Apa: How much is your co-payment?

Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Personalized Autonomy Allowance (Apa) is awarded under conditions of age and loss of autonomy.

One financial contribution can be left at your expense, depending on the amount of your resources and the amount of aid plan.

To determine the amount of your resources, some income is taken into account, others are excluded.

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Apa at home

You're alone
Calculation of the share of your dependent remainder
Tableau - Share of your co-payments according to your resources

Amount of your monthly resources

Share of your co-payments

Up to €877.90


Greater than €877.90 and up to €3,233.10

Your co-payments gradually vary from 0% to 90% of the amount of the aid plan

Greater than €3,233.10

Remains chargeable equal to 90 % of the amount of the aid plan used

Calculating the amount of your resources
Tableau - Determine your resources: revenue included or excluded

Revenues considered for the allocation of the Apa

Excluded income

  • Reported income on last tax or non-tax notice
  • Proceeds from financial investments subject to the final withholding tax (e.g. treasury bills)
  • Property (excluding principal residence)
  • Capital neither exploited nor invested
  • Accident at work Reimbursement of sickness, maternity, invalidity, child care or health care universal health protection (Puma)
  • ALF: titleContent or SLA: titleContent or APL: titleContent
  • Moving allowance
  • Accident at work Capital allowance, rehabilitation bonus and honor loan paid to the victim of a
  • Defrayal of funeral expenses by the CPAM: titleContent accident at work in case of death
  • Death Capital
  • Life annuities constituted to protect you against the risk of loss of autonomy (constituted by one or more of your children, or by yourself, or by your spouse)
  • Financial contributions of your children for your care related to the loss of autonomy
  • Veteran's recognition allowance and honorary pensions
You're married, past, common-law
Calculation of the share of your dependent remainder
Tableau - Share of your co-payments according to your resources

Amount of your monthly resources

Share of your co-payments

Up to €877.90


Greater than €877.90 and up to €3,233.10

Your co-payments gradually vary from 0% to 90% of the amount of the aid plan

Greater than €3,233.10

Remains chargeable equal to 90 % of the amount of the aid plan used

Calculating the amount of your resources
Tableau - Determine your resources: revenue included or excluded

Your couple's income taken into account for the allocation of the Apa

Excluded income of your couple

Reported income on last tax or non-tax notice

Accident at work Reimbursement of sickness, maternity, invalidity, child care or health care universal health protection (Puma)

Proceeds from financial investments subject to the final withholding tax (e.g. treasury bills)

ALF: titleContent or SLA: titleContent or APL: titleContent

Property (excluding principal residence)

Moving allowance

Capital neither exploited nor invested

Accident at work Capital allowance, rehabilitation bonus and honor loan paid to the victim of a

Defrayal of funeral expenses by the CPAM: titleContent accident at work in case of death

Death Capital

Life annuities constituted to protect yourself or your couple against the risk of loss of autonomy (constituted by one or more of your children, or by yourself, or by the person with whom you live)

Financial contributions of your children for your care related to the loss of autonomy

Veteran's recognition allowance and honorary pensions

The amount of your monthly resources are divided the total of your couple's monthly income taken into account for the allocation of Apa by 1.7.

Example :

The total of monthly income of your couple considered for the allocation of the Apa is €3,400.

The amount of your monthly resources is divided by €3,400 by 1.7.

The amount of your monthly resources is €2,000.

Institutional Apa

You're alone
Remains chargeable on the Ehpad dependency rate

TheEhpad: titleContent which hosts you charges you a dependency tariff.

If you are entitled to the Apa, this assistance pays part of that rate. The other part is left to you.

Tableau - Dependency rate charged by the Ehpad: amount remaining at your expense

Amount of your monthly resources

Dependency Price List Amount

remaining at your expense

Up to €2,676.09

Dependency RateEhpad: titleContent for Gir 5 and GIR 6

Greater than €2,676.09 and up to €4,117.06

Ehpad dependency rate for Gir 5 and Gir 6, plus an amount ranging from 0% to 80% of the difference between the Ehpad dependency rate for your Gir and the Ehpad dependency rate for Gir 5 and Gir 6

Greater than €4,117.06

Ehpad dependency rate for Gir 5 and Gir 6, plus 80% of the difference between the Ehpad dependency rate for your Gir and the Ehpad dependency rate for Gir 5 and Gir 6

To estimate your co-payments, you can ask the host institution, in particular to find out what the dependency rate is.

