live alone or in pairs :
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You live alone
If you live alone, you are entitled to the home help offered by your department if your monthly resources (excluding housing assistance) are less than €1,034.28 per month.
If you do not meet this resource requirement, but you are retired, check with your pension fund. Maybe she can give you a housekeeper. Indeed, pension funds are authorized to determine themselves their rules for allocating financial assistance to remunerate home help, the amounts paid, the duration of presence of the home help.
You live as a couple
If you live as a couple, you are entitled to the home help offered by your department if your couple's monthly resources (excluding housing assistance) are less than €1,605.73 per month.
If you do not meet this resource requirement, but you are retired, check with your pension fund. Maybe she can give you a housekeeper. Indeed, pension funds are authorized to determine themselves their rules for allocating financial assistance to remunerate home help, the amounts paid, the duration of presence of the home help.
Age condition
You are entitled to the home help offered by your department:
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General case
From the age of 65.
If you do not meet this age requirement, but you are retired, check with your pension fund. Maybe she can give you a housekeeper. Indeed, pension funds are authorized to determine themselves their rules for allocating financial assistance to remunerate home help, the amounts paid, the duration of presence of the home help.
You're deemed unfit for work
From the age of 60.
If you do not meet this age requirement, but you are retired, check with your pension fund. Maybe she can give you a housekeeper. Indeed, pension funds are authorized to determine themselves their rules for allocating financial assistance to remunerate home help, the amounts paid, the duration of presence of the home help.
To obtain the home help paid by your department, you must apply to your city council (CCAS: titleContent).
General case
In Paris
Who shall I contact
The aid financed by the Department shall be paid:
- Either directly to the authorized home help service, provided that he is entitled to social assistance,
- Either yourself, if you prefer to call on an employee whom you employ yourself.
This aid cannot be combined with the Apa.
A financial contribution may be requested.
The financial assistance to pay for a home help that is paid by your department is an advance, repayable after death, on your estate. Reimbursement is only made if the estate exceeds €46,000.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
Age condition
Dependency condition, resource conditions, duration of intervention
Recovery from succession
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National old-age insurance fund