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Can the Apa or PCH be used to pay an employee or family caregiver?
Verified 01 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The spouse, common-law partner, Civil partnership partner, ascendant, descendant or collateral to the 4th degree of the disabled person as well as ascendant, descendant or collateral to the 4th degree of the other member of the couple.
Marriage, Civil partnerships or cohabitation (common-law)
An organization (or company) that provides personal services as the employer of employees working in your home
Organization (or company) that offers services to the person and help with the procedures (recruitment...). You remain the employer of the employees working in your home.
The need for human aid can be recognized in the following three areas: essential acts of existence, regular supervision and additional costs linked to the exercise of a professional activity or elected office.
Link by which the employer exercises his power of direction over the employee: power to issue orders, to control their execution and to penalize the improper execution of orders.
Are you receiving a personalized independent living allowance (AAL) or disability compensation benefit (DCH)? You want to use these aids to pay a home help (in direct employment or through a service provider) or to compensate a family caregiver ? We are taking stock of the regulations.
What applies to you ?
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You touch the Apa
L'Apa: titleContent can be used to pay home help or pay a service provider.
You can pay any person as a home care worker, unless that person is person you live with as a couple.
This person will then be employed as a home care worker and you become an individual employer.
Your steps to declare salaries to the Urssaf must be done through the Declarative Cesu.
You can also pay a fee with the Apa service provider an approved home care worker (an association or company of personal services).
In this case you pay an invoice to the supplier.
You are not an employer.
You're touching PCH
You can use the PCH: titleContent to pay a home care worker, pay a service provider or to compensate a family caregiver.
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You hire a home care worker
You can hire directly an employee or call on a representative body.
You can not hire one of the following:
- Person you live with as a couple
- Your father or your mother
- Your children
- Retired person
- Person engaged in a full-time professional activity
However, you can hire a family member, including the person you live with as a couple, if your medical condition requires total aid for most essential daily activities and a constant or quasi-constant presence.
By hiring the employee, you become an individual employer.
Your steps to declare salaries to the Urssaf must be done through the Declarative Cesu.
You hire the employee directly
The amount of the human aid for paying home help is €17.35 per hour.
This amount may vary depending on the care provided to the employer with a disability.
You're using an agency
The amount of human aid is €19.09 per hour.
This amount shall be indexed to the pay scale provided for in the national collective agreement for individual employers and homeworkers.
You pay for service
You can thanks to the PCH: titleContent, pay a service provider an approved home care worker (an association or company of personal services).
The rate of the human aid to compensate the home care worker is €23.50 per hour.
This rate may vary depending on the agreement between the department and this home help service.
In this case, as you pay an invoice to the provider, you are not an individual employer.
You compensate a family caregiver
You can use the PCH: titleContent to compensate a family caregiverhe who cannot be paid for home help (e.g. retired person or person you live with as a couple).
The latter must not have any subordinate relationship with the disabled person.
This compensation is a sum of money and not a salary.
Its amount shall be calculated on the basis of 50% of the Net hourly minimum for family jobs, or €4.59 the time or €6.89 if the family caregiver reduces or abandons his or her professional activity.
Who can help me?
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Definition of the caregiver of a person with a disability
Definition of the caregiver of an elderly person (Article L113-1-3)
Possibility of using the Apa to employ a caregiver except the person with whom you live as a couple (article L232-7)
Use of the PCH to compensate or compensate the family caregiver (L245-3 and L245-12)
Definition of caregiver (R245-7), use of PCH to pay caregivers (D245-8)
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)