Tableau - Determine your resources: revenue included or excluded

Included income

for the allocation of Apa

Excluded income

Your declared income on the last tax or non-tax notice

Accident at work Reimbursement of sickness, maternity, invalidity, child care or health care universal health protection (Puma)

Proceeds from financial investments subject to the final withholding tax (e.g. treasury bills)

ALF: titleContent or SLA: titleContent or APL: titleContent

Your property (excluding main residence)

Moving allowance

Your capital neither exploited nor invested

Accident at work Capital allowance, rehabilitation bonus and honor loan paid to the victim of a

Defrayal of funeral expenses by the CPAM: titleContent accident at work in case of death

Death Capital

Life annuities constituted to protect you against the risk of loss of autonomy (constituted by one or more of your children, or by yourself, or by your spouse)

Financial contributions of your children for your care related to the loss of autonomy

Veteran's recognition allowance and honorary pensions

Estimate the rest of the charge on all Ehpad rates

In addition to dependency tariff, theEhpad: titleContent invoice one accommodation rate.

You may be given assistance to help you pay the accommodation rate (including housing allowance and social assistance for accommodation).

To find out your dependant allowance, net of public subsidies (AAA and housing subsidies), you can use this simulator:

Éhpad Directory and Price Comparator and Charges

You're married, past, common-law
Remains chargeable on the Ehpad dependency rate

TheEhpad: titleContent which hosts you charges you a dependency tariff.

If you are entitled to the Apa, this assistance pays part of that rate. The other part is left to you.

Tableau - Dependency rate charged by the Ehpad: amount remaining at your expense

Amount of your monthly resources

Dependency Price List Amount

remaining at your expense

Up to €2,676.09

Dependency RateEhpad: titleContent for Gir 5 and GIR 6

Greater than €2,676.09 and up to €4,117.06

Ehpad dependency rate for Gir 5 and Gir 6, plus an amount ranging from 0% to 80% of the difference between the Ehpad dependency rate for your Gir and the Ehpad dependency rate for Gir 5 and Gir 6

Greater than €4,117.06

Ehpad dependency rate for Gir 5 and Gir 6, plus 80% of the difference between the Ehpad dependency rate for your Gir and the Ehpad dependency rate for Gir 5 and Gir 6

To estimate your co-payments, you can ask the host institution, in particular to find out what the dependency rate is.

Tableau - Determine your resources: revenue included or excluded

Your couple's income

taken into account

for the allocation of Apa

Excluded income of your couple

Reported income on last tax or non-tax notice

Accident at work Reimbursement of sickness, maternity, invalidity, child care or health care universal health protection (Puma)

Proceeds from financial investments subject to the final withholding tax (e.g. treasury bills)

ALF: titleContent or SLA: titleContent or APL: titleContent

Property (excluding principal residence)

Moving allowance

Capital neither exploited nor invested

Accident at work Capital allowance, rehabilitation bonus and honor loan paid to the victim of a

Defrayal of funeral expenses by the CPAM: titleContent accident at work in case of death

Death Capital

Life annuities set up to protect yourself or your couple against the risk of losing their autonomy (set up by one or more of your children, or by yourself, or by the person with whom you live)

Financial contributions of your children for your care related to the loss of autonomy

Veteran's recognition allowance and honorary pensions

The amount of your monthly resources are divided the total of your couple's monthly income taken into account for the allocation of Apa by 2.

Example :

The total of monthly income of your couple considered for the allocation of the Apa is €3,400.

The amount of your monthly resources is divided by €3,400 by 2

The amount of your monthly resources is €1,700.

Estimate the rest of the charge on all Ehpad rates

In addition to dependency tariff, theEhpad: titleContent invoice one accommodation rate.

You may be given assistance to help you pay the accommodation rate (including housing allowance and social assistance for accommodation).

To find out your dependant allowance, net of public subsidies (AAA and housing subsidies), you can use this simulator:

Éhpad Directory and Price Comparator and Charges

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