What is the Third-Party Complementary Benefit (TPCB)?

Verified 01 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The Third-Party Assistance Benefit (TAPB) is an amount intended to provide assistance to help you perform ordinary everyday activities (such as getting dressed, getting up and sitting). We are here to provide you with the information you need to know about the PCRTP.


The PCRTP has replaced, since 2013, third-party mark-up (TPM).

The purpose of the PCRTP is to enable a person who is disabled or dependent as a result of a accident at work or a occupational disease (AT-MP), to maintain her independence and quality of life by compensating for the costs of the daily assistance she needs

You can collect it, subject to conditions.

Accident at work The PCRTP allows for an increase in your pension.

The amount varies according to your support needs.

You can benefit from the PCRTP if you complete the 3 conditions following:

  • You're touching a permanent incapacity pension linked to a accident at work or a occupational disease (AT-MP)
  • Your permanent disability rate is 80% minimum
  • You need the assistance of a third party, because your inability prevents you from doing it alone at least 3 ordinary daily actions (or if neuropsychological disorders are a danger to you or others)

It is the medical officer of the social security organization you depend on (CPAM or MSA) who determines, based on a grid of 10 ordinary acts of everyday life, whether you need the assistance of a third person.

This grid allows the user to evaluate whether or not you can perform the following actions alone :

  • Get up and go to bed
  • Rise from a seat and sit there
  • Moving around in your accommodation, including wheelchairs
  • Settle in and out of your wheelchair
  • Get up if you fall
  • Leave your home in case of danger
  • Dress and strip completely
  • Eating and drinking
  • Go urinating and bowel movements without help
  • Put on your orthopedic device (if necessary)

The medical officer determines the number of procedures for which you need assistance.

In principle, you don't have to go through a process. CPAM or AMM will directly determine whether you are entitled to the PCRTP.

But if you were already entitled to the third-party mark-up (TPM) as of February 28, 2013, and you're still collecting it, you can opt for the CPRP.

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You depend on CPAM

You can send your request to him, at any time.

Who shall I contact

You depend on the MSA

You can send your request to him, at any time.

Who shall I contact

As the method of calculating the PCRTP differs from that of the MTP, the CPAM or the MSA reserves its decision on the basis of the amounts obtained, under the following conditions:

  • If the amount of the PCRTP you are entitled to is less than or equal to the amount of the PCRTP you collect, you keep the PCRTP.
  • If the amount of the calculated PCRTP is greater than the MTP, you collect the PCRTP instead of the MTP.

You can challenge the decision of your Social Security organization within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt.

The entitlement date for the PCRTP is 1er day of the month in which the application is lodged.

The amount of your PCRTP varies depending on the number of ordinary everyday acts that you cannot perform alone, under the following conditions:

Tableau - Amount of additional benefit paid according to your support needs

Number of acts requiring assistance from a third party

Amount of the additional benefit

3 or 4


5 or 6


At least 7 (or if you have a neuropsychological disorder that is dangerous to you or others)


Date of first payment

The first installment of the PCRTP takes effect as follows:

  • On the same date as the annuity (if simultaneously granted)
  • On the date of the annuity revision (when it is granted on the occasion of a change in your rate of permanent disability)
  • From the day on which the victim's doctor becomes aware of the inability to perform the ordinary acts of life
  • On the date of filing the application for benefit, if the incapacity is established by the medical officer, without prior examination by the victim's doctor

If the PCRTP is due in the course of a month, the amount shall be calculated proportionately.

The PCRTP is paid by the CPAM: titleContent.

Change in amount

If the number of acts that you cannot do alone increases or decreases, the PCRTP can be revised downward or upward.

In the event of a reduction, the new amount of the benefit shall take effect from 1er the day of the month following the month in which you were informed of this decision (by any means necessary to determine the date of receipt of the notification from the fund).

In the event of an increase, the new amount of the benefit shall take effect on one of the following dates:

  • On the date of notification of the revised annuity
  • After your doctor has noted the increase in the need for a third party, on the date of the medical certificate
  • After review by the medical officer, on the date of filing of the application for a CPRP increase

Suspension of payment

If you are hospitalized, your PCRTP is paid until the last day of calendar month following the one in which you were hospitalized. Payment of the benefit is suspended until the date of discharge from the hospital.

Remittance End Date

If you no longer meet the eligibility criteria, your PCRTP will no longer be paid as of 1er the day of the month following the month in which you are informed of this decision.

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